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For Luciferians; The difference between Luciferians & Luciferianism.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Staff member
Premium Member
The Path has never been popular and I don't think its meant to be. Secondly,
it's funny how Doors, Eni, Rival, Iti and countless other luciferians I've
encountered seem to agree with me. This might come as a shocker to
you but I actually got the ideal from another luciferian, and not one on
this forum.

Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer. The tradition usually reveres Lucifer not as the Devil, but as a rescuer or guiding spirit[1] or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.[2]

Luciferianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh tons of things! The things that inspire me are the things I find attractive. Independence, courage, intelligence, charisma, curiosity, determination. Really, he's a natural leader and I have an extremely hard time looking up to people who aren't. Sometimes he reminds of Alexander the Great. He inspires loyalty and trust without having to demand it. I think any random roomful of people would look to him for direction and guidance. Perhaps this is what scares the Christians so much...

All Beliefs - View Single Post - [Luciferianism] Ask a Luciferian

What is Luciferianism? - Yahoo! Answers

What is Luciferian?? - Yahoo! Answers (best answer is no good)

Lucifer Worship

Luciferianism | Spiral Nature

"Luciferians can also be either theistic or atheistic. Whether we consider him a symbol or an actual god, he represents knowledge in all it’s forms. The majority of us strive for apotheosis–to become like gods, knowing good and evil. We hold ourselves accountable for our actions, and even theistic luciferians like myself rely largely on our own potential and effort. Lucifer is a guide and mentor, but ultimately my faith is what I make of it."

This many sources and I can go find more, that never said Luciferianism can NOT be about Lucifer worship

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Staff member
Premium Member
The Path has never been popular and I don't think its meant to be. Secondly,
it's funny how Doors, Eni, Rival, Iti and countless other luciferians I've
encountered seem to agree with me. This might come as a shocker to
you but I actually got the ideal from another luciferian, and not one on
this forum.

Please show me these countless other luciferians you've encountered...

You're starting to sound like a Nun, bro "god told me to this: my proof is from my experience"

Twig pentagram

High Priest
Luciferianism is a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer. The tradition usually reveres Lucifer not as the Devil, but as a rescuer or guiding spirit[1] or even the true god as opposed to Jehovah.[2]

Luciferianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh tons of things! The things that inspire me are the things I find attractive. Independence, courage, intelligence, charisma, curiosity, determination. Really, he's a natural leader and I have an extremely hard time looking up to people who aren't. Sometimes he reminds of Alexander the Great. He inspires loyalty and trust without having to demand it. I think any random roomful of people would look to him for direction and guidance. Perhaps this is what scares the Christians so much...

All Beliefs - View Single Post - [Luciferianism] Ask a Luciferian

What is Luciferianism? - Yahoo! Answers

What is Luciferian?? - Yahoo! Answers (best answer is no good)

Lucifer Worship

Luciferianism | Spiral Nature

"Luciferians can also be either theistic or atheistic. Whether we consider him a symbol or an actual god, he represents knowledge in all it’s forms. The majority of us strive for apotheosis–to become like gods, knowing good and evil. We hold ourselves accountable for our actions, and even theistic luciferians like myself rely largely on our own potential and effort. Lucifer is a guide and mentor, but ultimately my faith is what I make of it."

This many sources and I can go find more, that never said Luciferianism can NOT be about Lucifer worship
Sources aren't going to change what I think. There's sources that say lucifer is an actual
entity but do I think that,:no: . You don'tunderstand Sum, and unless you're on The Path
you probably never will.

I Am going to try build with you for a second though. There's all types of luciferians.
The ones who I THINK are invading and destroyingThe Path are the ones who think
some fallen angel is not only a lucifer but The Lucifer and they worship it. They don't
know that lucifer is a title and they equate lucifer with satan. That's all I
Am going to give you, Sum.:cool:
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Twig pentagram

High Priest
Sum you keep quoting sources about Luciferianism. If you read the OP
you would see that I say Lucifer worshippers created Luciferianism.
( Hence the difference between Luciferians and luciferianism ) I don't
think you actually read the things I post.
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Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
also a bit late to argue we had a debate about the overview you decided to not post in it and now you wana *****?

Twig pentagram

High Priest
Luciferianism was created by people that woship Lucifer. IMHO- thesepeople are not Luciferians. In fact, I think anyone that practices Luciferianism is not a Luciferian. The Luciferian ideal is about SELF
mastery. It's not about bowing down to a deity, its about becoming
one with Deity and in turn becoming your own Deity.
Here it is again so that you see it clearly. Sum :yes:

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
also luciferians can worship lucifer worshiping lucifer does not mean luciferian. those are huge differences

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
How is it so easy for You, Doors, Eni, Rival and I to understand what
I Am saying?
we are all lucifers/luciferians?

im so sad right now. we all realized we had something in common and worked together to revive a dead subdir just to get flamed out of it? come on we even made room for people we disagree with to join the subdir and now were *** holes?

Twig pentagram

High Priest
we are all lucifers/luciferians?

im so sad right now. we all realized we had something in common and worked together to revive a dead subdir just to get flamed out of it? come on we even made room for people we disagree with to join the subdir and now were *** holes?
LOL, it's not that bad Sum. They just don't understand what I'm trying
to say. They think I Am saying that luciferianism isn't about worshipping
lucifer. When I Am saying the exact opposite, and that's why I don't
practice luciferianism. I AM LUCIFERIAN, and I think there's a
difference between luciferian and luciferianism.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
LOL, it's not that bad Sum. They just don't understand what I'm trying
to say. They think I Am saying that luciferianism isn't about worshipping
lucifer. When I Am saying the exact opposite, and that's why I don't
practice luciferianism. I AM A LUCIFERIAN, and I think there's a
difference between a luciferian and luciferianism.
you just called me sum :eek: i like to say im a lucifer. its quite clear what i mean. seems luciferian and luciferianism are argued over. by people who apparently worship me. then deny what i say? some worshipers huh? iti ojs priestess are way more rational


Well-Known Member
Twig you've been given countless sources and I'm tired of people like you coming in and raping words. I don't mind if you call yourself a Luciferian but when you start all this ******** I start to realize your just another person trying to seem "cool" with some meaningless and shallow label that perverts everything it stands for.

I wasn't talking to you.:confused:

Thing is you say you wont debate but keep responding.

The Path has never been popular and I don't think its meant to be. Secondly,
it's funny how Doors, Eni, Rival, Iti and countless other luciferians I've
encountered seem to agree with me. This might come as a shocker to
you but I actually got the ideal from another luciferian, and not one on
this forum.

Never saw Eni agree with you.
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Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but I don't care if 100 people agree with you Twig, so many people are IGNORANT of the history of Luciferianism and of what it means to be a Luciferian I wouldn't be suprised at all.

It's almost like a modern religious equivalent of hipsters who totally dismiss the actual context or meaning of Luciferianism.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
I'm sorry but I don't care if 100 people agree with you Twig, so many people are IGNORANT of the history of Luciferianism and of what it means to be a Luciferian I wouldn't be suprised at all.

It's almost like a modern religious equivalent of hipsters who totally dismiss the actual context or meaning of Luciferianism.
or historical luciferinas twisting the meaning of lucifer?


Well-Known Member
or historical luciferinas twisting the meaning of lucifer?

I have a ****-ton of Freemasons in my extended family, and Masonry has a lot of roots in Luciferian and other philosophies of the self.

http://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz79/jasonwill2/Satanism/Odd Bible/IMG_0678.jpg

http://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz79/jasonwill2/Satanism/Odd Bible/IMG_0670.jpg

Those pictures are of a Masonic Bible of a relative who lived in my house before me, she was a Freemason.

There is evidence of a large number of Theistic Luciferians in Freemasonry.



Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
Again not what I asked the stuff about opheta or we/ was closer.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
Also good morning. Im not asking for historical proff i know its their have not would not say others. In asking you to defened explain etc their beliefs