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Genome sequencing leaves Creationists unable to respond


why do you keep moving goal posts captain?

over and over again evidence is what's on the table and you keep asking for proof...

what do you want?
do you lack the tenacity that is required when facing a challenge? it looks like you don't have it for the very fact you're moving goal posts...
Its been a fun thread.
No reason to dis.
My whole point in joining is to point out that evolution is
1. non provable (understand all the explanations on theory)
2. part of a belief system that dictates no outside influence (directed)

Good discussions.:surf:


Veteran Member
In that 3750 generation, frontal lobes connected due to mutations? Is that enough time? (The last 6000 years [150 generations] we haven't really changed much [not accounting for the exponential advancement of knowledge in the last 100 years]).

could technology or the exponential advancement of knowledge be a part of our evolution?
which can be accounted for more than 100 years...the invention of the wheel
and now we are able to ward off certain diseases.


Veteran Member
Its been a fun thread.
No reason to dis.
My whole point in joining is to point out that evolution is
1. non provable (understand all the explanations on theory)
2. part of a belief system that dictates no outside influence (directed)

Good discussions.:surf:

i'm not trying to dis you. :sorry1:
it just seems that your discourse has no goal speaking from my point of view.
needless to say i understand very little about the details that are being presented and it's really fun to learn, but i can't help but notice you want proof while meow mix and others are presenting evidence... something that is helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment.
do you see the difference?


Resident Liberal Hippie
Its been a fun thread.
No reason to dis.
My whole point in joining is to point out that evolution is
1. non provable (understand all the explanations on theory)
2. part of a belief system that dictates no outside influence (directed)

Good discussions.
And yet you ignore that biological evolution is...

  1. Observable
  2. Verifiable
  3. Testable
  4. Falsifiable
  5. Predictable
While ID, YEc, etc is...

  1. Unobservable
  2. Unverifiable
  3. Untestable
  4. Unfalsifiable
  5. Unable to predict.
And your conclusion is that biological evolution is "faith based" and "unprovable"?
Why the desire to bring biological facts down to the level of ID/YEC faith?


Resident Liberal Hippie
Not that I don't believe in evolution...I do....
But a theory is not proof.

Theory is theory...not proof.


No, a scientific theory is not "proof".
Empirical evidence leads to a verifiable scientific theory that has such an abundance of such evidence that the scientific theory can be viewed as what some would call a fact.


Veteran Member
And yet you ignore that biological evolution is...

  1. Observable
  2. Verifiable
  3. Testable
  4. Falsifiable
  5. Predictable
While ID, YEc, etc is...

  1. Unobservable
  2. Unverifiable
  3. Untestable
  4. Unfalsifiable
  5. Unable to predict.
And your conclusion is that biological evolution is "faith based" and "unprovable"?
Why the desire to bring biological facts down to the level of ID/YEC faith?

excellent point captain :)

David M

Well-Known Member
If wiki is correct and 200k years has been since man like creatures, and a "generation" of 40 years, that's only 5000 generations.

Its not "man like", its "Man". We have been around for 200k years as a species.

Human generations are 25 years, so that is 8000 generations that we humans have been around. Yes, thats not really enough time for us to have evolved into a new species.

So the question is what has changed with us since the 200k first man like being. Did it take 150k years to go from an anatomic modern human to a modern behavior human.

Its 200K years for Homo Sapiens (possibly a bit longer), our most recent ancestor H. Heidelbergensis was around from 600k years ago and is extremely man-like.

Since our lineage split from the one that lead to chimps (if we use todays 25 years for all our ancestors, which is too high) thats 240,000 generations of humans and 400,000 for chimpanzees (using their 15 year generation time).
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Active Member
I cant believe I spent 4 minutes watching that video. "If we dont find it then evolution is in trouble". No, if you dont find it then you wouldnt be making a video saying "If we dont find it then evolution is in trouble". Evolution has always been in trouble thats why evolutionsist are so determined to find new mythical answers to out do the old mythical answers. You can find all the links in the world all you are doing is finding more of the Intelligent designers blueprints (assuming that you are even right about anything).

I found a birck in every home I visited when I went to spain. Therefore I can safely conclude that bricks are responsible for evolving into all homes in spain. Without a brick homes could not form which in turn would mean that homes could not survive and become bigger homes. I removed one brick from an uninhabbited home once and the home did not fall to the ground. However I will go away and think up a good reason why that home did not fall and when I do you will still see that bricks must have evolved into homes all on their own. How silly of people to think that the bricks could have been put together by someone with more intelligence than myself. I have a Phd in bricks evolving into homes so you know you can trust my research.

This is a much shorter manuscript that he could of used...tut.

Also the reason why you will find less and less creationists on these threads is because its boring. If you believe evolution is the source of the universe then great but its pointless people like me adding anything as you think you have all the asnwers already so whats the point. Evolution can only exist when people are willing to believe in the force of nothing creating something eventually leading to everything, without any reason to do so may I add, as the original cell could only react in a predetermind way (but lets not think about who may have predetermind those reactions otherwise we raise a question for evolution and that may get people thinking for themselves). I cant compete with those people; they have evolving bricks and stuff.


Admiral Obvious
I cant believe I spent 4 minutes watching that video. "If we dont find it then evolution is in trouble". No, if you dont find it then you wouldnt be making a video saying "If we dont find it then evolution is in trouble". Evolution has always been in trouble thats why evolutionsist are so determined to find new mythical answers to out do the old mythical answers. You can find all the links in the world all you are doing is finding more of the Intelligent designers blueprints (assuming that you are even right about anything).

I found a birck in every home I visited when I went to spain. Therefore I can safely conclude that bricks are responsible for evolving into all homes in spain. Without a brick homes could not form which in turn would mean that homes could not survive and become bigger homes. I removed one brick from an uninhabbited home once and the home did not fall to the ground. However I will go away and think up a good reason why that home did not fall and when I do you will still see that bricks must have evolved into homes all on their own. How silly of people to think that the bricks could have been put together by someone with more intelligence than myself. I have a Phd in bricks evolving into homes so you know you can trust my research.

This is a much shorter manuscript that he could of used...tut.

Also the reason why you will find less and less creationists on these threads is because its boring. If you believe evolution is the source of the universe then great but its pointless people like me adding anything as you think you have all the asnwers already so whats the point. Evolution can only exist when people are willing to believe in the force of nothing creating something eventually leading to everything, without any reason to do so may I add, as the original cell could only react in a predetermind way (but lets not think about who may have predetermind those reactions otherwise we raise a question for evolution and that may get people thinking for themselves). I cant compete with those people; they have evolving bricks and stuff.



Active Member
You post has so much wrong with it that even a facepalm is more than it deserves.

Its too simple for you isnt it? Admit it..You dont want the world to be that simple? Dont worry I wont destroy your illusion but one day you may. God bless ya


Veteran Member
I cant believe I spent 4 minutes watching that video. "If we dont find it then evolution is in trouble". No, if you dont find it then you wouldnt be making a video saying "If we dont find it then evolution is in trouble". Evolution has always been in trouble thats why evolutionsist are so determined to find new mythical answers to out do the old mythical answers. You can find all the links in the world all you are doing is finding more of the Intelligent designers blueprints (assuming that you are even right about anything).

I found a birck in every home I visited when I went to spain. Therefore I can safely conclude that bricks are responsible for evolving into all homes in spain. Without a brick homes could not form which in turn would mean that homes could not survive and become bigger homes. I removed one brick from an uninhabbited home once and the home did not fall to the ground. However I will go away and think up a good reason why that home did not fall and when I do you will still see that bricks must have evolved into homes all on their own. How silly of people to think that the bricks could have been put together by someone with more intelligence than myself. I have a Phd in bricks evolving into homes so you know you can trust my research.

This is a much shorter manuscript that he could of used...tut.

Also the reason why you will find less and less creationists on these threads is because its boring. If you believe evolution is the source of the universe then great but its pointless people like me adding anything as you think you have all the asnwers already so whats the point. Evolution can only exist when people are willing to believe in the force of nothing creating something eventually leading to everything, without any reason to do so may I add, as the original cell could only react in a predetermind way (but lets not think about who may have predetermind those reactions otherwise we raise a question for evolution and that may get people thinking for themselves). I cant compete with those people; they have evolving bricks and stuff.

why is it that every time a fossil is found it confirms ToE?
if they find 1, just 1 fossil that is contradictory then the entire premise is
and yet scientists haven't found contradicting evidence...


Admiral Obvious
Its too simple for you isnt it? Admit it..You dont want the world to be that simple? Dont worry I wont destroy your illusion but one day you may. God bless ya

Hey, if you prefer simple lies to the complicated truth, that is all on you.
And yes, I will sit back and laugh my arse off at you silly attempts to sound intelligent while talking your nonsense about evolution.

You are not intelligent enough to destroy your own illusions.
What makes you think you can destroy someone else's?


Active Member
Hey, if you prefer simple lies to the complicated truth, that is all on you.
And yes, I will sit back and laugh my arse off at you silly attempts to sound intelligent while talking your nonsense about evolution.

You are not intelligent enough to destroy your own illusions.
What makes you think you can destroy someone else's?

Well to be honest I didnt even realise that intelligence had anything to do with this. Ive come across seemingly intelligent evolutionists as well as creationists so I thought it was a matter of perception, upbringing or even brainwashing but if it is down to intelligence then I have to say that you have won. Because you are intelligent enough to identify its importance in this subject and I am not then I can be sure that you are able to define intelligence (please start another post where you can explain this to me). Now that we have established that you can define intelligence we have also established that I would rather be as thick as a plank than to be forced by my intelligence into believing something that isnt there. I do appreciate the way that you have not attempted to prove that I am wrong though. It allows my useless brain to think that you dont have a real answer to my post. I know your only doing it to be nice to me but thank you anyway. I wish all evolutionists were like you. Love you :rainbow1:


Admiral Obvious
Well to be honest I didnt even realise that intelligence had anything to do with this. Ive come across seemingly intelligent evolutionists as well as creationists so I thought it was a matter of perception, upbringing or even brainwashing but if it is down to intelligence then I have to say that you have won. Because you are intelligent enough to identify its importance in this subject and I am not then I can be sure that you are able to define intelligence (please start another post where you can explain this to me). Now that we have established that you can define intelligence we have also established that I would rather be as thick as a plank than to be forced by my intelligence into believing something that isnt there. I do appreciate the way that you have not attempted to prove that I am wrong though. It allows my useless brain to think that you dont have a real answer to my post. I know your only doing it to be nice to me but thank you anyway. I wish all evolutionists were like you. Love you :rainbow1:

There are none so blind as those who think they already see everything perfectly.

You are the most perfect textbook example of that quote.


Active Member
There are none so blind as those who think they already see everything perfectly.
You are the most perfect textbook example of that quote.

Yes but thats because I'm less intelligent than you..remember??? tut. For an intelligent person you have a very short memory. I do still love you though. Please dont forget that :rainbow1:


Active Member
why is it that every time a fossil is found it confirms ToE?
if they find 1, just 1 fossil that is contradictory then the entire premise is
and yet scientists haven't found contradicting evidence...

Like I said I am quite bored of this subject but I will answer anyway. Like the house not falling down when the brick was removed you will find that any evidence that defies evolution creates a slight adjustment to the theory. Becuase of the qualification of the person that announces the slight adjustment people take it as fact rather than theory. In fossils this is quite easy as you can always imagine a reason for a fossil evolving that way. If I announce to the world that I have found a fossil of a human being with wings in the nothern hemisphere and only there I could always say that this evolved because it was really, really cold and humans needed to migrate to warmer climates quickly. Obviously I have just made this up but you get my drift. If you want to think about fossils then think why are there not more true transitional fossils than there are complete fossils? I am still waiting for the thousands if not millions of fossils that should of been found by now for each and every single slight stage of evolution for every single species on this planet. Until these are found then fossils only serve to prove ID. I.e Fossils disprove evolution.
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Veteran Member
Like I said I am quite bored of this subject but I will answer anyway. Like the house not falling down when the brick was removed you will find that any evidence that defies evolution creates a slight adjustment to the theory.
that is a bold statement..., you need to back up this claim. besides defying ToE doesn't mean an adjustment to the theory...does it?

Becuase of the qualification of the person that announces the slight adjustment people take it as fact rather than theory. In fossils this is quite easy as you can always imagine a reason for a fossil evolving that way. If I announce to the world that I have found a fossil of a human being with wings in the nothern hemisphere and only there I could always say that this evolved because it was really, really cold and humans needed to migrate to warmer climates quickly. Obviously I have just made this up but you get my drift.

fossils are not that easy to come by...you make it seem as though i can dig one up in my backyard and make up any story i want...
you obviously do not trust science...
if you don't then you should stop taking those headache pills cause you can't have it both ways...get my drift :rolleyes:

If you want to think about fossils then think why are there not more true transitional fossils than there are complete fossils? I am still waiting for the thousands if not millions of fossils that should of been found by now for each and every single slight stage of evolution for every single species on this planet. Until these are found then fossils only serve to prove ID. I.e Fossils disprove evolution.

why is it that no one has found fossils of kangaroos, penguins and bears on mount ararat? or anywhere in that region? it's not just about the transition from one form to the next is it? it's also about the environment and adaptation to it.