I wasn’t going to post anything, but browsing on the ‘new posts’ category I saw very little I felt worthy enough to contribute to, especially because the main subject seems to be that of politics, which in our faith we do not get involved in, although we do speak out against all sin, which is the transgression of the Law. So with just 20 minutes to spare before I head out, I thought I’d write up an experience I had last week which I think is very telling of not only the faithlessness in this country (the United Kingdom) but also in other so-called Chr-stian countries and that is the complete lack of faith by Chr-stianity.
In doing a Bushcraft course last week, in the transport over to the location, a forest area located in north England, I got talking to one of the people who were assisting with the course. She was I estimate in her mid-50’s and as conversation goes, I tried to steer the conversation towards religion, rather than idle talk. She enquired about my faith, possibly because I had a t-shirt on displaying the Name of Yahweh on. I told her about the Assemblies of Yahweh, how we do not use titles for the Name of the Almighty, Yahweh and His Son Yahshua, or substitute or use names which are false representations of the Majesty on High. I also explained that we believe in keeping the commandments of Yahweh and showing faith in Yahshua. I explained we believe in the Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) and New Testament and believe the Messiah came to show us the way to live and to offer His life for a blood-covering, a propitiation, for us, to give us the opportunity of having our sins covered and to walk in newness of life to life eternal. I asked about her religious background. She said she was a Chr-stian and that she attends Ch-rch probably every other week. We then discussed the spiritual state of the world, but I could tell from the lack of fervour or acknowledgement that this world is spiralling out of control, that her faith was somewhat lacking.
So I asked her, How would you feel if you your children left Chr-stianity, say, became a Muslim, or a Buddhist etc.? She said she wouldn’t mind as long as they are happy. I really was disgusted. Why are people even in a religion, if they do not believe it is the truth? And aren’t the children going to see that hypocrisy and become disillusioned and confused themselves? This is most likely why I feel Islam is making inroads in to this country at the rate that it is. Chr-stians, generally speaking, seem to have so little faith. I can’t even say they have any faith whatsoever. Many seem to want to get an ear-ticking at Ch-rch every so often and go on their merry way. In speaking to her, I got the impression that she just saw religion as a sort of community thing, nothing more, just a sort of social club, something to belong to. No actual dedication to doing what is right in Yahweh’s sight, or showing our love for Yahweh and Yahshua, His Son, who died for us so we might have a chance to be in His Kingdom.
Yes, I am not a Chr-stian. So why may you ask would I be appalled at a group which we consider to be in gross false doctrine anyway? Well, believe it or not, I still want to see people show faith in Yahweh, whether Jew or Chr-stian, most of all, to have a love for Yahweh because that love, if it is sincere, has the opportunity to take them from being in false doctrine to the truth, should they simply have enough love in their hearts for Yahweh to accept they were wrong. But there has to be a desire to do what is right in Yahweh’s sight. There has to be a belief in Yahweh.
She did change the subject because I feel she knew what I was getting at. If you claim to be religious, a Chr-stian, then why don’t you have any faith? Can you be religious and not have any faith? I think one can be, but that to me is just going through motions without having any real love for Yahweh and Yahshua. The efforts of those with such a faith are always going to serve Yahweh unwillingly or at best, half-heartedly.
For me, my faith is everything. It is everything. I am trying, nearly every day, to do something related to helping the Assemblies of Yahweh, or witnessing, or doing some good as pertaining to the Law and the positive commandments. It’s a very active and busy life that I lead. Not in the sense that I don’t have time to think. Some of the things I try to do each day is studying the Word, meditation (on the Word), singing and prayer. It is our opinion that Chr-stianity is a nebula of confusion and false doctrine, nonetheless, I do, just like with Judaism, want them to realize the zeal and the faith and the love that can come from accepting Yahshua our Savior and keeping the commandments.
It is not about what makes a person happy. Murder makes some people happy. It’s about, changing our mindset so we are orientated towards seeking the Kingdom of Yahweh and getting there, and on the way, doing everything we can to bring glory to the Name of Yahweh.
I’m running out of time here so I’ll just conclude by saying that although this was not always the case, a few years prior to my baptism and especially after, I have gotten great enjoyment, like nothing else that I have experienced, from bringing glory to Yahweh’s Name, and from building up my faith. I get enjoyment from finding ways to depart from evil and doing good, because it is in those moments that we show and can prove our love for Yahweh. Proverbs 10:23 says: “It is as sport to a fool to do wickedness: and so is wisdom to a man of understanding.”
There is so much more that I would like to say on this topic but my time has run out, nonetheless, I want to say that even those who call themselves Chr-stians in this country, I think that many really don’t have any faith really at all, and that’s because, they have rejected Yahweh, His Word, Yahshua, the Word that became flesh and the commandments of Yahweh, which intend on keeping us in the love of Yahweh.
I hope these things are considered by all. May Yahweh bless.