I read that most people believe in free will.
Although I think it’s not a huge majority.
Why would a person who believes in free will want to prevent others from exercising their own free will?
For a person who doesn’t believe in free will, is it even possible to consider telling other people how to live their lives?
Very Good!! I see this as mankind's greatest problem. Everybody wants to rule the world. How much time and energy is spent on trying to control the actions of others?
I can hear it now. He said this. She said that. He did this, She did that. What are we going to do about that? Let's make up some more rules to control it all.
It's all been wrapped around smoke and mirrors. Control has been taught since childhood.
God places knowledge all around then allows total free choice from there. God will never tell you what to choose. Religion will but God will not.
From an early age we are ruled. We are told what to do. Why? Cause I said so!! Is this teaching us all to control the actions of others??
How many parents give their children the knowledge then say Choose?? I must say I have not heard it. What are we teaching our children? It's certainly not how to choose.
Now some parents might say we could never do that. The kid might make a bad choice. More is learned through bad choices than almost anything else.
There was this religious parent that fought hard to shield their child from the so called evils of the world. I say do not shield your child from the evils of the world. Teach them how to deal with those evil. Do not rule and control. Teach!!
Life is about Learning and Growing. If we work more on Learning and Growing than ruling and controlling, we will discover things will advance toward the better. When one understands all sides, Intelligence will make the best choices. How can that ever happen if people are not allowed to choose??
That's what I see. It's very clear!!