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FISH - What else is life?


Active Member
FISH - What else is life?

Fishy ..and Fishing...

Every man/woman comes into this world with a 'fishing net'.

Some, like me, are quite fishy, even at the time of birth.....
(u know, I cleverly denuded the ring on the nurse's finger, when she was delivering me!)
...luckily, the Pediatrician diagnosed it as 'claw hand' at birth.
Ulnar claw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is something 'Fishy' going on....
..else...will this Religious Forum Exist?
..else ..will Enron & similar Enron-in-the-making Corporations Exist?
Enron scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
..else...will Extremely Rich Banks DECLARE BANKRUPTCY & still continue to Exist?
Subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Treasury's bank bailout list - CNNMoney.com

Man! I couldn't pay my installments for some time...
...and it was BAIL OUT!
....of Me!......Where was MY GOVT?

Something fishy going on.....
..When..the Most Logical, Accurate and Most Expensive Computers...

Something fishy going on.....

...ALL CHASES on Earth are Fishing.....
a. You can FISH for Materialistic Fishes.....Mercedes Benz, an apartment in Manhattan..
..which ALL of the COLLAPSED BANKS' CEOs...have!
..which ALL of Hollywood Walkers ..have!
..which ALL of the Top Models and Celebrities on Earth ...have!

b. You can go for 'fishing' to a remote mountain river.....
..to regain Sanity!

c. Fishing..is COLLECTING.....one thing or another
(stamps, old coins, gold bricks, name, fame, recognition, approval, applause, applause, applause.....)
(after collecting 7 Grammy Awards...the applause was a 'distant non-need.'
anyway...I went there mechanically...
(lest the Tabloids say I have become toooo proud!)

You become a COLLECTOR!
But you don't GROW!

It is Fishy Man!....fishy, fishy, fishy....in almost every street corner.

What if you can Live and Not Collect?

A very fishy question,


Fool for Wisdom
I practice 'catch and release' fishing myself.

Thanks for reminding us all of the perils of being possessed by our possessions. That is what you're talking about....?


Well-Known Member
I practice 'catch and release' fishing myself.

Thanks for reminding us all of the perils of being possessed by our possessions. That is what you're talking about....?

"Thanks for reminding us all of the perils of being possessed by our possessions. That is what you're talking about....?"

He/she is just complaining about corporations, in the wrong section.
Last edited:


Active Member
I practice 'catch and release' fishing myself.

Thanks for reminding us all of the perils of being possessed by our possessions. That is what you're talking about....?

Cash and Religion

Hi stlekee,

You got it right...."Thanks for reminding us all of the perils of being possessed by our possessions."

At the Core Level, Religion/Spirituality/Enlightenment 'values' something 'other' than material possessions....shells on the beach.

At the Core Level, Common Usual Life 'values'....material possessions....shells on the beach.

..hence the 'dichotomy'...'war'....between the two.

This Confusion is best manifest in the Most Advanced Nation on Earth with the following qualities:

1. Emphasis on Religion:
"In God we trust"
In God We Trust is the official motto of the United States.
In God We Trust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"In God We Trust" Removal Petition

Q1: In Which God?....the God of Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism....?

Q2: Is USA a Religious Theocratic State (Christian)
like Iran a Religious Theocratic State (Islam)?
Theocracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Emphasis on Materialism.
a. Capitalism ...and Opportunity to become Billionaires.
b. Success is measured in the US, mostly, by becoming 'Stinking Rich'.
..Hollywood stars, Rock Stars, Forbes list
Forbes Lists, World's Richest People, and more - Forbes.com

The Christian God of US, Jesus...says...
Jesus on the Poor
a. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
b. You shall not kill, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness. Honor your father and mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

oh me....poor is the Very Opposite of Capitalism....
oh me...You shall not kill.....with the Most Powerful Military on Earth
oh me...You shall not commit adultery....Who commits adultery in that portion of Land?
oh me...You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness...
Enron??? Collapse of the Biggest Banks on Earth???
Ordinary hard-working US Citizens....booted out of their houses?
oh me....You shall love your neighbor as yourself..
..Who is US's neighbor?

oh me...so on...etc...

Practicality is CASH...

Religion/Spirituality STARTS when
you begin to ask the Question....is CASH Everything, the Last and Final?




Fool for Wisdom
I have to aggree with you, Drsatish. But you have to remember that Jesus and his message of non-materialism and lack of possessions are not embraced by many folk, Christians included. You have to remember that Christianity is the religion ABOUT Jesus, not the religion OF Jesus, so no one is actually expected to follow his teachings. ?? And that is the big mistake in Christianity. God, through Jesus, tells us how to live very specifically and we totally ignore the message.

We deny the message, we do everything we can to not follow Jesus' teachings, whether we are Christian or agnostic or athiest. So in actuality, christians are athiests when it comes to doing God's will, God's will is not even part of most folk's decision making process. For most 'christians', God's will is not a factor in day today life. Christianity is about going to heaven when we die, period.

So rant all you want against the machine,

2% of the world's population control over 50% of the world's wealth

The gap between rich and poor is getting bigger, not smaller

Hundreds of millions of children are malnourished - that means always hungry

the stock market climbs while umemployment soars

Do you get it yet??


Active Member
I have to aggree with you, Drsatish. But you have to remember that Jesus and his message of non-materialism and lack of possessions are not embraced by many folk, Christians included. You have to remember that Christianity is the religion ABOUT Jesus, not the religion OF Jesus, so no one is actually expected to follow his teachings. ?? And that is the big mistake in Christianity. God, through Jesus, tells us how to live very specifically and we totally ignore the message.

We deny the message, we do everything we can to not follow Jesus' teachings, whether we are Christian or agnostic or athiest. So in actuality, christians are athiests when it comes to doing God's will, God's will is not even part of most folk's decision making process. For most 'christians', God's will is not a factor in day today life. Christianity is about going to heaven when we die, period.

So rant all you want against the machine,

2% of the world's population control over 50% of the world's wealth

The gap between rich and poor is getting bigger, not smaller

Hundreds of millions of children are malnourished - that means always hungry

the stock market climbs while umemployment soars

Do you get it yet??

Duping Jesus!

Heaven of Jesus and Breaking Jesus' Guidance.

I don't get it!

Breaking All Guidance of Jesus to Everyday Living..
& Hoping to Go to Heaven!

..it is like cheating in School, High School, College ..Exams..
& getting a Pass Mark to Gold Medal....
..I don't get it..
Has it got Anything to Do with Confessions Every Sunday..
to wash away all the 3.5 Murders you Did..in the Last Week?

Pirated CDs,


Active Member
Cash and Religion

You got it right...."Thanks for reminding us all of the perils of being possessed by our possessions."

big snip

Religion/Spirituality STARTS when
you begin to ask the Question....is CASH Everything, the Last and Final?


All over and all through.
Then "Religion/Spirituality STARTS when
you begin to ask the Question....is CASH Everything..."
And answering "NNNNNOOOOOOOO"!!!....what then to >do< ?

Start a dialogue (not possible a mere 20 years ago)...earth citizens empowered to communicate across the globe in nannoseconds, seek common ground/ alternatives/ solutions?

Seen the 'fishiest' movie of all?....Finding Nemo?

To quote-
"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaate, Maaaaaaaaaaate, Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate"!

To add-
"The futures so bright we will have to wear shades" :cool: ;-)

Share your concerns.

Care to explore aleviations/solutions?

All the best.



Fool for Wisdom
The words 'In God we Trust' are printed on what we trust utmost: cash, money.

We trust God, we trust money
God = money

Jesus said 'where your treasure is, there your heart is'.
where your heart is, is what you love

In day to day, do we treasure money, or God?

time for money, time for money is work
work as worshipping money

Rich people believe Poor people have too much Money,
so the Rich keep taking more money - practicing their beliefs
Church of Cash Religion of Money

Money talks. Money says 'thou shalt have no God before me'.
money talks, people listen.


Active Member
All over and all through.
Then "Religion/Spirituality STARTS when
you begin to ask the Question....is CASH Everything..."
And answering "NNNNNOOOOOOOO"!!!....what then to >do< ?

Start a dialogue (not possible a mere 20 years ago)...earth citizens empowered to communicate across the globe in nannoseconds, seek common ground/ alternatives/ solutions?

Seen the 'fishiest' movie of all?....Finding Nemo?

To quote-
"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaate, Maaaaaaaaaaate, Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate"!

To add-
"The futures so bright we will have to wear shades" :cool: ;-)

Share your concerns.

Care to explore aleviations/solutions?

All the best.


Hi Wombat,

"Seen the 'fishiest' movie of all?....Finding Nemo?"

I found Nemo in Wiki!!!!
Finding Nemo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is it a FISHY Story or a HUMANY Story?
..... may be this
..... "It was a financial blockbuster as it grossed over $864 million worldwide"...
......has "Something" to Say!

Life is a Swim!


Active Member
..... "It was a financial blockbuster as it grossed over $864 million worldwide"...
......has "Something" to Say!

Yea...ok...you already have agreement...money rules....then what?
you begin to ask the Question....is CASH Everything..."
And answering "NNNNNOOOOOOOO"!!!....what then to >do< ?
Care to explore alleviations/solutions?
For my money (;-)...We have already beaten some major tyrannies (if not completely then at least down for the count)-
Slavery. Sure there are still examples especially sex slaves...but we have broken the back of slavery,
Emancipation of women- Sure there is still a ways to go...but as with slavery the thousands of years old subjugation of females is beaten.
Proliferation of firearms/weapons- Was a time when you could not travel >anywhere< in the world without being armed to the teeth...now there are only a few places one would not go unarmed.
The ‘Tyranny of Distance’- Once communication was painfully slow and unreliable...people could not easily communicate, explore options/solutions to shared problems and unite to resolve those problems.
We have that option.
The rule and misuse of money is clearly a global problem.
Do you want to explore possible solutions?:yes::no::shrug:


Active Member
Yea...ok...you already have agreement...money rules....then what?
you begin to ask the Question....is CASH Everything..."
And answering "NNNNNOOOOOOOO"!!!....what then to >do< ?
Care to explore alleviations/solutions?
For my money (;-)...We have already beaten some major tyrannies (if not completely then at least down for the count)-
Slavery. Sure there are still examples especially sex slaves...but we have broken the back of slavery,
Emancipation of women- Sure there is still a ways to go...but as with slavery the thousands of years old subjugation of females is beaten.
Proliferation of firearms/weapons- Was a time when you could not travel >anywhere< in the world without being armed to the teeth...now there are only a few places one would not go unarmed.
The ‘Tyranny of Distance’- Once communication was painfully slow and unreliable...people could not easily communicate, explore options/solutions to shared problems and unite to resolve those problems.
We have that option.
The rule and misuse of money is clearly a global problem.
Do you want to explore possible solutions?:yes::no::shrug:

Hi Wombat!

"Care to explore alleviations/solutions?"

Sure thing Man! What ELSE COULD be BETTER
in a SOCIETY possessed by the 'demon' money?
(needing Exorcism?)
Exorcism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Yea...ok...you already have agreement...money rules....then what?"
..money rules...is 2010 GAME TRAP Illusion/Delusion/Slavery/Darkness...

"And answering "NNNNNOOOOOOOO"!!!....what then to >do< ?"
...what to DO?....BECOME the Hercules...the Atlas...
......Work Out (mentally) NOT Physically(like Hercules & Atlas)
........to Break Out of the CHAIN of MONEY SLAVERY!

What are the alleviations/solutions You have Thought Of?
(Bank Robber...robbing NOT Money...but BANK Concepts)