When you claim a product can heal something it can't and fail to warn about side effects, you are selling snake oil.
Pharma drugs make claims too....but none of them 'cure' anything. At best they may alleviate some symptoms, but then as side effects kick in, they cause even more undesirable symptoms. Is that OK, just because they tell you about the side effects? What they don't tell you is what those side effects mean....and what that drug is actually doing to your body.
Cannabis has tons of research backing it up, and those who administer it must still warn of possible side effects.
Unless you have an allergy, I have not heard of any dangerous side effects of cannabis....have you?
Certainly there are no recorded deaths from cannabis overdose...ever.
Making false claim and failing to warn of possible side effects is what makes this incident a crime.
If it works by doing what the maker claims, then it isn't a false claim. The problem appears to be that it wasn't subject to "approval" by those who test the effectiveness of medicines. Who are they? I think we all know that they were never going to approve this man's medicine. I am not condoning his breaking of the law, but just how the law works might have been an issue.
As far as I can tell, in this instance, the product was designed to get to the root of the problem and fix it, naturally. Anyone who undertakes a treatment voluntarily should understand how it works. The so called "side effect" of this treatment WAS the treatment. Those who failed to educate themselves are guilty of ignorance....who forced them to buy it? What did they 'think' it would do? In today's world, who can claim they didn't know? There is no excuse for ignorance about anything these days because information can be accessed instantaneously on the net. There is no cure for stupidity apparently.....it must always be the other guy's fault......lets sue him or put him in jail.
People can turn to other methods, and for minor stuff sometimes a simple herbal remedy can help (several of our medications are even just derived from and synthetic forms of various plants). But it becomes problematic when you make exaggerated and false claims, and with him failing to warn of side effects, he is either ignorant of them, meaning he shouldn't be doing such a thing, and/or he just doesn't care about it, making it seem he has a skewed vision of what ethics are. Considering his troubles also extent to conspiracy to impede an officer and and investigation and witness tampering, my guess is he probably isn't overly concerned about ethics.
As I said, no one wants to see a return to the 'snake oil salesmen' situation....but in times past, people had no way to find out about the validity of claims that were made about those 'medicines'. We can't say that now. If this man can sell his medicine over the internet, then those who buy it can research the ingredients and their effects for themselves. It appears that they are just bone lazy.
When you say that "several of our medications are even just derived from and synthetic forms of various plants"....you do understand that the very act of isolating and synthesizing a plant derivative is an act of corporate vandalism? If the whole plant works as a medicine and you only isolate one component that might result in some symptomatic relief for an ailment, synthesizing a component gives drug companies the right to patent that synthetic form and make it into something they 'own' and can sell for a ridiculous amount of money. They can't patent a plant. The agenda behind this practice is disgusting. It is not designed to make people well, but designed to make drug companies rich. Who should have to sell their house to buy medicine that doesn't even cure anyone?
Droves of people also believe that light emitted from stars millions and billions years ago that reached the Earth the day of their birth foretells their future, characteristics, and personality. We have arm chair psychologists who think anecdotal experience is sufficient for hard evidence, and droves of people saying evolution is "just a theory." They also get caught up in trendy fad diets that are often unhealthy and even sometimes dangerous for certain people, and in the end do nothing to address long-term habit changes, especially when they say "loose weight and eat all you want and don't exercise more than you do."
Humans will do what humans have always done.....they will believe what they want to believe. There is no cure for ignorance if people don't want to know the truth. Marketers know how to tap into human laziness and the appeal of quick fixes. But the only way to cure ignorance is to educate yourself. There are no excuses these days. Everyone wants to shift the blame......we are responsible for our own actions.
Most people are still supporting Western medicine. Even in the East, where it's not unusual to find traditional medicine, they too are embracing Western medicine, and that is because it works.
Or is it because of the way it is promoted? The East has adopted our western diet, so they too are now dropping like flies and turning to the kind of medicine that is promoted by the wealthy West. That is quite a world away from the poverty and simple diet that they once experienced. I have yet to see that Western medicine "works" for anyone. They develop treatments that are designed to make you a customer for life. When was the last time we saw anyone "cured" by drugs?
Debate rages over these too...especially the ones given to infants and their connection to the epidemic of autism and ADD.Vaccines that prevent many terrible diseases
simple antibiotics to make it less likely something like an insect bite will kill us,
Antibiotics are now struggling to combat what was once treatable. Resistant strains of many bacteria are now threatening to kill millions of people from infections that were once easily dealt with. Superbugs stalk our hospital systems and nothing appears to be able to stop them. How many people end up with major infections from hospital stays?
and even enough women now who are now surviving child birth who would have died during previous times that I read on the BBC not too long ago that the average woman's hips are slightly narrowing.
The one area where medicine has made major advancements is in pre-natal and ante-natal care. Babies are surviving despite terrible odds these days due to new techniques. But one wonders what the long term outcome is for those who have such a rough start to life? Are we interfering with "nature" a little too much? What does that do to "survival of the fittest"?
And when you take out the advertisements, insurance companies, and remove the "for profit" aspect, other Western nations have largely about the same medical approaches, but with far fewer "candyman" doctors who occasionally pressured, in various ways, into prescribing certain medications and who also have to navigate the complex web of health insurance.
Who can argue that "health" is an industry?....a very lucrative industry on both sides of this issue. There are big dollars to be made in both camps and each has its advertisers to market their products and convince people about their efficacy. But again, people will believe what they want to believe. Trust is often given but not earned. There are many disappointments and common sense seems to be the victim in all of this.
Most people trust their doctors to know about health matters, but the truth is doctors are trained in pharmaceutical medicine in universities funded by big pharma. They are trained by the very ones who sell the drugs they prescribe. The studies conducted on these drugs are done by the ones who sell them as well. This is the fox guarding the hen house, isn't it?
Doctors are given very little training in nutrition....and the truth is..."we are what we eat". Good nutrition is better than all the artificial drugs in the world. Too many people are dying because of food related illness, but these diet related diseases are netting the drug companies billions of dollars every year. Prevention is better than cure, but the ones making the money don't seem very interested in promoting healthy eating....how can they when most people shop in supermarkets where food is never 'fresh' and every packaged item has had every ounce of goodness processed out of it. It lasts so long because it is dead food. Human bodies need living food...any wonder there is so much illness! This is a very corrupt world. The truth is suppressed.
We all need to do our homework and understand what really drives the commercial system.
The Bible says that "the love of money is the root of all evil"...who can deny the truth of that statement?