Yes there will always be abuse, however we need to stem the tide.
And I suppose that killing the poor would stem the tide as well, So would discontinuing social welfare programs all together, the point is that we should stem the tide in a way that is narrowly construed to affect the issue, not just jump on any idea that might help towards that means.
Indeed it is not my job to police health habits, - however, - as a tax payer paying for their "assistance" then I have an absolute right to ask for changes to lower the costs, especially when such would actually make them healthier, - And also keep the programs funded.
How would preventing someone from buying a candy bar really lower the costs?
I don't have a problem with someone having a candy bar. I have a problem PAYING for someone else's candy bar.
Really, I am sorry to hear that. But just think of it like this, rather than paying for someone else's candy bar, you are helping the economy.
You are bringing up stuff that has nothing to so with the subject. We are not denying anyone a candy bar. We just don't want to pay for it. They are on assistance that WE pay for. The Republican party wants to dump this because it is so expensive. I want it to remain in place - but with changes that will lower the cost substantially.
No, I believe that these ideas are pivotal to the subject. It is very easy to sit back and criticize something which is distant. But, what are we really talking about: Are there abuses-sure. But does a cake for a birthday really compromise the system, does a candy bar really represent a true tipping point for a viable system vs. a failing system? No, of course not. My experience with people is that they often tend to get upset with social welfare programs because they think that it is just unfair. The idea that someone else got a cake is upsetting. Because the minimal amount that you paid that actually went towards each cake or candy bar out there would somehow better fit in your pocket. The programs are necessary to save you money. And if someone buys a cake, a candy bar, or a steak- hell, even if some people cheat the system, then it is still better than if you had hoarded your pennies in the first place.
The poverty is an issue because people are getting up in arms about someone's choice to buy a candy bar with monies they did not earn. So, shat? Your reasoning: "it's junk food" but with the steak? your reasoning: "it's not cost effective." I think the real reasoning is you don't feel they deserve that. The recipients of these programs are not living it up. A candy bar once and a while will not hurt a kid, and a steak once and a while will not use up all of the funds needlessly. So, the only thing left is that you don't want them to have it. Thus, your suggestion is too broad. If you want to talk about better the system, I am all ears. But if your ideas are based on some self-entitled philosophy that is reminiscent of a kid throwing a tantrum because someone else got a bigger slice of the cupcake, while you sit with uncounted, and unexamined advantages- then I will object.
Putting the rule into effect would stop people from having the extra children that they cant feed and clothe.
Really, will it?
The idea is not to hurt children, or their parents. It is to stop fraud and misuse of people's tax money. No children will be hurt, if parents with no means to support more children, don't have them.
But more children will be had, so children will be hurt. And you are proposing that we further extend the hurt by limiting those children's access to resources.
To put it bluntly - why should I pay for idiots who already have children, are poor and on assistance/food stamps, etc, - and then decide to have even more children they can't afford to feed and clothe?
why should you pay for education of others children in the first place, why should you pay for anyone else? why should you pay for insurance?
When you pay for social welfare programs that is taking a proactive step to avoid future problems. You don't like paying for food stamps- then pay a higher cost for the increase in theft, pay a higher cost for the increase in prisons, pay a higher cost for the increase in health costs, pay a higher cost for the increase in police force, pay a higher cost for the increase in crime- A hungry people are an unhappy people and you will pay the cost.
Just so we are clear here - I am not calling people on assistance - idiots.
I wouldn't think that you were.
I'm calling people on assistance - that continue to have children they can't support - idiots.
We are all guilty of being idiots. And it is very sorrowful that parents make poor reproductive choices that disadvantage the children they already have and the they will birth. But, I have always felt compassion a better way to approach the subject. Approaching the subject with spite helps no one.