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fact vs bible??

I asked this question in work but cant get an answer from the christan or muslim people here.

If in the bible god created man and woman and the world where does the dinosaus and evolution come into it?? My muslim friend asked a few of her family who said they beleived in dinasaus but not the evolution theory and the same for my christian friend...

Any care to shed light on muslim and christian, catholic views for me?


Lord of the Badgers
Some will talk to you of leviation and behemoth and say these are dinosaurs, others will tell you that dinosaurs were on Noahs Ark but were all vegetarian and then all died shortly after they got off.

The bible was written in a time when dinosaurs were unknown, therefore they weren't mentioned in it, simple as that. Its one of the shortfalls of the book, there's no explaining it in any religious context.


I don't believe the Bible was ever intended to be a total history of the world. It's just a guide.

In the end, does it matter where dinosaurs and evolution 'fit in'? The point of being a Christian is that you believe Jesus came and died to save us. That really has nothing to do with when the dinosaurs were alive.
I agree with Dinogrrl. The bible was not ment to be taken word for word. It was ment to be a guide, such as the the 10 commandments, and beatitudes. I am catholic so take this with a grain of salt all those Chrisitans out there who take the bible word for word. I have read the bible and beleive all of it; the death of Jesus, ressurection and all that good stuff. The bible is a piece of history. Agreed? Agreed. And everyone knows that history is HISTORY LIKE THE BIBLE IS ONLY WHAT WAS DECIDED TO BE WRITTEN DOWN.



Yup. Only the victors write the history of the war.

And in this case, humans are the 'evolutionary victors'. And we did write quite a few interesting histories of our 'war' to get here. :}


Veteran Member
Premium Member

This is the same controversy we had 400+ years ago: "The Bible says the Earth is the center of the universe and immovable." vs. "Telescopes show the Sun is the center of a planetary system of which Earth is but one, circling the sun."

I expect the history will be the same. Public opinion will eventually coincide with the preponderance of evidence.


Well-Known Member
Seyorni said:

This is the same controversy we had 400+ years ago: "The Bible says the Earth is the center of the universe and immovable." vs. "Telescopes show the Sun is the center of a planetary system of which Earth is but one, circling the sun."

I expect the history will be the same. Public opinion will eventually coincide with the preponderance of evidence.
Y`know I missed that whole Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, debate all those years ago.

I often wonder which side I would have been on.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's always sobering to wonder what current ideas and customs people will find absurd a century or ten from now.


New Member
idk if anyone mentioned this but not everything in the bible is a literal truth, hence the nowas ark story, even ask a nun, its not true. And the story of genisis isnt an actual truth, it didnt all happen in 7 days ppl.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
This is the same controversy we had 400+ years ago: "The Bible says the Earth is the center of the universe and immovable." vs. "Telescopes show the Sun is the center of a planetary system of which Earth is but one, circling the sun."
I'm not sure where in the Bible it says this. Please elucidate.

Technically the earth could be the center of the universe as well as the end of your nose. The math is much easier if we make the sun the center of the solar system though.


Well-Known Member
Seyorni said:
"The Bible says the Earth is the center of the universe and immovable." vs. "Telescopes show the Sun is the center of a planetary system of which Earth is but one, circling the sun."
They're both wrong. Just ask a 2 year old who believes he/she is the center of the universe. :D


From a Christian perspective:

The creation story in Genesis is written as a theological revelation that teaches:
1) That God is not a part of nature (eg, He is Creator and created nature - he did not become a part of nature like in other religious texts)
2) That God established a special relationship to humanity and nature (eg, created humanity in His image, which is the power to choose and to think)
3) That humanity did not wish to continue in special relationship to God and this brings conlfict and sin
4) God promises a Savior, whom Christians confess is Jesus Christ (remember the Passion, Jesus stomps on the head of the snake? That is a direct allusion to Genesis three when sin first came into the world

Genesis was written from a Hewbrew worldview. We find in it a flat-earth cosmology with no understanding of physics or evolution. However, the text was never intended to be a science book, but a story of who God is - The One who speaks nature into being and relates to nature as the Divine.

So to directly answer your question, dinosaurs fit into Genesis as creatures created by God. When it occured with relationship to humans is a scientific question to be answered by scientists. The text addresses the theological question: at some point in out history, God established a special relationship to humanity.

For more, read this.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Halcyon said:
Some will talk to you of leviation and behemoth and say these are dinosaurs, others will tell you that dinosaurs were on Noahs Ark but were all vegetarian and then all died shortly after they got off.

The bible was written in a time when dinosaurs were unknown, therefore they weren't mentioned in it, simple as that. Its one of the shortfalls of the book, there's no explaining it in any religious context.
Err, that must have been a pretty big Ark !!!:eek:

Dr. Khan

Seyorni said:

This is the same controversy we had 400+ years ago: "The Bible says the Earth is the center of the universe and immovable." vs. "Telescopes show the Sun is the center of a planetary system of which Earth is but one, circling the sun."

I expect the history will be the same. Public opinion will eventually coincide with the preponderance of evidence.

The bible has never placed the earth in the center of all things. It does say that it is he (God ) that sitteth on the circle of the earth and the inhabitants are as grasshoppers.

In Isaiah 40th chapter.

Those people who you speak of who called themselves christians will be found out as anti-christs. they had not the spirit. They were ungodly beasts. Demonic as are many of them today who defend not Jesus' testamony but their religious position which is anti-christ. This knowledge shall be understood, by all soon.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If the immovable,Earth-centered solar system had no biblical support, why did the Inquisition give Galileo such a hard time?

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Err, that must have been a pretty big Ark !!!
[font=Times New Roman, Arial]Deck Area of the Ark :[/font][font=Times New Roman, Arial]450 ft x 75 ft x 3 decks = 101,250 ft2[/font] [font=Times New Roman, Arial]Volume of the Ark :[/font][font=Times New Roman, Arial]450 ft x 75 ft x 45 ft = 1,518,750 ft3[/font]
[font=Times New Roman, Arial]40,000 animals x 11.125 ft3 = 445,000 ft3 or[/font][font=Times New Roman, Arial]445,000 ft 3
1,518,750 ft3
[/font][font=Times New Roman, Arial]× 100 = 29% of the Ark's capacity [/font]

For a more in depth look at this go to http://www.biblestudy.org/basicart/sizeark.html


I think it's more of the issue of weight here. If you have animals as big as dinosaur on board...well...I'll just say that there's no way they could have been allowed to even move within a pen, or they would have upset the balance of the boat XD.

Okay, maybe not that dramatic. But you get my point.

If someone can make me a boat as big as the Ark, and stuff it full of weights so that it's the same weight and mass that the original fully-loaded Ark would have been, and if it can still float just fine, then I'll be happy.


New Member
Seyorni said:
It's always sobering to wonder what current ideas and customs people will find absurd a century or ten from now.
"1000 years ago they KNEW the earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago they KNEW the earth was flat, and 15 minutes ago, you knew that we were alone in the universe. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."

Name that film!:jiggy: