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Freddie Mercury

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Freddie was awesome! However, whenever I watched him, I had a hard time overlooking his over bite. That always made me feel guilty! :D


Wonder Woman
NetDoc said:
Freddie was awesome! However, whenever I watched him, I had a hard time overlooking his over bite. That always made me feel guilty! :D

He was very self-conscious of that too actually. On one hand he wanted it corrected but never seemed to have the time, on the other hand he sort of feared having it done as he thought it may affect his voice.

I really think it sad that he was an essentially lonely man. He never had anyone that was truly his "partner" in life. The only one he had was his ex-girlfriend/bestfriend. I believe he once said that she was the only true friend he ever really had.