Dirty Penguin
Master Of Ceremony
So now you are putting words in my mouth. I am saying almost none of that. Just that Fox is more blatant in their support of republicans. Something most of the world seems to understand and agree with.
When Bush was president they hounded him, yes. There were torture scandals, faulty intelligence reports that led to war, terror attacks, mishandling of a major disaster by a vastly under-qualified political appointee. When Bush was hounded it was largely because there was a lot of questionable stuff going on.
Obama has Benghazi and a health system that could have been implemented better. Let's put it into perspective. Congress spent more, by a wide margin, investigating Benghazi than they did 9-11. That is what happens when the sounding board for the party (Fox News) spends 18 hours a day for many months manufacturing a scandal.
I've complained under both presidents that the president is the catch-all for blame for everything under the son, 90% of which he has no control over. That is a separate issue.