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Folks from Other Religions


Well-Known Member
In short and generally speaking, islam teaches that all other religions are either false or abrogated.

Those currently living must accept Islam when they learn about it. A person who is not a Muslim cannot go to paradise.

They have their rights and responsibilities. Too numerous to mention.


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
What does your religion teach about other religions?

What does it teach about what will happen to folks from those other religions in the afterlife?

My interpretation/understanding of Islam is that those who believe in God and a concept of Divine Judgment and do good deeds will have their reward with God, on them will be no fear nor shall they grieve (they shall go to Paradise either pretty much directly after death or after the Day of Judgment).

Those who do not hold such beliefs are I believe to be in error and will either pretty much directly after death be confined to Hell or go there after the Day of Judgment for a very long period of time. I do believe that eventually all in Hell will be purified of their sin or forgiven and will attain to Paradise.

What does it teach about folks from other religions living among you if yours is the dominant religion?

As long as they live in peace and are not aggressors against Muslims (or indeed others), and abide by the essential laws of the Muslim state (my ideal Muslim state would be an essentially libertarian one), they should be permitted to live their lives as they see fit.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
What does your religion teach about other religions?

What does it teach about what will happen to folks from those other religions in the afterlife?c

What does it teach about folks from other religions living among you if yours is the dominant religion?
Especially since Vatican II, the Catholic Church has evolved rather dramatically on this, going from "We are the only true religion" to "Let's leave it to God to do the judging".


Active Member
What does your religion teach about other religions?

What does it teach about folks from other religions living among you if yours is the dominant religion?

Romans 12:18: Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.

1 Timothy 2: 2 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5

The bible teaches Christians to pray for other people; even if they are apart of a different religion. As Christians we are not to persecute others, say because they are from a different religion.

All Christians are required to do is just speak the truth of the faith, and if people do not desire it or care for it is okay. Does that mean going around parading up and down the streets of being a Christian, or to everyone you meet?

( I personally do not go around and do those things just express the faith by trying to live by the spirit and allow Christ to live through me and allowing me to by the spirit have love; joy; peace, kindness, forgiveness, mercy, forbearance of others, patience. )

As Christians we suffer for the sake of Christ as well; not every one desires to have anything to do with us as believers, people will hate you because of Christ, and that is just something that can not be done away with.

Just as if it was a different topic such as politics and people dislike each other because of their own view points or whatever.

Those two scriptures shared is some of the Christian Philosophy dealing with living by the spirit; living in peace with others, and also praying for all people.

Optimistic maybe, do you believe any of this? Everyone must decide for themselves what it is they desire, in this world. Some people choose to follow the God of the Bible, and Jesus Christ, some people choose otherwise, and no judgement here.


Active Member
What does it teach about what will happen to folks from those other religions in the afterlife?

Am big on truth; and desired to know the truth about the bible; and these are some of my conclusions based on using the bible to tell you what it says about the afterlife.

The bible teaches that people who are unbelievers; are placed outside the kingdom of God - Some people will say God puts people in hell and tortured forever; I disagree with those people. * I believe that Hell has been overcome by Jesus Christ though it did exist a long time ago.

(Moses, Noah, Even Jesus when he died on the cross went to hell and proclaimed a message in the realm of She'ol to the people who died long ago in Noahs day) Jesus Christ death on the cross, and after doing what He did there in She'ol. God raised Christ from the dead.

(Pretty radical things Jesus had done) : Especially all He was able to overcome; Satan; Sin: The World; Death, Grave, Hell/She'ol.

So people who pass away, who did not desire anything to do with God, or the Lord Jesus Christ - receive a resurrected body and placed outside the kingdom of God ~ (Revelation 22) - what it is like out there I have no idea other than what the scriptures present which seems they carry on whatever they desire to do. It talks about how the outside and inside of Heavenly Jerusalem - Kingdom of God and there is gates between them that never close.

Can people come back to the light even afterlife? ~ Who is to say.

People may disagree or not believe this ~ Not everyone believes that Satan is defeated, and that Hell has been overcame, along with Sin being overcome, and Death being overcome by the resurrection of Christ Jesus ~

These are my own personal views according to the scriptures which differ with a lot of churches, and preachers and pastors, everyone who has a different view may have one.​
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Active Member
You know I would like to know personally about what others think about the afterlife.

Was thinking about a making a thread but figured would write here instead.

Like what are your thoughts about the afterlife ~~ In extraction of using anything else, but your mind and thoughts.

I personally believed a long time ago before God came into my life that I personally was God. I would created my own universe when leaving this realm of reality of the flesh.

This was because I hated God, and desired my own ways to go about things. Found out that I was wrong, and not thinking correctly, and hated everyone while in this mentality.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Some people are excused, while some aren't. It depends on your circumstance, but, it's obligatory to seek the truth and give the Messengers a proper chance to prove themselves.

Fallen Prophet

Well-Known Member
What does your religion teach about other religions?
All people have portions of the truth. No one has all the truth.

There are religions that have more truth than others.
What does it teach about what will happen to folks from those other religions in the afterlife?
All people - regardless of their religion - have been redeemed and are inheritors of salvation if that is what they desire.
What does it teach about folks from other religions living among you if yours is the dominant religion?
Love thy neighbor as thyself.


Well-Known Member
What does your religion teach about other religions?

What does it teach about what will happen to folks from those other religions in the afterlife?

What does it teach about folks from other religions living among you if yours is the dominant religion?

Not about religions, but about other people:

For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without the law. As many as have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. For it isn't the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law will be justified (for when Gentiles who don't have the law do by nature the things of the law, these, not having the law, are a law to themselves, in that they show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience testifying with them, and their thoughts among themselves accusing or else excusing them) in the day when God will judge the secrets of men, according to my gospel, by Jesus Christ.
Romans 2:12-16

The Hammer

Premium Member
What does your religion teach about other religions?

What does it teach about what will happen to folks from those other religions in the afterlife?

What does it teach about folks from other religions living among you if yours is the dominant religion?

Afaik, Paganism and Neo-Paganism is accepting of differing views and beliefs, as things are more focused on Orthopraxy (right conduct/actions) as opposed to Orthodoxy (right beliefs).


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
My religion is not about mental understandings that lead to salvation. Knowing and understanding a lot does not make anyone a better person than others.

My religion is about just being the best person you can possibly be with what life throws your way.

The afterlife isn't about your religion. Religion or no religion is insignificant.

My religion is more hope than knowledge. I practice it because I love to practice it. I believe in it without concrete knowledge. My path is discovery of the divine through reasoning upon the issues of the heart. I believe in self evident truthes found only by seeking to the utmost for all the right reasons.


Active Member
What does your religion teach about other religions?

What does it teach about what will happen to folks from those other religions in the afterlife?

What does it teach about folks from other religions living among you if yours is the dominant religion?

The Bible teaches:
Only one God who is above all other Gods.
there only one religion (or type of worship) acceptable to God.
Life comes from God, refusing to accept His provision for life will ensue in forfeiting life.
Afterlife is death, or end of life, since death is the opposite of life.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
What does your religion teach about other religions?

What does it teach about what will happen to folks from those other religions in the afterlife?

What does it teach about folks from other religions living among you if yours is the dominant religion?
Live and let live.

There is no consequence for not being apart of my path.

Treat them well and with respect. Respect and kindness open doors.


Active Member
Sri Ramakrishna, who is considered by many to have been an incarnation of God, said this:

God can be realized through all paths. All religions are true. The important thing is to reach the roof. You can reach it by stone stairs or by wooden stairs or by bamboo steps or by a rope. You can also climb up by a bamboo pole.

One should not think, 'My religion alone is the right path and other religions are false.' God can be realized by means of all paths..


"All religions are true"
That would mean that a religion claiming that it is the only true religion is true as well.

Infinite are the paths "God can be realized by means of all paths"
But Jesus said that he is the "only path" to God. Can they both be right ?

"It is enough to have sincere yearning"
Thus a religion claiming the opposite is wrong, but Sri Ramakrishna claims that all religion are true.

Does anyone see the illogical reasoning here.
Are we to accept that God is illogical?

Or perhaps logic is not a strong point of most religion, and this comment from the Ap Paul is applicable.
1 Cor 3:19 "The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God"


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
I did not qualify my comment as good or bad. I only claimed that it is what the Bible teaches.
Sorry. I assumed that you believed death was a negative like so many others.

Death isn't bad. It's life without contentment that's hard. Love life fear not death, I always say.


Denizen of Niflheim
What does your religion teach about other religions?
In strict terms, Catholicism teaches that all other religions are false. However, this is nuanced by the recognition that other religions do nonetheless contain varying degrees of truth.

What does it teach about what will happen to folks from those other religions in the afterlife?
Again in strict terms, no other religion is salvific. And yet, the Church does not preclude the possibility of salvation of those outside the visible Church. Only God can know for sure a soul's standing.

What does it teach about folks from other religions living among you if yours is the dominant religion?
In a hypothetical, explicitly Catholic civilization in the modern world I envision that minority religions would be tolerated but with limited rights. Primarily, non-Catholic religions would not have the right to proselytize. In the secular sphere people who hold to minority religions would have all the same civil rights as the majority.
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Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
What does your religion teach about other religions?

What does it teach about what will happen to folks from those other religions in the afterlife?

What does it teach about folks from other religions living among you if yours is the dominant religion?

The Baha’i recognises the Divine origins of the major world religions, specifically Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism and Buddhism. The emphasis of faith is more focused on living the best we can in this life as opposed salvation in the afterlife.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
What are the differences between these last two options? Other than continuing to reincarnate (via rebirth) in samsara.

That is, essentially, the difference. But one who is liberated and chooses to return to samsara remains liberated in subsequent rebirth(s) so even in though they remain in samsara.

Does having an Enlightenment or Gods experience/realization, and choosing to use that experience to guide others from their suffering a form of muddying ones souls?

No. Once liberated, one retains the knowledge of being Brahman.

Perhaps it would be helpful to compare this state of being to lucid dreaming. Imagine during a dream, you realize you're asleep and dreaming, and upon waking, one chooses to return to that lucid dream rather than waking.

Also, it would be prudent for me to point out that in my view, Advaita Vedanta, there are no individual "souls." The appearance of multiplicity is a result of Maya. Atman (the individualized appearance of a soul) is identical to Brahman.

What makes the Brahman different? Are they not allowed to help others out of their cycles of rebirth?

I'm not sure I understand the question. But perhaps it might change the question if I point out that all is Brahman. I am that. "Others" is merely an appearance. Salix is also merely an appearance. So in making a choice to be reborn into samsara, who is it I'm actually choosing to help? ;)