It's been 13 years but Tool finally released Fear Inoculum yesterday. I've had this album playing on repeat since I picked it up . Right now my favorite song is 7empest.
It's been 13 years but Tool finally released Fear Inoculum yesterday. I've had this album playing on repeat since I picked it up . Right now my favorite song is 7empest.
It's been 13 years but Tool finally released Fear Inoculum yesterday. I've had this album playing on repeat since I picked it up . Right now my favorite song is 7empest.
I've already overplayed some songs. Yes, I also witnessed the amazing reddit even when some guy leaked it
Pneuma and Decending are my two favorites, the album will become legendary over time, probably more than the other albums. Aside from that, there is a definite purpose that Fear Inoculum seems to serve.
Anyway, I'm glad it's been out officially for a few days now and it's got some of the best packaging I've seen on a CD