Context: IMO, most of what ails us can be traced back to capitalism run by Oligarchs. I don’t think I really have a beef with capitalism. But I do have a BIG beef with capitalism run by Oligarchs. All of the following problems are created or exacerbated by the Oligarchy... how can we fight back against the Oligarchy?
The logical solution to excessive centralisation of power is the decentralisation of power.
National and transnational governance allows special interests to maximise their influence at minimal costs. WTO, EU, Federal regulations etc affect huge numbers of people and lock in corporate rent seeking behaviours.
Centralised governance also increases the complexity of problems exponentially resulting in 'least bad' type solutions and greater inefficiency. It also distances decision makers from the consequences of their decisions.
With a radically decentralised system of governance with many powers devolved to the municipal level, instead of 1 big education problem you have 1000 small education problems. Small problems are much easier to solve and a diversity of approaches allows better practices to be discovered and solutions to be tailored to local contexts.
Lobbying becomes much harder if you have to lobby 1000 local governments instead of 1 national government.
Decision makers will also live in the communities their decisions affect bringing them closer to the people and forcing them to confront the effects of their decisions.
Including some degree of sortition in the local electoral system minimises the risk of people buying up government and makes the decision makers truly representative of the people.
You also solve the problem of national level animosity because Texas conservatives don't want to be ruled by NY liberals (and vice versa). People can live in a society of their chosen values.