What I asked was not a hypothetical. Your god purposely creates a world were great suffering exists and is supposed to be considered a hero after he stops the suffering he caused to happen in the first place? That's who you think is morally suited to pass judgment on others? That makes as much sense as making an arsonist the fire chief and congratulating him on all the fires he puts out after he started them? Next you'll argue that whatever suffering I perceive in the world is not gods fault but my own as well as the rest of humanity, which is utter garbage. A human parent not being held liable for a bad decision one of their children made is logical. A creator god that created everything, not being held liable for the bad decisions of its creations whose very nature it purposely created down to the tiniest bit of our DNA is not logical. The Christian god is so laughably flawed and ridiculous that I could never entertain its existence.
I did not say your comments were hypothetical, I said my question to you was, which you chose not answer.
Yes, I understand your logic or your position on this. Fine if you think that either disproves the God of the Bible's existence or if it justifies you to reject His word. For myself, I see far too much evidence to pretend otherwise.
I will leave you with this (from an earlier thread) which may not do much for you, but I think it has merit.
A marriage is arranged between you and the most adorable girl, one who is kind and delightful beyond all measure. But she is forced to be your bride, she is given no choice in the matter. Similarly, in a second scenario, this same girl by chance finds you along the path of life and instead of being obliged to be your bride, instead falls in love with you and desires you for herself. She makes many efforts to please you and willfully suffers for you, fails often but seeks forgiveness. Which of these two would give you the greater joy? Perhaps when God said He created us in His own image that is partially what He was referring to? He, too, prefers one who chooses to love Him and sacrifice for Him and take risks, as opposed to creating a being incapable of making free will choices to want to love Him. As given in Scripture, Our Lord says man is higher than the angels for this very reason of free will. Our earthly trials merit these greater virtues and are more pleasing to God.
Life is a trial, a test, a means to an end. There is no honor if it requires no effort and no faith on our part. If that were the case, God may as well have just bypassed humanity and earth and made us all like angels incapable of sinning but also no valor in our beings. God allows suffering and evil to bring out a greater good in us. Another saint explained God also allows the suffering of the innocents to atone for the souls of great sinners. It will only be revealed how it all worked together in the hereafter. We are called upon to carry our cross and share in the sufferings Jesus bore for us.