i'm going to go with no forced medication. As a general rule NO pHARMaceutical drug (keeping the harm large) ever cures anything.
Psychiatry is a fake science without any science. There are no biological markers for virtually anything. There is physical/biochemical marker known for depression, bi-polar disorder, neurosis, anger/rage, suicidal ideation, etc etc. NO markers at all. Not only that, when they provide any drugs - there are no markers showing changes in any physical markers either. Yes - you may impair brain function too much for a person to function enough to experience that rage or depression, but you've cured nothing at all.
SSRIs are a case in point. If you go back to their approval - roughly 40% of ALL the studies about SSRIs showed some (and many believe the data was slanted) small benefit in treatment. However - about 20% of the studies showed NO improvement, no treatment of the mental state at all, and the other 40% of the tests showed negative treatment outcomes. Additionally BOTH the 20% and 40% negative treatment studies noted serious problems in terms of mental and physical adverse reactions.
If that weren't enough - you may know of these people claiming that they wouldn't be alive without their ????? (Paxil, Prozac, whatever) So a study was done. A large group insisting that their SSRIs kept them sane and alive were all told that they would take part in a double blind study. One half would receive their EXACT SAME PRESCRIPTION AND DOSAGE FROM THE SAME MANUFACTURER and the other half would receive a placebo.
The funny thing is that BOTH groups reacted the exact same way - their depression was a little less well handled. This proved that the mental aspect of those on SSRIs made them doubt that they had the real drug - and consequently, their minds sabotaged any (pretended) effect of the drugs. The placebo group thought the exact same thing, and had pretty much the exact same levels of decreased effectiveness in their "medication" - proving that the entire SSRI thing is mental - is placebo affect from day one. With the bonus of getting really screwed up brain and body health.
So no - no medications. They don't work and are the largest killer of Americans today - pHARMa drugs kill (depending on how honest you want to count) over half a million americans/year. JUST SAY NO TO DRUGS, and go with nature, meditation, organic and home grown live foods.