Haha.... who cares what you think....and you can't prove what I said is not correct....
This is like saying
"I have pink unicorn in living room, and you can't prove that I don't have one."
How can I prove something that is mythological or imaginary? ...or worse, delusional.
This thread showed that more young Americans now accept evolution is because their education in biology, something that they know, understand and test, should they venture into a career in medicine, medical research, or any other fields relating to biology.
Creationism is based on nothing more than superstitious belief and blind faith that there is a "creator", and using illogical circular reasoning based on scriptures or religious teachings that a creat1or god is responsible for "creation". That's not science, that's making baseless assumption that what you believe is true.
That's why it (creationism) is called faith, not science.
You are asking me to verify or test something that's not possible to test or verify.
Science is not just about theory, it is also about observation, which mean being able to test the theory or find evidences, that will either refute the theory or verify it as being true.
And you can't verify the existence of god and spirits, angels and demons, heaven and hell, or anything else relating to the supernatural.
My problem is not with you believing what you believe, ben. Because, you are an adult, well I am assuming that you are an adult, so you are free to believe in what god or spirit you like. For that I have no argument with you.
But if you think what you believe in is science, then of course, I am going to argue you against that.
Stick to that who or whatever you belief come from your personal belief or personal faith, and not make it more than the scope of your sphere of belief.