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fools rush in.... satan is not a person


who told you satan is a person? not the bible that is for sure!!

please you could rush me another antedote for the Mission of Maitreya, but i don`t think satan would allow you; satan is you ego.

Ego causes all the unhappiness in the world, that is why the world is in a mess. You who believes satan is a person have merely a narrow mind and believe in hollywood productions maybe some painting of satan too, who would know what someone else told you too. Why should i be afraid of satan? because satan is also when you become materialistic, ungodly people... like that, and the power of that is very strong: the pull that drives you from spirit is very strong.

now, please rush all the quotes from the bible that tell us satan is a person(not).
This is what you do: close the doors of thought, religion, and being a nice person.
Maitreya is satan? you don`t even know the man. What are you going to do now?

and of course there is the snake,,mmmmm a talking snake,, means that what? be glad to here from you.

this is what it is about: we have knowlege and we have action. which way is better, acting on knowledge of spirit or `i need more things`, then comes greed. The latter is satan.
The goal of life would be to become divine of get to heaven which ever you want, but just going around spewing out `they are all satan`, it is going to take you forever to be divine and get to heaven.(i realise just believing is not enough, not by a long shot, in fact that is the fool part) Be a better God person, the world is not getting anywhere though the dogma. God love all and notice also that God answers the prayers of all, ALL, who ask Him.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
drew22 said:
who told you satan is a person? not the bible that is for sure!!

please you could rush me another antedote for the Mission of Maitreya, but i don`t think satan would allow you; satan is you ego.

Ego causes all the unhappiness in the world, that is why the world is in a mess. You who believes satan is a person have merely a narrow mind and believe in hollywood productions maybe some painting of satan too, who would know what someone else told you too. Why should i be afraid of satan? because satan is also when you become materialistic, ungodly people... like that, and the power of that is very strong: the pull that drives you from spirit is very strong.

now, please rush all the quotes from the bible that tell us satan is a person(not).
This is what you do: close the doors of thought, religion, and being a nice person.
Maitreya is satan? you don`t even know the man. What are you going to do now?

and of course there is the snake,,mmmmm a talking snake,, means that what? be glad to here from you.

this is what it is about: we have knowlege and we have action. which way is better, acting on knowledge of spirit or `i need more things`, then comes greed. The latter is satan.
The goal of life would be to become divine of get to heaven which ever you want, but just going around spewing out `they are all satan`, it is going to take you forever to be divine and get to heaven.(i realise just believing is not enough, not by a long shot, in fact that is the fool part) Be a better God person, the world is not getting anywhere though the dogma. God love all and notice also that God answers the prayers of all, ALL, who ask Him.

who told you satan is a person? not the bible that is for sure!!

Perhaps you'd care to look at http://www.holybible.com/search/searchemall.php
; that is the first of five page's worth of mentions of Satan in the King Jame's version.:)


Veteran Member
drew22 said:
satan is you ego.

You re-named my ego? I was already calling it Oscar. Seriousy though. For those of you who contend that Satan is not a being (angel, demigod man whatever), why would you contend such a thing exists at all? Drew, why not just say your ego has the ability to keep you from God instead of nicknaming you ego Satan and saying satan keeps you from God. Who is Maitreya and who said he was Satan? (and if he is proposed as Satan than is he according to your defintion keeping people from God?).


Well-Known Member
robtex said:
You re-named my ego? I was already calling it Oscar. Seriousy though. For those of you who contend that Satan is not a being (angel, demigod man whatever), why would you contend such a thing exists at all? Drew, why not just say your ego has the ability to keep you from God instead of nicknaming you ego Satan and saying satan keeps you from God. Who is Maitreya and who said he was Satan? (and if he is proposed as Satan than is he according to your defintion keeping people from God?).

Things have metaphorical meaning, too, Robtex.satan is a metaphor for the ego, ego is a metaphor for satan.

Satan is more the Mr. Hyde we all have with us. But SATAN has no separate existence whatsoever.



Well-Known Member
Popeyesays said:
Things have metaphorical meaning, too, Robtex.satan is a metaphor for the ego, ego is a metaphor for satan.

Satan is more the Mr. Hyde we all have with us. But SATAN has no separate existence whatsoever.

Accordingly each of us is a little Satan running around then because ego is I, is you. If purely metaphorical, Satan is not fussy about where it lives, and has demonstrated appallingly bad taste in my case.



Bodhisattva in Recovery
Buttercup said:
Am I the only one confused? :confused: If so, it wouldn't be the first time.
Nopers, momma. Personally I have no use for the concept of Satan. I really cannot think of a more harmful idea than saying that the ego or our interface with physical reality is "Satan". Evidently this concept hasn't helped people to understand the ego very much


Well-Known Member
Ozzie said:
Accordingly each of us is a little Satan running around then because ego is I, is you. If purely metaphorical, Satan is not fussy about where it lives, and has demonstrated appallingly bad taste in my case.


We don't really have much choice in our internal residents. Freud even chopped us up into three parts, ego, super-ego and id. Nt personal contention is that the ego is an amalgamation of our super-ego(our Godly nature) and our id (satanic nature).

]To make our collective ids into a supernatural monster is a major case of slipping the blame for our personal actions.



Well-Known Member
We don't really have much choice in our internal residents. Freud even chopped us up into three parts, ego, super-ego and id. My personal contention is that the ego is an amalgamation of our super-ego (our Godly nature) and our id (satanic nature).

]To make our collective ids into a supernatural monster is a major case of slipping the blame for our personal actions.



Well-Known Member

In fact, Drew, the Baha'i scriptures make clear that there is no "devil" out there competing with God, Who is Supreme and without rival!

And "satan" simply refers to our own lower (animal) nature when we give it control instead of our higher (spiritual) nature.

So satan does indeed refer to a person, or people, all of whom we hope and pray quickly mend their ways and become the spiritual beings they are capable of being!




Religious Headbanger
drew22 said:
who told you satan is a person? not the bible that is for sure!!

please you could rush me another antedote for the Mission of Maitreya, but i don`t think satan would allow you; satan is you ego.

Ego causes all the unhappiness in the world, that is why the world is in a mess. You who believes satan is a person have merely a narrow mind and believe in hollywood productions maybe some painting of satan too, who would know what someone else told you too. Why should i be afraid of satan? because satan is also when you become materialistic, ungodly people... like that, and the power of that is very strong: the pull that drives you from spirit is very strong.

now, please rush all the quotes from the bible that tell us satan is a person(not).
This is what you do: close the doors of thought, religion, and being a nice person.
Maitreya is satan? you don`t even know the man. What are you going to do now?

and of course there is the snake,,mmmmm a talking snake,, means that what? be glad to here from you.

this is what it is about: we have knowlege and we have action. which way is better, acting on knowledge of spirit or `i need more things`, then comes greed. The latter is satan.
The goal of life would be to become divine of get to heaven which ever you want, but just going around spewing out `they are all satan`, it is going to take you forever to be divine and get to heaven.(i realise just believing is not enough, not by a long shot, in fact that is the fool part) Be a better God person, the world is not getting anywhere though the dogma. God love all and notice also that God answers the prayers of all, ALL, who ask Him.

Very good post. My faith holds that G-d created good and life and evil and death that we may choose good and life. We are born with both a "yetzer hara" (evil inclination) and a "yetzer hatov" (good inclination) in perfect balance. We are not born evil and dirty. We have just as much inclination to do good as we have to do bad.

It seems a bit blasphemous to me to assume that there is this polar opposite figure that was created by G-d, who has no free will as we do, and that this figure can somehow be everywhere at one time and tempt us all. This would suggest that he is an omnipotent and omnipresent being.

It is quite freeing to let go of this notion there is some horned devil hiding behind every corner waiting to stick me with a hot poker and drag me down to a lake of fire. Frees up a lot of time to work on things like keeping my own actions in line with Torah and recognizing where I fall short; not where some devil is trying to screw me.