From what I have read so far its that these last three years in particular have been on the lower end of the predictions. They haven't been wrong but they have been on the lower end. However the sea levels have risen right along as predicted however and I think that is important to note.
Also the last five years, only about three of those five years have been anything but jumps in temperature. (For example this year if meaned only with itself rather than the cold year we had a few years ago which has kept the statistical five year mean down for the last five years) This year so far is the highest average temperature for a year ever recorded.
This is a graph of each of the averaged temperatures 4 times a year. You will notice that it spiked at its second highest in 2010. Then for the years 2011 and 2012 it went well below what the temperatures were at for 2010 and then shot back up at 2013 and has reached the highest nearly the end of 2014. Since then it has increased even more in 2015. Soon as the years 2011 and 2012 rotate out the five year mean will drastically shoot up. In fact soon as just one of those years rotates out the projection for 2016 will jump and in 2017 (assuming there isn't another cold year in 2016) it will most likely be significantly higher than even the 2010 five year mean reading.