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Freddie Mercury


Wonder Woman
Coming up in a couple weeks from now is the 15th anniversary of the death of one of the greatest musicians of all time, at least in my opinion, Freddie Mercury. His voice was unbelievable, his talent undeniable, and his love for entertaining unquestionable.

I just wanted to provide my own little tribute thread to him. If no one else here feels as I do about him, that is fine, but I still want to do this.

Here's basic information on his for anyone interested in more about him: Freddie

Here's a tribute video I found on him that is just beautiful. The woman who made this did a wonderful job. I cried.



And just one more thing to add here. An awesome video of a performance of "Radio Ga Ga"...the audience participation is phenomenal.


God's Nephew
He was brilliant. He could sing everything from heavy metal to showtunes (or more often than not his own unique blend of those two). His voice will never be duplicated.


Working-Class W*nch.
Freddie rocks! I went and saw a Queen tribute band earlier this year, and they did an awesome job. The guy who played Freddie was absolutely phenomenal!


Citizen Mod
Even when he had fallen ill during the band's last tours he carried his talent forward. A true inspiration and a true professional.


Wonder Woman
He never wanted anyone to know what he was suffering through. He pushed ahead even while dying to do what he loved to do. If only we all had his determination and will for life.


Vile Stove-Toucher
Brilliant, brilliant musician and entertainer - no doubt about it. I'm not sure I'll be able to play the videos you've posted, because videos are not at all dial-up friendly, especially on my computer. I'll give the first one a go - I'll let it load while I'm off doing a little housework and making dinner. ;) I've already seen the 'Radio Ga-Ga' one - or at least one like it - when I bought a Queen 'Live' dvd for someone a couple years back (and of course watched it myself :p). Great stuff.


Wonder Woman
Bastet said:
Brilliant, brilliant musician and entertainer - no doubt about it. I'm not sure I'll be able to play the videos you've posted, because videos are not at all dial-up friendly, especially on my computer. I'll give the first one a go - I'll let it load while I'm off doing a little housework and making dinner. ;) I've already seen the 'Radio Ga-Ga' one - or at least one like it - when I bought a Queen 'Live' dvd for someone a couple years back (and of course watched it myself :p). Great stuff.

The first one, the tribute, is definitely worth the time to load I think. It is just touching. It's done to the instrumental of "Forever".


Vile Stove-Toucher
Draka said:
The first one, the tribute, is definitely worth the time to load I think. It is just touching. It's done to the instrumental of "Forever".
Ouch. I'll probably cry myself, then. It's about half-way loaded - I'll go do my dishes then come back. Might have to stick in a Queen cd in the meantime. :p


Vile Stove-Toucher
Draka said:
The first one, the tribute, is definitely worth the time to load I think. It is just touching. It's done to the instrumental of "Forever".
Very nicely done.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Freddie continues to reign as the king of frontmen for any kind of band. There has been and will never be anyone like him. The best showman, the best voice, the best personality..............He simply was the best that ever was.

I remember the tribute for Freddie after he died in '91, and I only remember George Michael being somewhat close to Freddie's range and talent when he sang "Somebody to Love." I also remember being somewhat annoyed with Axl Rose when he butchered one of Queen's songs (can't remember, was it "We Are the Champions"?).

Anyway, I produced a show for my big senior project in college that was about the life and death of Freddie Mercury, and all the music was by Queen. It was ambitious, and I was told that it couldn't be done because I had to do all the lighting design, the costume design, as well as the choreography. I even did the stage management for the show. The only thing I didn't do was the soundboard. It was an amazing project that was pulled off by a lot of people who volunteered their time and their talent - and they did it because of how much Freddie was loved, and how they wanted to honor his memory. 6 weeks of blood, sweat, and tears, and we gave a one night performance that was sold out. Half of the audience wept openly.

And, I got an "A" on the project, too. :D

You are still so missed, Freddie! Thank you for all you gave to the world!



Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
He really was someone special; there have been some throughout history. Someone with a talent like his puts other performers in the shade.


I smell something....
The last album that Queen did "Made in Heaven", released in 1995, was a testimony to the passion that Freddie Mercury had for doing what he loved. Even in the condition that he was in, he still sang his heart out. The sounds that came out of him could only be described by showing the goosebumps on your flesh. Knowing that he was already gone from this world when this album came out only made the goosebumps bigger.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
turk179 said:
The last album that Queen did "Made in Heaven", released in 1995, was a testimony to the passion that Freddie Mercury had for doing what he loved. Even in the condition that he was in, he still sang his heart out. The sounds that came out of him could only be described by showing the goosebumps on your flesh. Knowing that he was already gone from this world when this album came out only made the goosebumps bigger.

I gots that album. : hamster : It's a good one!



I'm a big Queen....!!...errhmm..I meant I'm a big Queen fan !!..I saw them four times !!...got all their albums.....

I once read a review of one of the concerts where the reviewer tongue in cheek proclaims that " Freddie Mercury is a prancing megalomaniac"....and you know what ...he was right !!.....

I don't think anyone could command the masses like Freddie......he stole the show at Live Aid 1984 !!..Oh My gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd !!!...was it really 22 years ago ?.....

This man was the ultimate...ultimate voice...ultimate song writer...definitely the ultimate performer....he can only be succeeded.....never replaced .....THANK FULLY !!!
