Years ago, when I still believed in demons and, consequently, paranormal phenomena, I found stories of "haunted houses," "possessions," "exorcisms," etc., to be interesting and rather terrifying. I also sometimes found a bright side to them: after all, the idea that a "possessed" person could be fully and fairly quickly cured of suffering through an exorcism was a comforting one, especially since I had heard stories of similar cures benefiting not-so-distant relatives.
Nowadays, though, I find such stories generic and fictional due to my materialism. The thing is that while I'm a materialist, I sometimes find myself wishing paranormal phenomena were real in some cases, such as ones where an "exorcism" is alleged to be a cure-all for a specific problem a person has. Also, exorcism and possession aside, the idea that there's more to life than what we can readily observe is pretty fascinating.
Am I the only person who sometimes finds materialism a bit too dull despite being an advocate of it? Put differently, are there materialists here who wish paranormal phenomena were real and scientific?
Note: I considered putting this thread in the Non-Theists Only forum, but I decided to put it here instead to have input from more people as well as opinions from believers in the paranormal. Everyone's input is welcome here.
There's science fiction. Still lot's of good material for horror.
Zombies, aliens, the rise of the robots etc...
No need to rely on supernatural lore.