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Favorite Soft Drink?


Flaming Queer
i love fresh apple juice! .... *bursts into song* - "its simply the best, better than all the rest!"


Active Member
Mountain Dew (drink diet dew as well)
Cherry Coke
IBC or Stewarts Rootbeer
Diet Red Bull , Monster khaos , diet Rockstar

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Hmm... Dublin Dr. Pepper? *looks intruiged* This is something new to me!

I will stand tall and shake the foundations of the heavens by stating that Dr. Pepper is my favorite soft drink. *hears crickets chirping* What? No one seems surprised by that...

It is interesting, though, how caffiene affects each of us. For me, if I want to calm down, I drink any soda I can get my hands on. I think it's because of the ADD thing that it seems to help my mind be 'at rest.'


Well-Known Member

'...no thank you barmaid I don't want vodka in that.'​


Following Christ
FeathersinHair said:
Hmm... Dublin Dr. Pepper? *looks intruiged* This is something new to me!

I will stand tall and shake the foundations of the heavens by stating that Dr. Pepper is my favorite soft drink. *hears crickets chirping* What? No one seems surprised by that...'
Click here for info about READL SUGAR Dr Pepper....if you dare:devil:

One of the seminary interns in our church brought some back when he visited home in Texas, and I think No*s will agree when I say it is hands down the best tasting soft drink since most drinks changed to that high fructose corn syrup crap everyone uses.:D

The 'diet' drinks with splenda are better than those with saccharine or aspartame, but they are nasty unless they are UBER-cold. I'm drinking a lot fewer soft drinks these days, so when I partake, I go for the high octane stuff.


Captain Obvious
FeathersinHair said:
Hmm... Dublin Dr. Pepper? *looks intruiged* This is something new to me!

I will stand tall and shake the foundations of the heavens by stating that Dr. Pepper is my favorite soft drink. *hears crickets chirping* What? No one seems surprised by that...

It is interesting, though, how caffiene affects each of us. For me, if I want to calm down, I drink any soda I can get my hands on. I think it's because of the ADD thing that it seems to help my mind be 'at rest.'

Feathers, there are imitations, and there are the genuine articles. A Dublin Dr Pepper is a fossil. It is a more elegant Dr Pepper from an earlier more civilized time, before the dark age, before the syrup. It tastes better, and everyone I've heard vastly prefers it to the common Dr Pepper. It has all the strengths that Dr Pepper has, and then adds some.

*gets ready to watch Feathers run to TX*

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
*starts to run to TX, hoping she can make it back to Iowa by 6, when she has to work*

That does indeed sound good! Hmm... I see you can order it online? *mulls this over*


Captain Obvious
FeathersinHair said:
*starts to run to TX, hoping she can make it back to Iowa by 6, when she has to work*

That does indeed sound good! Hmm... I see you can order it online? *mulls this over*

I don't know, and if you can, don't tell me. My money is too valuable, and I'd lose it all :D


Veteran Member
Anyone visited Scotland? Tasted Irn-Bru? If not, children, you have led a life less spectacular...purified sugar mixed with the nectar of gods and some fruity orange stuff. Bad for teeth, good for taste buds. :D


Veteran Member
No*s said:
I don't have a clue what Guinness is...
When you bump into a staggering Irish person, the smell on the breath of that individual is likely to be either; a) whiskey, b) Guiness. No degree of expertise is required to distinguish these two sweet fragrances; while one will subordinate your nasal receptors the other may well take you over the legal driving limit simply by fume.