In my quick research, I would say that at the very least the jury is still out.
There's some truth to that, of course, but also is part of political manipulation going on. Or what would be example of technology from last 10 years that from scientific perspective the jury is in and we know all the long term (read as 30 years of longer) effects? Would you then recommend that we treat all of that as inherently unsafe and regulate it as such?
The Lung Association, along with a great many other health organizations have said they think they are bad for you.
Really? I did not know that. /cynicism. Given the tone you take later on, all I can say is you are the one demonstrating insanity to tow this rhetorical line.
I would say that pumping anything into your lungs sounds like a bad idea.
Really, is pumping air in your lungs a bad idea? Given what you said, it must be. Given available science, exhaled vapor is about as harmful as air, and inhaled vapor is arguably more healthy for you than ambient air. But, you might not find such information on quick research.
Well, you just lost me. I've witnessed the affects of smoking. If you think it isn't actually all that bad then you need the reality check, not me.
Disagree. I think what you reference is you've witnessed the affects of abusive smoking. People that smoke 1+ packs a day and cannot, from sheer willpower alone curtail their usage and go to say a more moderate usage pattern. Like saying, I've witnessed people drowning in water, and therefore I conclude that water is inherently unsafe for humans. If you disagree, you need the reality check, not me.
You have gone off the rails of reason and into insane territory. If people are zealots about the dangers of smoking, it is only because they have seen the impact first hand. As have I. Spend a bit of time in a cancer hospital. I did in the 90's and I can tell you that it was damn traumatic. The vast majority of people in there were smokers. I witnessed addicts smoking thru a hole in their neck. Saw people riddled with cancer begging and crying for a smoke.
You sound an awful lot like an addict trying to justify a habit.
Wow, haven't heard that take before. (Again, cynicism.) I get that you've only barely scratched the surface on this topic, so I'll go easy on you and invite you to do more research as may be desired. Feel free to get back to me after you have.