Because it would result in cultural unity which India is in dire need of. The lack of unity led to Islamic domination for 400 years and British domination, after Shivaji the Great returned Hindu supremacy to the subcontinent.
Both Celina and Mahesh believe a man is God, but disagree on the particulars of devotion of philosophical nuances. Have you seen the disagreements they've had? They are quite heated, despite belonging to same religion.
I think it's normal in any religion to disagree in alot of issues. Our differences are a mercy and a blessing upon us but not a curse, IMO.
Unless there is a feeling of unity, that despite philosophical differences, we are Hindu, then India cannot progress culturally. The current economic scene is a farce in comparison to the gross amounts of communalism among people between the states, religions, castes, languages, etc.
India has not learned its lesson and its openness will be its downfall again.
Do you think India will be saved ONLY if the hindu followers became united?
What about the other religions in India, wouldn't you feel it's would be great if they united too, then all religions in India would live in peace if they wished goodness and good will for each other?