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Feminist internet laws


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Okay, I found this fascinating on rationalwiki.

We have Moff's Law, the Feminist Corollary of Godwin's Law, the Unicorn Law (good lord, I've seen this a lot), Lewis' Law, and Anita's Irony, which is spelled out here from the link:

Anita's Irony is an internet law that exists because of the work of Anita Sarkeesian, who spends a lot of time talking about the way women are portrayed in popular media. The Irony (which could also be called "Anita's Law") states: Online discussion of sexism or misogyny quickly results in disproportionate displays of sexism and misogyny. This exists because Anita is a feminist who usually focuses on how women are either not shown as advancing plot on their own, not shown at all, or shown in highly stereotypical ways. But the responses to her are often incredibly over the top, including threats of violence.

Without going into too many specifics, online discussion/debate has repeatedly shown many examples of these various internet laws. I find it fascinating that after reading the article on internet twitter trolls that Sunstone posted earlier, that some of the comments under that article revealed the very thing that the article was pointing out, which only proved feminist internet laws that have taken place.

Which brings us back to here at RF. :)

Which laws have you seen online? I ask for members to refrain from calling anybody out specifically if you have seen anything on RF. That being said, I can safely say I've seen examples of all of them online repeatedly. It's interesting to note how a public discourse on rape culture would get attention of people threatening to rape the feminist speaking out about it, or that people would suggest that the feminist wouldn't get raped (but wishes for it), because of a perceived lack of beauty.

I wasn't aware of the Feminist Internet Laws until today. But I find them to be accurate.


Depends Upon My Mood..
without naming "names" Misogyny runs rampant on the internet including forums.And its not merely "directed at you" personally..my mouth hangs open still.at the overall woman hating views spewed...

I think the "internet" is a new place for misogynist to gather and breed their hate.

That's all.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
without naming "names" Misogyny runs rampant on the internet including forums.And its not merely "directed at you" personally..my mouth hangs open still.at the overall woman hating views spewed...

I think the "internet" is a new place for misogynist to gather and breed their hate.

That's all.

I feel ya. I think the internet has offered another medium for how misogyny can continue in the open, without saying it's out in the open. There are times when my mouth hangs open in disbelief from the cognitive dissonance displayed from attitudes about women in general.

Secret Chief

Clearly it needs tackling by the police and the social media owners, but the sickness lies in society. Men need to speak out loudly against such bile.


Well-Known Member
I find that with anti-porn discussions you get trolls that say a woman is anti-porn because she is ugly and jealous of porn stars and secretly wishes she looked like one and secretly wishes loads of men would want to f her.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I find that with anti-porn discussions you get trolls that say a woman is anti-porn because she is ugly and jealous of porn stars and secretly wishes she looked like one and secretly wishes loads of men would want to f her.

That's a good one..So every "non ugly" woman in the world wishes she was a porn star just cant find work?:eek:


Depends Upon My Mood..
How about "women by nature are manipulative".(said by a woman misogynist on the internet)..that's why I am not friends with women.They are petty back stabbing "drama queens"...that's why all my friends are men. I'm embarrassed to be a woman.


Well-Known Member
How about "women by nature are manipulative".(said by a woman misogynist on the internet)..that's why I am not friends with women.They are petty back stabbing "drama queens"...that's why all my friends are men. I'm embarrassed to be a woman.

She told you she thinks all women are "manipulative, petty back-stabbing drama queens" and that she's embarrassed to be a woman? Good grief! :cover:


Depends Upon My Mood..
[QUOTE There are times when my mouth hangs open in disbelief from the cognitive dissonance displayed from attitudes about women in general.


Which feeds into misogyny!


Depends Upon My Mood..
She told you she thinks all women are "manipulative, petty back-stabbing drama queens" and that she's embarrassed to be a woman? Good grief! :cover:

Yeah she told the "internet" that..but she was a woman by the way..and "distanced" herself by saying "shes only friends with men" (the men who agreed with her).


Well-Known Member
How about "women by nature are manipulative".(said by a woman misogynist on the internet)..that's why I am not friends with women.They are petty back stabbing "drama queens"...that's why all my friends are men. I'm embarrassed to be a woman.

I'm embarrassed to be human to be honest. I easily get turned off people, someone would say something homophobic for example and other people are like "yeah but he grows on you you know. Like yeah at first he is a douche bag but once you see past that you love him." And I'm like "you people are crazy I f-ing hate him."
But you see I have high standards!


Depends Upon My Mood..
There is nothing wrong with not "liking' a specific person.Its "groups".Unless I know everyone in a group how can I not like all of them?


Well-Known Member
Yeah she told the "internet" that..but she was a woman by the way..and "distanced" herself by saying "shes only friends with men" (the men who agreed with her).

Then again this is the Internet, so it could've just been some bloke pretending to be a woman, but who knows. :shrug:

Sadly though, it seems that the Internet has enabled the darkness of society into mainstream light. Attitudes like this will never be solved with just arresting/blocking people on the Internet - it's something deeper, in society's "consciousness" if you like.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Oh wait I take that back..she was friends with other women that couldn't stand women!

They believed women to be inferior to men.So they could 'get ahead that way" with the men who are superior.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Then again this is the Internet, so it could've just been some bloke pretending to be a woman, but who knows. :shrug:

Sadly though, it seems that the Internet has enabled the darkness of society into mainstream light. Attitudes like this will never be solved with just arresting/blocking people on the Internet - it's something deeper, in society's "consciousness" if you like.

No......this would have been too hard to pull off.I have "internet " known her for about 6 years ..and I have seen her face book page (wedding photos etc)..Yeah I wish it was just some crazy man trolling..but I don't think so.And there is more where she came from..you just have to go to a Christian forum!