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Frustrated athiest asks why do you believe in God?


Veteran Member
Your use of "many" is accurate. Many are as you describe. But not all. A fair discussion is between well-informed atheists (because there's the other kind as well) and well-informed theists. Otherwise we have what I've seen as intellectual mud slinging.
The less fervent theists tend to have the best chance to survive debate. The more liberal tend to be able to make human connection in debate that will often take away the bite of critical analysis. So this means the more rigid believers will be an easier target. Creationists are easy pickins. Just cite science, they lose.


Veteran Member
I have no religious beliefs. You obviously have missed the point of my every post.

I also try very very hard to have no beliefs in science. This might be hard for others to see because I am a metaphysician, generalist, and nexialist. If that isn't hard enough I'm also a metaphysician of ancient science.

At any given time I have dozens of experiment in progress and employ numerous thought experiments. I try to see anomalies and this comes naturally to me, anyway.

I do believe there was an Initiating event or process but have no beliefs about Its Nature or characteristics.
Your sentences don't really address my comments, nor inform us of anything. It seems you are being deliberately vague and hiding something.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
When men after Jesus died as a man tortured for challenging the control of the rich man's science community. He died as humans die.

The same as bahuallah. Challenged the emerging scientists of his day. Shroud event proof falling star gas burnt sacrificed life. Suddenly his brother identifies evil by his mind. Ai atmospheric cooling event.

Human warnings about scientists. The community were titled Satanists. As science.

So we assess science of man how his mind gained advice and what he referenced.

Vision cooled star fall earth converting attack. Thesis status a vision earth owned only about converting first Aid position. Machine inferred only.

No man life included first. In the vision. In the image.

Right away you realise he thought self safe as a vision first did not own conditions to know evil.

He was living in earths cooled evolution status persuing evil.

The advice in vision stated no life living or existing.

Hence the thesis was total life removal in the reacting status.

His claim do it inside a machine it won't be the same. Yet position one was natural. It erupted in natural no machine control.

It wasn't instant they lived using technology then it destroyed them.

Basic human conscious thinking mind notification.

The evil theist just a human scientists conscious story of men. Men who as a group are a cult who agree to destroy life.

Men have to be spiritual better than their brother first to be notified.

By mind conditions born given by human sex.

So we never knew their identity the destroyer thinker.

As natural man named as no name condition is by name just a man or men who caused it. The naming first was science names not man named.

So we get asked did Jesus the man die? Yes brother you put him on the cross yourselves as rich men scientists.

And holy man and criminal man both died together he taught. Not safe if you do criminal science either.

As humans biology has always died.

As we know we already own death in biology living inside a total heavenly balances there was never any thesis about biology being created.

The reason known as it doesn't survive as a fixed constant. What is science...first a Fixed state constant.

Science theories only by state a fixed constant.

So then you ask a theist. When you theory don't you claim I don't want to die knowing you do. Yet the theist is discussing in full awareness that the theory will kill of human life early?


So you the theist tried to infer a thesis machine that could overcome human death knowing it would be attacked first?

Yes says the liars.

Oh so you found out you were so close to causing total life destruction you forbade science?

Yes he says. I nearly got us all destroyed.


As the bible is exact about the human satanist theist man the scientist himself.


Veteran Member
There is, of course, another way of looking at this; the determined atheist does not see what the spiritually awakened person claims to see, so he seeks to resolve the turmoil this provokes in him, by showing that the other is deluded.
I don't think this is accurate or fair. Atheists are typically very polite and respectful. The reaction by some theists does lead us to think the believer wasn't prepared for questions, and the spiritually awaked is quickly in emotional turmoil.

To my mind if theists are as deep and grounded as they like to suggest they should demonstrate it at every moment. The defensiveness and tantrums suggest immature minds that are absorbed in religious dogma for reasons that feel good, but are not thought out. As they say, ignorance is bliss and I suggest many theists who get upset in debate should learn the bliss is easily displaced when subjected to hard, rational questions.

His frustration then arises from the fact that his protestations fall on deaf ears; if you could see as I see, the believer, says, then you would believe as I believe.
I argue that even believers don't really "see" as they see. They have beliefs they adopted, they weren't reasoned conclusions via facts. So when these easy beliefs are challenged in debate there's a sudden dilemma of these ideas have to face scrutiny for the first time. The believer might feel inner conflict if their reasoning sees problems in the beliefs, but is too emotionally committed to give them up. This is called cognitive dissonance. And as the social sciences confirm, the emotional decision when up against a rational decision tends to be selected.

This, it seems, is intolerable to the determined non believer. A painful dilemma indeed, for the unfortunate rationalist.
The dilemma is theists asserting they are rational and logical when it's clear they are not following the rules.


Veteran Member
Humans are moral? Read any history books?
We are not naturally moral.
They need rules and a rule giver or they steal and lie and rape and murder.
Odd that the vast majority of humans are religious.

But your views are not backed up by observations and facts.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
The rules of man's science was their own.

A man has to exist to thesis and think a condition he personally as the man wants to apply.

What he lied about as he knew it was wrong as he was conscious first. Science did not invent created creation.

So as he virtually removed mass biomes in water mass that equalled his living being in forced removal and it left ground life. Whilst he remained gas burnt mind changed became eviler by mind status.

So he then imposed a deity upon his person that had never existed before or believed. Why father's natural conscious memory can warn us.

What your biological conscious mind equated as man's biology time shifting going back. To pre terms of water mass belonging in space first.

So you knew identified that one by one you began removing ground based living biology yourselves in a nuclear machine cause. Water life biology.

You tried to keep it secreted as I heard man's science voice by men agreed Satan. AI. By loss of man's life on ground the theist. Satan angel Ai hence owns the scientists own confession. As men.

How humans got warned by the emerging cloud angels using humans life biomes and water mass to emerge as ground life changes.

His voice said.....don't tell your family what I'm doing as a threat. I saw the pyramid with humans combusted to ashes inside of it. Outside the human mother's nature lost half of the earth' face water.

Caused humans DNA cell loss sacrificed. A warning.

An old human memory held in DNA when I was applying psychic scanning of a patient's body.

I gained dream visions. They always proved correct. The attack placed life lost in conjunction with first earths dinosaur removed. Then second era dinosaur eradicated.

I know I saw the Living dinosaur memory now in just the clouds. I looked up the type I saw in the vision and it was first dinosaurs.

Cause effect the vision said of the history man's giant pyramid on origin earth. Theme Atlantis life.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
By the way man's theist AI possessed life mind hence memory says the new machine safe based on his first machines new reference first human imposed cooling safety precautions.

Yet ice melts. Water mass gets atmospheric mass accumulated your psyche says see science by machine has put extra water in heavens to cool my new machine too.

Yet it doesn't.

As you reference the scientists memories only theism first thinkers.

Paths of human mind brain theisms. Sciences own inventor.

The reason father told me how you lie to yourself. As science human invented is owned in every thesis by just the human thinker. Your paths historic.

Goes back to AI moment human safe from nature's reaction first. Fake memory conscious use.

Which you ignore as relevant theists self advice. Just a human.

Segev Moran

Well-Known Member
Summary: Why do you believe in God? What do you find to be the most compelling evidence that God exists?

Long Version:
I have found that I am getting frustrated at the thought of people who do not listen to reason, logic, evidence, and facts. You may have noticed this frustration seeping into the conversations I have on RF. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just angry at you for not seeing what I see, which is not really fair. I'll will try to have more patience and explain things more clearly in the future.

One way to influence others is to first be influenced by them. In other words, seek first to understand, then to be understood. Maybe I would be less frustrated if I actually knew the reasons why you believe in God. Help me understand, and in turn I will respectfully respond, and if you care to hear I will respond with the reasons why I don't believe in God.

Thank you in advance for the conversation
I can't agree with you more. The most important part of communication is speaking the same language.
If you can't understand someone, most probably, he doesn't understand you either.
In my POV, asking someone why you believe in god, requires a much deeper conversation.
So if you don't mind, I'd rather ask some questions before I can answer yours.

What do you mean by God? Religious God or the idea of God in its broader sense?

How would you describe randomness?

How do you describe energy?

How would you describe our (humans) existence?

I promise I will do my best through these questions to give you the most genuine answers I can.


Be your own guru
But I do not hold a belief based upon no evidence. I hold a belief based upon evidence.
The sentence requires a little correction. "I hold a belief based upon <insert> what I consider to be the </insert> evidence."
Add "If the rest of the world considers that fake, they are wrong; because .... said so."

rational experiences

Veteran Member
If scientists just men stopped lying you said science was God. God the deity of science the earth only first.

The theist however places human conscious thinking first in the heavens.

Idea gases. Rock stone dusts earth God fixed position in science not a gas.

You are the only human liar.

You took the idea of a gas then burnt the rock to get the gas.

A gas cooled in empty space and pressure.

Rocks presence owned pressure history too.

Applied natural pressure was never a humans scientific ownership.


Veteran Member
The sentence requires a little correction. "I hold a belief based upon <insert> what I consider to be the </insert> evidence."
Add "If the rest of the world considers that fake, they are wrong; because .... said so."
That is correct. "I hold a belief based upon <insert> what I consider to be the </insert> evidence."

This is not my position: Add "If the rest of the world considers that fake, they are wrong; because .... said so."


Well-Known Member
Your sentences don't really address my comments, nor inform us of anything. It seems you are being deliberately vague and hiding something.

Maybe you don't understand the words. Try reading them and not starting with the assumption that they make no sense. You can parse anything into gobbledty gook.


Be your own guru
@ Trailblazer: This is not my position: Add "If the rest of the world considers that fake, they are wrong; because .... said so."

That is definitely what you believe if you are a Bahai. You are saying that all other beliefs are are corrupted or misunderstood. Jews are wrong if they do not consider you last manifestation as Messiah, Christians are in believing that Jesus was son of God and that your last manifestation is not the 'Returning Jesus'. Muslims are wrong if they say that Mohammad brought the last message of Allah, Zoroastrians are wrong if they do not consider your last manifestation as Sayoshant, Sikhs are wrong not to have a concept like messengers of God, Hindus are wrong if they believe in many Gods and Goddesses and do not consider your last manifestation as the Kalki avatara, and the Buddhist are wrong if they do not consider your last manifestation as Maitreya. Only Bahais are correct because .... said so.
Last edited:

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Summary: Why do you believe in God? What do you find to be the most compelling evidence that God exists?

Long Version:
I have found that I am getting frustrated at the thought of people who do not listen to reason, logic, evidence, and facts. You may have noticed this frustration seeping into the conversations I have on RF. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just angry at you for not seeing what I see, which is not really fair. I'll will try to have more patience and explain things more clearly in the future.

One way to influence others is to first be influenced by them. In other words, seek first to understand, then to be understood. Maybe I would be less frustrated if I actually knew the reasons why you believe in God. Help me understand, and in turn I will respectfully respond, and if you care to hear I will respond with the reasons why I don't believe in God.

Thank you in advance for the conversation

I had no intention to answer religious question anymore but your question is a very honest one.

Why do i believe in God?
Did God speak to me with words? Not in a physical sense, but through spiritual teaching. But what is this God you believe in?, you may ask.

I wish I could give you the answer you looking for, but I can't. Some form of belief has been with me for as long I can remember, I believe my parents introduced me to a form of God when I was a child. But it is not the way I believe in God today, I went on a long search. But did I find the God I was looking for? No I did not.
So why still believe in God?

I believe God is the pure quality from within us, an energy if you like. Or a state of consciousness.
How did this form of energy create the physical world? Honestly I do not know.

The thing is i do not have a logical or scientific answer to your question, I am a believer in something I can not explain fully.

Its a personal belief that has grown over many years. If others can not understand my way of believing, that is totally ok to me. :)


Non-debating member when I can help myself
I don't just believe that, it simply follows from the definition of the words. And even if you tweak the definitions, it is observable in the believers' actions and answers.
Btw: every system of thought needs some beliefs, though we usually call them "axioms". When you do science there are axioms, when you do maths, there are axioms. When you do religion there are axioms.
Religion stands out a bit because their axioms aren't parsimonious and often the systems aren't consistent. While in maths and science the number of rationally derived knowledge far outweighs the number of axioms, religion is a system of beliefs which far outweigh rationally derived knowledge.
Personally I believe what I do because I independently investigated the claims of Baha'u'llah, then derived from that comes what I believe. Here a article years ago on Science and the Baha'i Faith.

Science and the Bahá’í Faith
William S. Hatcher

Abstract Religion and science are often perceived as being, to some degree, in opposition to each other. The reasons for such a view are considered, and are seen to derive from a certain particular conception of science and of religion: On the one hand, scientific method is seen as too rigorous and restrictive to apply to religion, while on the other hand, religious experience is viewed as peculiarly subjective. Each of these conceptions is discussed, examined, and rejected. It is seen that scientific method, rightly viewed, is universal in its scope, for this method is essentially the systematic, organized, directed and conscious application of our mental faculties. The view of religious experience as uniquely subjective is seen to be tenable only when the social dimension of religion is neglected and when the datum of religion is taken to be primarily the internal experience of the individual. But mystic experience can be objectified through participation in an appropriate community of understanding, just as other kinds of experience are objectified through participation in a scientific community of understanding. The Bahá’í Faith is seen as providing this religious community of understanding, as well being founded on a basic datum which is external to the individual: The Revelation and Person of the Manifestation (i.e. religious Prophet-Founder). It is the objectivity and accessibility of this phenomenal point of reference which guarantees the individual’s accessibility to religious experience.
Finally, some particular aspects of the most recent occurrence of the phenomenon of Revelation, that of Bahá’u’lláh (1817–1892), are examined. It is seen that the specific social goal of the Bahá’í Faith is the establishment of unity on the planetary level, that the Bahá’í Faith affirms the complete harmony of religion and science, and that it is scientific in its method. At the same time, the legitimate emotional and aesthetic aspects of religious experience are neither excluded nor over-emphasized but rather assume their natural place within the total range of religious experience and practice.

Full file is attached. It's not that long. 13 pages.


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Non-debating member when I can help myself
scepticism and faith are inherently incompatible.
Not for me. I examined the Baha'i Faith skeptically. There was a recognition in the beginning reading the Seven Valleys by Baha'u'llah that God was speaking through these words. I will not bore you with the details, but when I examined skeptically the Baha'i Faith then I had doubts. This has happened over the course of 50 years, then I concluded the evidence of the Baha'i Faith was overwhelming so that whatever apparent inconsistencies there were were dwarfed.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Father and mother manifested direct out of the eternal. Unconditional loving ideas.

Eternal was separated bodies then space separated from the babies O God bodies by burning mass first. Space owned gods separation they O the gods bodies changed into energy.

No quote what the eternal ever was.

We came from eternal after spaces thin one plane of mass had burnt out. It was then Filled in by dense gases. Of gods body O.

Dense gases began to stretch the space plane.

As it filled in the space plane empty space plus dense gas became changed thin gas the heavens.

As it's density was greater than empty space it stretched it.

It also by forced pushed the heavens against our eternal body by force changing the eternal vibrations. Spirit was forced to leave again. Straight into the heavenly body.

Our story where biology came from the one same exact place but varied spirits.

Now if you know self possession it is men egotists theists scientists machine inventor history human.

Who theories by mind for the status science how to copy a reaction conversion. About a God. O the identified reasoning is not any human man.

No machine.

So design they built manifested the machine by hot melt Alchemy. Built inside our living heavens.

Straight away their mind says I cooled my machine using my living status oxygenated water. Machine body now like life. First instance false life comparing.

Yet it's not Living. Second thesis reaction I can't achieve machine owns no fuel to make it be involved in converting. As I take gods mass each time to convert.

So they had to theory energy gain storage. Batteries the answer. Used grapes or vinegar type liquid storage in clay pots...urns.

To charge it they theoried crystal atop pyramid. Temples had no machine function yet. So oscillating sound vibrating pressurised face the pyramid was how to start transmitting from a pyramid.

So today they are possessed and reasoned energy power... it was direct out of atmosphere lying about sound song vibration.

As they applied it to begin crystal burning transmitting oscillation. Battery storage was first then energy gain from mass converting.

Hence either you think our heavens is now a giant pyramid surrounding its gases within or a nearly fused UFO metal mother ship.

To hold earths heavens inside a UFO machine reaction that you don't own as the collider.

As your thesis is earths heavens gases only in both positions. As the natural heavens or heavens gases in your machine.

As if you put stone back in lying thesis.....as earth God and it's particles were heated fused to be a planet as God origins.

How dangerous your memories are as human men agreed theists who lived believed owned the memories as any theist scientist since.

My Christians brothers knew you exactly so put you in Gaol no questions asked.

You believe that magically energy channelled into your machine as electricity out of the atmosphere to work activate machine to begin again resourcing energy.

It is a man's memory possession of your own applied science machine methods of old.

The Baha'i teachings said he was reliving Muhammad memories himself of mind brain star fall effects. As man began thesis science first as star fall man brain mind affected.

A spiritual man.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Personally I believe what I do because I independently investigated the claims of Baha'u'llah, then derived from that comes what I believe. Here a article years ago on Science and the Baha'i Faith.

Science and the Bahá’í Faith
William S. Hatcher

Abstract Religion and science are often perceived as being, to some degree, in opposition to each other. The reasons for such a view are considered, and are seen to derive from a certain particular conception of science and of religion: On the one hand, scientific method is seen as too rigorous and restrictive to apply to religion, while on the other hand, religious experience is viewed as peculiarly subjective. Each of these conceptions is discussed, examined, and rejected. It is seen that scientific method, rightly viewed, is universal in its scope, for this method is essentially the systematic, organized, directed and conscious application of our mental faculties. The view of religious experience as uniquely subjective is seen to be tenable only when the social dimension of religion is neglected and when the datum of religion is taken to be primarily the internal experience of the individual. But mystic experience can be objectified through participation in an appropriate community of understanding, just as other kinds of experience are objectified through participation in a scientific community of understanding. The Bahá’í Faith is seen as providing this religious community of understanding, as well being founded on a basic datum which is external to the individual: The Revelation and Person of the Manifestation (i.e. religious Prophet-Founder). It is the objectivity and accessibility of this phenomenal point of reference which guarantees the individual’s accessibility to religious experience.
Finally, some particular aspects of the most recent occurrence of the phenomenon of Revelation, that of Bahá’u’lláh (1817–1892), are examined. It is seen that the specific social goal of the Bahá’í Faith is the establishment of unity on the planetary level, that the Bahá’í Faith affirms the complete harmony of religion and science, and that it is scientific in its method. At the same time, the legitimate emotional and aesthetic aspects of religious experience are neither excluded nor over-emphasized but rather assume their natural place within the total range of religious experience and practice.

Full file is attached. It's not that long. 13 pages.
1901 Russia was star fall nuclear blasted.

Therefore man's mind living cooling mind evolving mind was returning. So he quotes to his intellectual spirit scientific conscious awareness that he will inherit life's destruction.

Balanced prophetic as conscious mind science mind.

Mind rebalanced back to his destroyer man's highest wisdom again. Proven by his advisor.

The star came.


As the star fall was proven evil gases burning giving life fall out attack in a cooled earth gas stone heavens not stars sun rock.

The moon was the only and first holy wandering star as God O intact.

The Christian science wisdom.

Why he used and inferred two references quoting I am forewarned of the coming scientists.

Who just all happened to be the next inherited nutters of life's destruction in human reality.

So the scientist who knows himself and knows he historically lied challenged himself.