Firstly not sure if anyone has done this previously of aligning the forms of Yoga with Chakras, and if so would be happy to look at the info...
Since couldn't find the info, and realized they do align, thus decided to add it up myself; feel free to be critical.
Since couldn't find the info, and realized they do align, thus decided to add it up myself; feel free to be critical.
- Tantra Yoga - A methodology of controlling the bodies vitality. - Overal method of Yoga for Connection.
- Jnana Yoga - A seeking of spiritual knowledge. - Sahasrara (thousand petaled) - Crown Chakra
- Raja Yoga - The practise of mindfulness meditation. - Ajna (command) - Third-Eye Chakra
- Bhakti Yoga - Ritual devotion. - Vishuddha (especially pure) - Throat Chakra
- Karma Yoga - A path of mindful action (selfless service). -
Anharta (unstruck) - Heart Chakra - Kriya Yoga - A technique of inner karma cleansing. -
- Pranayama Yoga - A practise of regulating the breathing. - Manipura (city of jewels) - Solar plexus Chakra
- Hatha Yoga - A way to keeping the body balanced through stretching. - Svadhishthana (one's own base) - Core Chakra
- Kundalini Yoga - a practise to awakening the sexual vitality. - Muladhara (root support) - Sexual organs Chakra