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Faith in Christ is Completely Logical


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Here is every post, not in order, in which I used the word Rolex or in which the word Rolex appeared in a quote that I used in a post.

I repeat ... you are now a proven liar.

He's saying the room in[sic] empty. You're saying that since we don't know what is in the room there must be a gold Rolex in there. He's saying the room is empty, you're saying if he can't tell you what is in there then there must be a gold Rolex in there. It seems to me that it is incumbent upon you to show everyone the Rolex.


I would say that if he walks out of the room with a Rolex, it is incumbent on you to show how someone does it when there was not one in there in the first place.....
As explained before, the room is said to be EMPTY. If it is empty, and as disciple pointed out, Rolex's do exist, then where does it come from. It was stated at the beginning that the room was EMPTY. No one is lying. You have a problem bringing a Rolex out of an empty room. And that analogy is to do with the universe out of nothing nonsense, where you have nothing and then something. Big problem. No one is lying, you are misunderstanding.

By the way, to lie is to deliberately say something untrue. It is incumbent on you to prove that, which you can't do. So please calm down old fellow, eh... haha

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
The concern of a Christian is not people who don't take the Bible seriously, the concerns of a Christian is people who might take the Bible seriously. But everyone deserves to hear the truth. It is up to each individual whether or not he will accept that truth.
The truth here involves people who claim something is truth in face of what really and actually is going on. Can you accept that truth?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
If we surgically removed all the unsubstantiated claims from your contributions to this forum, I'll bet we could bury the totality on a floppy disk.
a long post with personal attacks from the off, I like it. :D
All you've really got is an Argument From Ignorance. Pure and unvarnished. Observe:
No, but it might seem that way to someone ignorant.... please continue with the show:
How apropos that their go-to example is exactly the sort of stuff that you're shoveling here!
They quote said:
''No one has been able to disprove the existence of God.'' which I am not saying. I you are misusing a quote from someone else to prove something you can't prove about something I never said. It is clear that no one is able to disprove it, but this knowledge does not hinge on that. I think you are aware of that, my emotional friend.
I have not asserted such. Please desist from making more wild claims that I have, OK?
Okay, so everything is not natural, it is supernatural, right? Now you will say you never claimed that either. So you are left with I don't know. Great answer! Though in truth, say it or not, if you don't believe in God, you are having to accept that naturaldidit and that is sheer luck. I suppose that is why you are so quick to dismiss it.
Oh really? Kind of like how The Old Testament has been superseded by The New Testament?
The word supernatural was explained: the prefix super means above and beyond from Latin. It can be supermodel, supercharger, superacid, supercool, superabound, superadd, superalloy, superannuable, superaddition, superbike, supercalender, supercargo, supercell, supercar, superclass, and of course, supernatural..... none of which mean God. That was the point. If you use that word that way, are we saying all those others are God in that same sense? no. So don't use it in this argument, it gives you a false reassurance in your argument which is built on quicksand. As for the OT being superceded by the NT, I think that might be a little over your head. After all, we can't even get out of the introduction, let alone into the first chapter and then the NT.
So the "inner witness" is "personal proof?" You're conceding that it is totally subjective and not at all demonstrable?
Who ever said it was??? Metaphysical arguments are not physical arguments. When you accept that you will see you have NO argument at all. You either accept it or don't. I don't expect you to accept it however, as that would be to concede defeat, and I can't see you doing that.
Or in your case: "One does not even remotely persuade that God exists."
God proves not man.
You're willing to advocate a belief in what you've already conceded is an unprovable belief? And you have the nerve to label skepticism as "blind faith?"
The inner witness is real and proof and the evidence is the faith of the person. We are living witnesses and have been for thousands of years.
Atheism, which you seem to label as ''skepticism'' is saying that intelligence had nothing to do with creation and that luck and magic does it all, wrapped up in the word natural, with a big bow on the top saying 'I don't know'. That is blind faith to accept that luck can do such things. This universe in itself is so ridiculously unlikely that even a child should see that it is not just going to happen because of some really good fortune. That is the kind of reasoning that Dawkins has with the origin of life on this planet.
Premise A: "God proves not man."
Premise B: "Robert Evans is a man."
Conclusion: "Robert Evans Proves Not."

That was remarkably easy! No wonder your arguments are so unpersuasive!
What you think that argument shows I have no idea. God proves. It is quite simple.
Thank you for providing the argument against your continued participation in this debate.

Your continued participation will only cement the notion that you're either unable or unwilling to follow your own advice.
My subject, not yours.... haha

I refuse to even accept it as an argument. It's nonsensical.
Your arguments are false. If you accept them as false, you have no argument...and, considering that most atheist argue as a form of therapy, you will never concede.. just these ad hominen spurts of nonsense. Carry on though, it gives my something to do.
So you're asserting that God exists physically? Do you have a test for that?
You misunderstand that. God is not physical in the sense we think of.
"The fallacy of false dichotomy is committed when the arguer claims that his conclusion is one of only two options, when in fact there are other possibilities. The arguer then goes on to show that the 'only other option' is clearly outrageous, and so his preferred conclusion must be embraced."

Either I accept your false dichotomy, or wear a paper bag over my head? This is the heart of your pseudo-argument? This is the best you can do?
Intelligence is involved or it is not. If it is not, then ultimatily at some point, it is all luck. If you don't think it is, then give some other answer other than I don't know, and give me back my dummy... haha
Q. - What makes you think you deserve to sit at the Big Table with the adults? Your arguments are strictly card-table pabulum.
I sit at the table and toss crumbs to the little dogs........... haha (you started it!)
I'm not sure you'll hear this from up there on your high-horse, but "sufficient" is spelled s-u-f-f-i-c-i-e-n-t.

Thanks for playing.
haha.... funny. You speak as one who does not sound that old.
There was sin before the universe? What existed before the universe? Wait. Let me rephrase that:

What does your "Inner Witness" tell you existed prior to the creation of the universe?

To support your radically unorthodox assertion, you'll now need to cite some scriptures that state that there was anything but God existing prior to his creation of the universe ... and then you'll need to cite some scripture that asserts that God is sinful.

Because that is exactly what you've reduced your own argument to. Incredible.
What exists before is what exists now just in another form. Your blindness does not allow you to see that.
No. No more silliness from you. One error at a time.

Please cite some scripture that asserts that ANYTHING BUT GOD existed prior to his act of creation and also cite some scripture that supports your assertion that God is sinful.
Wow! really. I did not know that was all I had to do. Just cite the scripture and then you believe... haha fine, that would work. Let me now go waste my time for a few hours.
Or ... you might just concede that you've been whistling theological "Dixie" all along and be done with it.



You've still failed to explain how your belief in creation ex nihilo differs from "luck & magic."

As I said: One error at a time, please!
Intelligence is not luck.... that is what you abscribe to, even though you won't admit it.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
You can see physically the big bang.
No you can't. It's already happened!
It's radiation mapped already by NASA and evolution has already been observed physically occurring.
That is called evidence for it, not the big bang itself. Do you know what ''past tense' means?
There however is no physical God anywhere else
I have never said God is physical, and I don't know anyone who has
cept inside your heads manifesting as a thought which is where it will certainly remain as thoughts, and expressed by you and other people like yourself who are privy to the ideological concept of God [[[[as somehow being something more than it really and actually is. ]]]]
If we take out the bracketed, (by me) I can agree with you. In the physical realm, it almost certainly will remain in consciousness, because that is what everything is and is a purer form of that same self thing.
You can however be an embodiment of your thoughts by acting out your ideological view of God by speaking on what you think is God[']s behalf, and in turn roleplaying to achieve the physical effects you desire and claiming such actions are God[']s own hand, and therefore a form of physical proof.
Sure... so long as you are not expecting me to move a mountain. We are still man, and are limited by that. We still ar held by the God of this aeon, and I do not mean S-tan.
God is completely dead without human action
In one sense that is very profound, as we are he.
unlike the aforementioned, where human involvement is not required at all to give credence to processes like the big bang and evolution.
I think you will find it is. If we do not involve ourselves in the experiments etc, we don't know any of these ideas. Perhaps you ask why it is we can explain such things in the first place, considering we are just apes that have stood upright, had a scratch, and then decided to buy a five bedroom house and fly into space, whilst mapping a lot of it out. Quite a wheeze eh? What a stoke of luck, us clever humans! Don't you think it is somewhat strange that we can understand so much of the universe? Do you know why?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Absolute certainty is obnoxious. However, you've contributed admirably to my suspicion that your personal answer is the wrong one.
Absolute certainly, which is what a lot have on evolution, is not if you are right. It might seem that way to those more ignorant.
In any event, I've concluded that (based on your own argument) your continued participation in this debate is superfluous:
Gee, thanks boss
Who knows? Perhaps God will prove to be more persuasive than his self-appointed terrestrial proxy?
So now you begin to believe...

By the way ... my "rudimentary idea" of our language tells me that "comes" is spelled c-o-m-e-s.
The language I speak about is not English, which is proof in itself that you don't understand it. By the way, have you never heard of a 'typo'? Of course you have. So why the beef? You must feel threatened I guess. The truth must sting a little me thinks :D


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
But that's the problem, you're starting with a position you cannot justify and demanding that it is so. You cannot demonstrate that there is any such thing as the metaphysical. You cannot demonstrate that there is any such thing as the supernatural. You're just making this stuff up, or at the very least, taking other people who made it up seriously, because you have an emotional attachment to the concepts, concepts that you have never taken a step back and personally verified. Then you stomp your feet and say "I'm right, so there!" Whether you like it or not, you can't see God either. You're like the people who were enamored by the Emperor's non-existent clothing because you don't want to believe that he'd parade around naked so the clothes must be there. You refuse to open your eyes and actually verify it for yourself.
If you are to take it into a physical worldly argument, then all the arms are yours not mine.... and you know that, that's why atheists keep doing it. But you know that is not the argument and taht God is spirit. You are arguing in a language you do not understand and reading with eyes that do not see.
I have explained the definition of 'supernatural' to others.
Magic is real! It's more real than you and I put together! So there! :rolleyes:

Says who? All you're doing is parroting the party line, you're not actually saying anything that makes any sense. How do you know these things? You don't. You just have blind faith. And when people ask you what that faith is based on, you have no answers so you just keep repeating the same old tired nonsense over and over and over again. It's all you do. It's all you have.
Just as atheists keep repeating the same old tired arguments, to which we give the answers, which you ingore, and then stick with your arguments. Until you see you are making this into an argument that it is not, you will never begin to understand. You are the blind man who argues with the one that sees. You are mistaken in thinking that the largest part of the world is wrong just because you have not experienced it.
You have no way of knowing what the odds are because we have only a single example of a universe. It is impossible to determine the odds of anything with a data set of one. That just shows that you have never bothered to think about it for yourself, you just parrot the apologists who are relying on the ignorance and gullibility of their audience to keep buying books and sending money.
I am relating the words of scientists, far cleverer than I. Don't forget, I understand this argument, not you... so don't think I have not ''bothered to think about it'' myself.

I have not read all this, but I have one of the books that this is in:
A Mathematical Quote From Gerald Schroeder In “There Is A God” | Craig T. Owens


Dr. Paul Davies, noted author and professor of theoretical physics at Adelaide University:
"The really amazing thing is not that life on Earth is balanced on a knife-edge, but that the entire universe is balanced on a knife-edge, and would be total chaos if any of the natural 'constants' were off even slightly. You see," Davies adds, "even if you dismiss man as a chance happening, the fact remains that the universe seems unreasonably suited to the existence of life -- almost contrived -- you might say a 'put-up job'."

Gerald Schroeder - Articles - Fine Tuning of the Universe

Roger Penrose, the Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford, discovers that the likelihood of the universe having usable energy (low entropy) at the creation is even more astounding,
namely, an accuracy of one part out of ten to the power of ten to the power of 123. This is an extraordinary figure. One could not possibly even write the number down in full, in our ordinary denary (power of ten) notation: it would be one followed by ten to the power of 123 successive zeros! (That is a million billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion billion zeros.)

Your argument is with them, not me.

This isn't a matter of "I don't know but it isn't God", it's "I don't know". Full stop. I don't know. I'm willing to look and find the truth. I am not going to make something up that I wish was true and pretend that I've found the truth. That's what you've done. You claim knowledge but you've demonstrated no means of actually acquiring that knowledge. You've shown no interest in actually testing your claims of knowledge. You just magically "know" because you don't know what the heck knowledge actually is. It's not just blind assertions and fanatical faith. It's actually having the guts to go out and find out and only accept things that are actually demonstrated in some real, objective fashion.

Neither of us know. I at least have the guts to admit it.
No, you do not know, I do.... there is a massive difference. if you think you will someday find God, you are mistaken, you will not. So your arguments is flawed as all atheist arguments are flawed.

Show us where all things come from then. You appear to be saying you don't know, but you are not saying it is not God (apparantly) and yet you keep arguing against it because you can't see him physically. You know that is a stupid argument, you know that. Why not have the ''guts'' to admit that?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
All I "hear" is You Not Responding To The Questions. May I remind you that you were the one who made the statement that prompted them?
Rather I think it was your statement that prompted hers, after she had got off the floor from falling off her chair with laughter, that is.
Is there something about the questions themselves that are preventing you from answering them? Were they not framed in terms simple enough for you?
She has given a good response already. Have you a problem with this subject perhaps ... haha
If there are any obstacles to answering them that you haven't brought with you, let me know. I'd be happy to accommodate any special needs you may have.
Try opening your eyes, it starts from the heart, and works up. Good luck. :D


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
But you claim it anyhow, that's the problem. Neither you nor Savagewind nor any other theist on these forums has any demonstrable, rational reason to believe what you believe or claim what you claim, that doesn't stop you from doing so. You have a book that you want to believe but you have no objective evidence to support it and then you base all of your claims on the irrational belief that said book is actually true and worthwhile.

Can you see why people who don't take this book seriously might have a problem with your claims?
The odds of the universe are more than a rational reason.
And you know full well that it is spiritually discerned. Yet again an atheist that is making a strawman


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
But you have no way of knowing if what they believed was actually true, any more than you have any evidence that the God you believe in actually exists. It makes you feel good to think so, you've taken the stories in a book of ancient mythology seriously, but beyond that, you've really got nothing.
You might as well say she does not own a p.i.n number for a CC or a password for something else just because she won't show you. False argument.


pro scapegoat
Try and keep up will you. We are talking about where everything comes from.... and yes, the thread has gone a little awry .. haha
Well you don't know where everything came from anyway - or even if everything needs to come from anywhere -so what's the point Robert?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
How do you explain the process of a single thought. The feeling of love, hatred or empathy. What is a thought? How does matter retain so much memory and knowledge. Science can pin point the area in which it happens, and even prescribe medication to make you happy instead of sad, but nobody knows how a concept is formed, by neurons and electro chemical reactions. Not and clue. For all intents and purposes, it is miraculous. No naturalistic laws that exist can be used to give an explanation of how we rationalise and use cognitive thinking to be aware of our being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (as thinking, reasoning, or remembering). If it cannot be explained by naturalistic laws then it becomes supernatural. Ah, I hear the cry of the atheist trying to excuse themselves by saying that just because it is not natural does not make it supernatural. They are wrong, as as usual, in an attempt to try to defend there bigoted views.

I had to put that again... that is good. :) Perhaps they cannot think as deep as us, certainly they seem to have a problem with looking at the whole and not just the parts.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
1. Jesus isn't God.
according to John 20 and Heb 1 he is.
2. you took that flesh and bone out of context. He was saying he was NOT a spirit

Luk 24:37 But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.

Luk 24:38 And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do (such) thoughts arise in your hearts?

Luk 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.

Still suggesting that he is flesh though


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Losing weight isn't easy, it's hard work but a lot of people do it because they want to feel good about themselves and putting in all the hard work makes them feel good in the end. It's about ego, the same as religion, even if it isn't recognized as such.
With the greatest of respect sir, that is rubbish... haha


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Please refrain from calling others dishonest. It's one thing to make a claim that someone is putting forth a strawman argument, and to show evidence of such, which by the way you have not done, but to imply that person is dishonest in doing so is nothing short of an Abusive ad hominem. "Equating someone's character with the soundness of their argument is a logical fallacy."
Ad hominem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Try providing evidence with your claims, if you can. I realize it's not as easy as verbal abuse, but it is a more honest and respectable approach.
The problem there is they haven't got any evidence, and, come to that, they haven't got any claims either ... ahaha