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First time posting a thread, so go easy on me✌️


Active Member
For you, Qur'an has all answers. Do you doubt Allah's word? Then why are you asking about evolution? Find it out from Qur'an.

'Wa laqad khalaqnal insaana min salsaalim min hama im masnoon'
And We did certainly create man out of clay from an altered black mud.
Surah Al Hijr - Translation and Transliteration (Al Quran al karim 15.26)

That is it.
Never claimed the Quran has all the answers but oke.
What are you trying to imply with the verse?


Χριστός ἀνέστη
I would also note that the best way to face the problem is to 'aim in the head'.

Similar DNA sequences are the strongest evidence for evolution from a common ancestor.That means that you will have to observe two organisms that are very closely related and likely to display very similar DNA sequences between two orthologs.

Orthologs are homologous genes in different species that diverged from a single ancestral gene after a speciation event
-Orthologous groups (that is, groups of genes that descend from a single ancestral gene) are convenient to describe evolutionary relationships across species.
-Orthologous sequences provide useful information in taxonomic classification and phylogenetic studies of organisms.

Paralogs are homologous genes that originate from the intragenomic duplication of an ancestral gene.
They give the absolute time that the gene duplication occurred.

This poses a challenge to functional genetics research.

Welcome and Enjoy
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Veteran Member
People can believe what they desire.
Which is why we humans need to be careful about what we believe. If we decide things are true based on emotion and whim we could be in danger of believing false ideas. How would you know if your desire is leading you to truth and not unture ideas? This is why skilled thinking is crucial for humans to avoid poor judgments.
Islam is based on the Quran which is not a science book. Also to accept evolution doesn’t put a person out of Islam.
Correct, there are many Muslims who get science right and accept evolution.
As long if it doesn’t contradict the Quran which we believe is the word of god, then there is no issue.
Assuming the Quran is what you think it is, or what others tell you it is. How would you know if you only follow desire?
Wel that’s a bit harsh lol. I don’t accept the idea that a pool of chemicals became life then I shouldn’t use a car or modern devices.
Everything I wrote was true and factual, yes?

And on what facts do you reject what exprts in science conclude? How can you honestly reject scientists who have concluded that the evidence we have suggests life emerged naturally as organic chemicals? It's all plausible. It's vastly more plausible than any god existing, and that's due to a lack of evidence.
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Active Member
Which is why we humans need to be careful about what we believe. If we decide things are true based on emotion and whim we could be in danger of believing false ideas. How would you know if your desire is leading you to truth and not unture ideas? This is why skilled thinking is crucial for humans to avoid poor judgment
When I say people can do what they desire, I mean that people should believe what they want. Allah tell us there is no compulsion in religion.
Correct, there are many Muslims who get science right and accept evolution.
From I know is Muslims don’t reject the whole idea of evolution
Assuming the Quran is what you think it is, or what others tell you it is. How would you know if you only follow desire?
That’s what people would think but on contrary we Muslims don’t follow our desires, we follow the Quran and the prophets teachings. If we would follow our desires which would go against the Islamic teachings then we would be sinning or even worse take out the good of Islam

Everything I wrote was true and factual, yes?

And on what facts do you reject what exprts in science conclude? How can you honestly reject scientists who have concluded that the evidence we have suggests life emerged naturally as organic chemicals? It's all pluaisble. It's vastly more plausible than any god existing.
For me to reject any kind proof and evidences , first i have to investigate it.
about the chemicals becoming a single cell sounds to without loolomg at a far fetched idea..

Maybe you can answer me , how can a non living chemical give birth to something living, the single cell?


Veteran Member
When I say people can do what they desire, I mean that people should believe what they want.
It's the same thing. Does wanting to believe something make it true? No. If someone comes up to you and says you can have a new Mercedes for $1000 bucks, and you want to believe that deal is real, the crook will take your money and you are a sucker. Conmen are successful because they prey on people's desires and wants, and they get robbed. What os the solution? Critical thinking skill and skepticism.
Allah tell us there is no compulsion in religion.
Do you mean this is in the Quran and someone told you it's from Allah? Or did Allah appear to you and tell you personally?
From I know is Muslims don’t reject the whole idea of evolution
When I was in college I knew a Muslim professor of pharmaceuticals. We would have great talks. He accepted all of evolution.
That’s what people would think but on contrary we Muslims don’t follow our desires, we follow the Quran and the prophets teachings. If we would follow our desires which would go against the Islamic teachings then we would be sinning or even worse take out the good of Islam
Religious traditions can be a liability IF tey are too rigic and hold onto literalist interpretations. You should learn to think for yourself and chose to live in the 21st century and not in someone elses vision that is stuck in the 7th century.
For me to reject any kind proof and evidences , first i have to investigate it.
Do note that since you are not knowledgable that credible sources are cruical, and we defer to what experts report. They do the investigation. They follow the facts and report objective findings. All we have to do is learn.
about the chemicals becoming a single cell sounds to without loolomg at a far fetched idea..
Yet you don;t know why it is plausible, do you? So how can you make that judgment? Do you desire the Quran to be true, and may have bias against science as a result?
Maybe you can answer me , how can a non living chemical give birth to something living, the single cell?
First, there are many steps in how this occurs. The first question is how inorganic chemicals became organic, and this can occur in nature. The Urey-Miller experiement shows how it can occur.

This article will answer your question in detail. It would take me hours to write up an answer.

And if you aren't convinced by all this science, ask yourself what detailed answer the Quran gives, and why doesn't it have as much detail as science does.


Active Member
Do you mean this is in the Quran and someone told you it's from Allah? Or did Allah appear to you and tell you personally?
This is a verse from the Quran and yes someone told me it was revealed by Allah and I accepted it after reading it
When I was in college I knew a Muslim professor of pharmaceuticals. We would have great talks. He accepted all of evolution.
Obviously there are Muslims that do, not denying that.
Religious traditions can be a liability IF tey are too rigic and hold onto literalist interpretations. You should learn to think for yourself and chose to live in the 21st century and not in someone elses vision that is stuck in the 7th century.
I do think of myself, that why I come to here to get to know others peoples perspectives. You have any issue with me believing in Islam since this is the second you telling me that I live in the 7th century. It’s getting a bit old and with all due respect you shouldn’t act like you are better than anyone else.just because you have accepted a certain theory or whatever you thinke.
First, there are many steps in how this occurs. The first question is how inorganic chemicals became organic, and this can occur in nature. The Urey-Miller experiement shows how it can occur.

This article will answer your question in detail. It would take me hours to write up an answer.
Thanks for the recommendation. I heard of this before but didn’t really got in to it.
And if you aren't convinced by all this science, ask yourself what detailed answer the Quran gives, and why doesn't it have as much detail as science does.
You are funny,

Let’s be clear before I read this, what are you exactly claiming, that this is a fact?

And to answer your last point, I don’t need to quistion the creator on what he didn’t put in the Quran. He has created me and knows what is best for me. Furthermore everything what is written in the Quran is enough for me to prepare myself for the life that matters after I die. I am here to learn and interact with people

MJ Bailey

:)Hello. Welcome to RF. This is my second membership here, so I am not a beginner, however am quite choosey. Being raised of a Christian faith I have seen many different variations on the topic. Personally I believe that (complete) evolution occurs in several micro organisms such as bacteria and viruses, but is extremely rare in more complex multicellular organisms. It is of my opinion that viewing likenesses of yourself towards something can lead to a self misconception and usually occurs when an individual is lacking self understanding, in which I don't know if Darwin had that issue


Veteran Member
This is a verse from the Quran and yes someone told me it was revealed by Allah and I accepted it after reading it
Is there any chance your belief could be mistaken?
Obviously there are Muslims that do, not denying that.
Educated Muslims tend to accept evolution. That is the advantage of being formally educated, and not just believing lore that others claim is true.
I do think of myself, that why I come to here to get to know others peoples perspectives. You have any issue with me believing in Islam since this is the second you telling me that I live in the 7th century. It’s getting a bit old and with all due respect you shouldn’t act like you are better than anyone else.just because you have accepted a certain theory or whatever you thinke.
My concern for people is that as they believe in some form of their religion, but then trust other believers and are taken advantage of, and coerced to adopt ideas that requires they reject facts and science. In the 21st century all world citizens owe it to themselves to accept experts in science, and other forms of knowledge. Fundamentalists want to be stuck in antiquity, and since it's a fringe view they pressure others to believe like they do. They even threaten others, which is unethical. Some cfundamentalist Christians will threaten others to hell if they don't agree with them.
Let’s be clear before I read this, what are you exactly claiming, that this is a fact?
Your average college biology textbook has more pages that the Quran. So yes, science offers an enormous amount of knowledge about reality, and there's a reason the world doesn't use the Quran. If you want to learn about genetics the Quran says nothing. That's why you read a biology textbook. Your Quran will guide you on your cultural path, but it doesn't include the massive knowledge that science offers abouit the universe.
And to answer your last point, I don’t need to quistion the creator on what he didn’t put in the Quran. He has created me and knows what is best for me.
Let's hope you can hold that belief as symbolic, and won't let it interfere with getting science right. Many theists find a way to balance both.
Furthermore everything what is written in the Quran is enough for me to prepare myself for the life that matters after I die. I am here to learn and interact with people
Well, until you die you have a life to live. Use the time well.


Veteran Member
:)Hello. Welcome to RF. This is my second membership here, so I am not a beginner, however am quite choosey. Being raised of a Christian faith I have seen many different variations on the topic. Personally I believe that (complete) evolution occurs in several micro organisms such as bacteria and viruses, but is extremely rare in more complex multicellular organisms. It is of my opinion that viewing likenesses of yourself towards something can lead to a self misconception and usually occurs when an individual is lacking self understanding, in which I don't know if Darwin had that issue
Where did you come up with these ideas? Did someone tell you this?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
When I say people can do what they desire, I mean that people should believe what they want. Allah tell us there is no compulsion in religion.

From I know is Muslims don’t reject the whole idea of evolution

That’s what people would think but on contrary we Muslims don’t follow our desires, we follow the Quran and the prophets teachings. If we would follow our desires which would go against the Islamic teachings then we would be sinning or even worse take out the good of Islam

For me to reject any kind proof and evidences , first i have to investigate it.
about the chemicals becoming a single cell sounds to without loolomg at a far fetched idea..

Maybe you can answer me , how can a non living chemical give birth to something living, the single cell?
Hi and welcome to the forum.
I think several informative videos and websites were shared with you that introduced the concepts and evidence for evolution. I would suggest that you watch or read a few and get back with questions or doubts, in a separate thread if needed. That way there would be constructive discussion.
Abiogenesis, maybe discuss later? One thing at a time is usually better. Too many things tend to confuse the issue.


Active Member
Hi and welcome to the forum.
I think several informative videos and websites were shared with you that introduced the concepts and evidence for evolution. I would suggest that you watch or read a few and get back with questions or doubts, in a separate thread if needed. That way there would be constructive discussion.
Abiogenesis, maybe discuss later? One thing at a time is usually better. Too many things tend to confuse the issue.
Yeah certainly will do that, thanks


Active Member
So I looked in to some of the articles en videos and have some questions about it.
Let me first start to say my English is not my first language so be free to correct me if I say something wrong.
I want to start with the something to me give a better understanding on this basics of the topic.

The most confusing thing about the evolution is iif it’s a fact, a theory or a hypothesis?
I have no high education but I always assumed that these three definitions were very simple to understand.

Fact is something that’s can be proven by observation, experiments and falsifying right?
A theory is something that has a valid reasoning and have evidence but it’s not a fact because of the above?
Hypothesis is a opnion that has no evidence?

I know I can find these definitions easily on the internet but getting knowledge from other people.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Fact is something that’s can be proven by observation, experiments and falsifying right?
This appears fairly correct.
A theory is something that has a valid reasoning and have evidence but it’s not a fact because of the above?
Depends on the type of theory we are talking about, and where English gets confusing.

We have psychological/mental "theory" , which is essentially defined as an assumption based on limited knowledge.

And "scientific theory" which is a statement that explains natural phenomenon, that is based on a set of facts that have been repeatedly tested against and not falsified.

Hypothesis is a opnion that has no evidence?
A hypothesis, is a tentative explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation.