Let's say that you died and your children had to go live with someone else. Let's say this family was LDS and your children would now be raised LDS, would you have an objection? The same with Paganism, Islam, Buddhism, Hindu, etc.
Would you ever put anything in your wills concerning the matter?
What would it mean to your if your children converted to any of these paths?
Well, since I'm the only practicing Buddhist in our household, I kind of go through that anyway. And now with our two youngest children being baptised into Christ, that's something that I support.
Kids are going to believe what kids are going to believe. That's not something anyone can have forced onto them if they truly don't believe it.
Besides, our kids aren't exactly sure about how to specifically define their beliefs...........my daughter called me up the other day at her dad's after her baptism asking me if we'll go shopping for a Dancing Shiva statue and to read more Hindu books. At this point, I'm still shopping for a gift for her and for my son as a congratulatory gift for their baptism - and now she's bringing up Shiva?
All I can say is our children rarely go where we as parents wish they would go for our own convenience. Sure, it would be much more convenient if all of our kids would like classic rock like Steve and I do, if they all would like the same parlor games Steve and I like (they all hate charades), and so on. Jeez, none of them can stand theatre performance except for the huge blockbuster Hollywood movies...........
...........there might be hope with our daughter who appreciates the graphic arts. But, you know, we shall see.
It is SOOOOOOO much easier to act as a parent and to guide them once they see they have your support and acceptance for their goals and beliefs - and hence their individuality. It
sounds better having a whole bunch of little Heathers running around that believe everything that I do. But in reality, that's just stressing oneself out over things that one can't control.
It's just that I already have enough on my plate dealing with my own self and coming to terms with my own perspective. Why would I want to have 5 more Heathers to deal with? (a husband and four children) LOL