I like to play devil's advocate against my own ideas, and beliefs. I think it helps with humility. This does not save me from continuously falling victim to the pattern you speak of, but I'd like to think it reduces the frequency? Probably not, eh?
I try to accept that I, as a human, am completely capable of the worst atrocities any man has ever committed. Of course, that gives credence that I should be capable of the highest benevolence achievable as man, which should be a prime aspiration any of us focus on and aim towards.
The thought experiment where:
You imagine yourself as the German soldier circa 1944, struggling to put food on the table for your spouse and children. You've been tasked to opening a heavy steel door, counting a number of the individuals lined up and directing them into the structure. You shut the door and hear the terror within.
Do you,
A) In a bold and inspiring attempt at heroism refuse to the SS commanding officer telling him, "You can take this job and shove it!"
He either shoots you as soon as the sentence leaves your lips, or commands you be thrown in the furnace with the next group. Your family starves and the next soldier starts counting heads.
B) Think about the family at home relying on you to bring food home later tonight, and close the heavy door again?
Live with these horrors and inhumanities which you assisted in and never tried to stand up to? Live with the despair, if you can. Likely never mentioning them to anyone.
I find it pleasing to imagine myself a laconic speaking, no crap taking, butt kicking, one-man-army who can take on the world blindfolded with a hand tied behind his back...
Of course, I'm pretty sure, I would count the heads, and close the door.