sorry this post might get kinda long...
Hmm, I've never really gave the subject much thought.
My instinct disagrees with it I must admit. I'm not against queers or anything, whatever floats their boat, as long as they keep to themselves. but I don't think they would be good for raising children.
First of all the homosexuals are not suppose to have kids, I guess it's like some kind of genetic defect or something, but people who are attracted to the same sex are obviously not ment to reproduce, therefore they are not ment to have children. Not only that but the child would be ridiculed and made fun of most of their life for it, which would probably lead them to depression and all kind of mental disorders. Gay people are usually really sensitive to feelings and things of that nature, and it would probably rub off on their children way to much. Parents have more influence on their children than anyone else.
gays are very resilient. i went through 5 years of rather intense bullying at school because i was gay, i took it and put up with it for 5 years before i started complaining. i know lots of homosexuals who's testimony is the same as mine. we are very, very resilient when we need to be.
Really, the question should be; What happens if a child of same-sex parents grows up heterosexual but imbued with a dissociative complex regarding the opposite sex due to the parents negative attitude towards their opposite sex? For example, the daughter of a Lesbian couple who wants to engage men sexually, but is emotional stunted in relation to males due to her parents lifetime of treating the opposite sex like the untouchable "other". Where is her sex life and prospect of happiness in relationships going to wind up? Likewise, the son of a male homosexual couple who is sexually attracted to girls. What's his template? A boy without a mother is going to make a very f**ked up man, and a girl without male idols is going to be disadvantaged in attempting to forge lasting and emotionally fulfilling relationships with men. IMO, only...
then the parents are perhaps not fit parents.
I guess my main concern would be that a homosexual couple might be overly sensitive to their children, as in I find it highly likely that they might be over protective of their children, or give them a semi-sheltered lifestyle, and if they did not subtely force a sheltered lifestyle onto their child, I'm sure the child would live one anyway. It's just weird, that's all. I'm sure they would not feel to comfortable taking their friends or significant others to their house to meet their homosexual parents.
For me, my dad is like my best friend and father. We talk about everything, drink beer together, you name it. My mom is very caring and motherly like. I don't talk to my mom the same way I do my dad, she has a feminine view on everything, we can't relate most of the time. I find it very important in raising a child they have both feminine and masculine influences in their life, because too much of just one isn't healthy in my opinion.
no, i think most gays would actually be aware of their own past, of societies views towards them, and take that into consideration when raising children. of course there will be a few gay parents who bring their child up to be very sheltered, but so do some straight parents, so this isn't really a valid point, as this is more an issue on individual aptitude to raise kids than it is an issue on sexuality and family life.
There is a "what if" to every scenario, and parameters to every scenario. If my dad was quite different from me I'm sure my life wouldn't be nearly as amazing as it is...I would be content probably. see when two people have a child, usually their child is similar in one way or another, because they are produced the same genetics as their parents.. obviously.. that's biology. I'd say nearly all the guys I know share a great relationship with their father, is it a must? no, but it sure helps in the raising of a child.
I'd say 9/10 times a traditional family is better for raising a child, for obvious reasons. Of course there is circumstances. If the child does not have ANY parents, sure, a homosexual couple willing to take them in would be great. If a kid had alcoholic parents, sure, a homosexual couple might be the best for them. I think biological parents play more in things than people think.
There is a balance to life. You can't have black without white, you can't have the good without the bad. You can't have an up without a down, and you can't have masculine without feminine, therefore having both a masculine and feminine influence is a must to ensure the mental health of a child. I'm not saying it's not possible, but it's not the best for a child
i don't feel you have gone far enough to make obvious the "obvious reasons" for why a traditional family unit is best.
So yes, depending on the scenario, I agree with gay and lesbian adoption. I don't agree with artificial insemination to lesbian couples though.
that's nice, i'm grateful that you agree with gay and lesbian adoption to the extent that you do. i don't much care for your opinion on lesbians having artificial insemination, but that's for a different thread.
now then, you may have noticed that i have colored some parts of some posts red. i am going to address all of these parts i have colored red now.
all of the points colored in red are making the same point, that children need a male and a female role model in their lives as they are growing up, although for some reason no one has explained or justified this notion. this is my counter to this point: is the family just who ever lives in the house? no it is not, there is the extended family of aunts, uncles, cousins, grand parents etc. there are plenty of male and female role models in the extended family gay parents could use for their kids to draw upon if they feel that they are lacking certain gender-specific qualities their kids need to learn from. not that i believe there are gender-specific qualities, and i don't believe a kid will be adversely affected by not having parents of different sexes, but for those who do believe this, the extended family and the friends of the parents can counter this imbalance.