Kent Hovind is not finished, he can become a good person. But he is not allowed to become a successful person anymore. His confidentials are in Google. It is impossible to delete image of a criminal, however to become saint is possible.
How can you condone a man who not only was convicted twice, for domestic violence and for tax evasion and financial frauds?
And throughout his adult life, he lived a life filled with deception, and he is still is lying to this day.
You are treating him like martyr, when he is not...and now you thinking he has potential of being a saint???!!!
questfortruth, you have a real low standard of what you think is required to be a saint.
He is an unrepentant liar, and I don’t just mean his criminal convictions. Morally, he has no problem with breaking two of the Ten Commandments -
- do not bearing false witness
- and do not steal
He didn’t stand trial for his religious belief, but he did use his belief to exploit people, for feed his own greeds and lived a luxurious lifestyle, deceiving naïve people with his false credentials (fake qualifications from the diploma mill), claiming to be doctor when he is not (again fake PhD), his website and his business enterprises are built on deception, like humans and dinosaurs living in the same period.
The stealing parts come in with the tax evasion and financial frauds.
You do remember that even Jesus taught people should pay their taxes:
“Matthew 22:18-21” said:
18 But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, “Why are you putting me to the test, you hypocrites? 19 Show me the coin used for the tax.” And they brought him a denarius. 20 Then he said to them, “Whose head is this, and whose title?” 21 They answered, “The emperor’s.” Then he said to them, “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
Well, Hovind is that “hypocrite”, who have either forgotten or ignored Jesus’ teaching. I think he is the “later”.
Do you think such a person like Hovind is deserving for sainthood?
That you defend such a person, thinking he has potential to be a saint, it’s just ludicrous.
Btw, questfortruth, I may not always agree with what Bible say, especially when it concerned with the supernatural (eg creation of Adam) and with miracles, including Jesus’ miracles, but I don’t doubt some of Jesus’ teachings when it concerned with moral conducts and ethic.
Hovind may be a Christian, but he is disgustingly immoral person and a terrible Christian, that he gives Christianity a bad name.