Yes scientists do recognize a FT tuning problem and they are proposing explanations for such observations.
I think you are conflating here.
Scientists are trying to work out why, or rather how, things are the way they are. That would include things like values of constants and the question if universes with other values could exist or if our universe could have been different. But those are just some of the facts of the entire set that is being addressed.
Inflation theory, for example, is not something that exists
specifically to address those particular facts that you call the "ft problem", like you like to pretend.
Some sleight of hand is going on here.
Support your assertion....................excactly what do you mean with explanatory power and why design fails?
It's just a declaration. It doesn't
explain anything.
You have become none the wiser by declaring "god dun it".
It makes no testable predictions that you can independently and objectively verify.
Explanatory power - Wikipedia
Explanatory power is the ability of a hypothesis or theory to explain the subject matter effectively to which it pertains. Its opposite is explanatory impotence.
In the past, various criteria or measures for explanatory power have been proposed. In particular, one hypothesis, theory, or explanation can be said to have more explanatory power than another about the same subject matter
- if more facts or observations are accounted for;
- if it changes more "surprising facts" into "a matter of course" (following Peirce);
- if more details of causal relations are provided, leading to a high accuracy and precision of the description;
- if it offers greater predictive power (if it offers more details about what should be expected to be seen and not seen);
- if it depends less on authorities and more on observations;
- if it makes fewer assumptions;
- if it is more falsifiable (more testable by observation or experiment, according to Popper).
Well do you agree or disagree on that there is a FT problem?
I don't know. It seems to me that we would have to know more about the nature of the universe and what the process is of origination of a universe (or univere
If a space-time continuum can only exist with these constants, then I don't think it's very surprising that we observe these constants in the space-time continuum we exist in.
If these are "true" constants, as in they can't have other values, then it's also not surprising that they have the values that they do.
If there is a multi-verse that produces an infinite amount of universes with random configurations then again it is not surprising that we live in a configuration in which we can live.
So, I think you are focussing entirely on the wrong question.
It seems to me that what you really need is a theory of universe origination. And we don't have that.
And the problem is that in your "test" as you have just described it, this unknown makes the answer to your final question "
no, there is no known natural process that explains these values". Which according to your fallacious test means that therefor it is designed.
But it's just unknown. You don't have the necessary intel to make this assessment. And your fallacious test doesn't work as it results in an argument from ignorance. Always. Even when it's known before hand that it's designed.
Your very test on a car for example... Argument from ignorance.
Is there a known natural process that creates cars? No. Therefor design. Argument from ignorance.
The conclusion is correct in this case. But the reasoning is still fallacious. It uses to ignorance as support for a claim.
........please make direct claims
I'll leave the making of claims about things we couldn't possibly know to
cdesign proponentsists.
Well being the best explanation is a good merit………… I would say that the argument stands under that merit.
justify your assertin, why is it a no-explanation?.................what does no-explanation even mean?
Already said it countless times.
- makes zero predictions
- not testable
- not verifiable
- zero explanatory power