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George W. Bush, war criminal

  • Thread starter angellous_evangellous
  • Start date


Active Member
That much is right.

Do you honestly think that he expected to make the USA safer by engaging in war under false pretext? It is very clear to me that he either was an idiot or wanted to exchange a greater risk to USA safety by enhanced political support.

I would like to think so, but politicians are not to be trusted even that much.

He's a monster. One who certainly enjoys how GWB bought his lure lock, stock and barrel. He could have spent decades telling people about how the USA are the Great Satan, and the effect would come nowhere near the evidence that GWB provided in his stead.

Your logic makes good sense if I were:
1. a pacifist willing to not fight back regardless to your abuse
2. willing to allow you to abuse my children and family
3. willing to allow you to destroy my property, after all I am rich
4. willing to go without fuel to heat my home and run my car
5. huddle in my home with fear to go on the streets or shop
6. give up such luxuries as air conditioning
7. cut my standard of living in half to share the wealth around
8. watch only MSNBC, CBS, ABC,NBC, and never Fox
Go ahead and try that platform in the next election and be sure to say you will undo everything Bush did to make the country safe because they will really believe you know what you are talking about.


Active Member
Maybe in his mind that's the only alternative he sees.

It is the bianry thinking that conservatives have been taught to know and love.

Hence the undying support for Bush even in his undeniable, colossal failures.

And of course your hard line liberalism was arrived at by pure rational reasoning.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Your logic makes good sense if I were:
1. a pacifist willing to not fight back regardless to your abuse
2. willing to allow you to abuse my children and family
3. willing to allow you to destroy my property, after all I am rich
4. willing to go without fuel to heat my home and run my car
5. huddle in my home with fear to go on the streets or shop
6. give up such luxuries as air conditioning
7. cut my standard of living in half to share the wealth around
8. watch only MSNBC, CBS, ABC,NBC, and never Fox
Go ahead and try that platform in the next election and be sure to say you will undo everything Bush did to make the country safe because they will really believe you know what you are talking about.

If you say so. Let's go back to talking about GWB now?


No, they provide logic and inference, which is what I have done. France would have blown Powell out of the water if it could.
Are you demented? Blown Powell out of the water, please take your rhetoric elsewhere. The war in Iraq was universally condemned and that did not and will not stop the U.S from doing whatever it damn right pleases on doing.

There was no "universal silence", GWB had all the evidence pointing away from that conclusion and did his best to either spurn it, manipulate it, or flat out ignore it.

Of course if you have some other brilliant socio-political theories I'd love to hear them.


Active Member

I know that you're in your own little world right now, but here's a friendly news flash:

This hyperbole 'method' of argument is just a series of strawmen that than arguments. You're not giving counter arguments but insane alternatives that no one has advocated or would support. That's a strawman.

And nobody is buying it. You're only embarassing yourself.

If you would actually engage the issues at hand reasonably, you'd be not only avoiding a gross logical fallacy, but you'd be participating productively in the debate and you may learn something or *gasp* convince others.
Extreme liberals don't get it. terrorist don't like, the unconcerned don't care but the people of the USA like it. If you did not have me around, you would have no one to vent your frustration for not being able to destroy GWB. He just keeps popping up in historical settings. He haunts you, he refutes your lack of American idealism, he is a canker in your mouth. What would you ever do without GWB to vent your animosity? Don't you think you guys are just a little extreme?


And of course your hard line liberalism was arrived at by pure rational reasoning.

The murder of 1.2mil people is enough for me. And the destruction of an economy. And the destruction of foreign relations.

Bush can destroy it in a day. Obama can't fix it fast enough because of the obstructionist tactics by the Republicans during the first two years and now they lost the house and the GOP can criticize him even more for moving slow. If Americans vote GOP in 2012, it will not be a mandate but colossal stupidity, and we should pray to God that they don't embrace anything that has anything to do with GWB.


No, they provide logic and inference, which is what I have done. France would have blown Powell out of the water if it could.

Or what's your explanation of the universal silence?

I'm afraid you don't know what logic is.


Extreme liberals don't get it. terrorist don't like, the unconcerned don't care but the people of the USA like it. If you did not have me around, you would have no one to vent your frustration for not being able to destroy GWB. He just keeps popping up in historical settings. He haunts you, he refutes your lack of American idealism, he is a canker in your mouth. What would you ever do without GWB to vent your animosity? Don't you think you guys are just a little extreme?

There's just something about letting a thief and murderer go free, particularly because he's responsible for the death of more than a million people. 800k+ of them were innocent men, women, and children. Not to mention the hundreds of people that the military tortured - and he brags about it.

I hate where our economy is. I hate how other countries view us.

And I know who did it. If he were living on my block, I wouldn't want him anywhere close to my kids and I'd work with the neighborhood to get him out.


I have dealt in nothing but logic - and it is more and more apparent that I am dealing with a believer in Revealed Truth. My apologies for all my posts - I hate to argue with anyone's religious beliefs, no matter how naive.

It doesn't show.


Active Member
Not the world, but enough people. Many of them seem to think that all Muslims get along fine, and even that the Al Qaeda was in speaking terms with Saddam.

For a Debunker, you sure like to twist and lie as if there was no tomorrow...
No sir, I do not intend to lie but think you for the comment. The fault is yours for it is much worse to believe a lie than to tell one. In fact, believing a lie will damn one. No body could be as evil as you make GWB and surely you must be guilty of twisting some truth into a lie. I do use a little satire and you see your foolishness and you do not like it, so you say I lie but what I attempt to do is to show you yourself. No person is quit as good as you apparently think you are just as Bush is not as evil as you say he is. I know I have many faults but do you know you have many bad qualities also? You are not much different than Bush and I. IMO we are all weak humans trying to do the best we can. I don't see any great superiority and if there is, it is Reality, he gets to take home the trophy. None of you guys are in the running for the trophy.


No sir, I do not intend to lie but think you for the comment. The fault is yours for it is much worse to believe a lie than to tell one. In fact, believing a lie will damn one. No body could be as evil as you make GWB and surely you must be guilty of twisting some truth into a lie. I do use a little satire and you see your foolishness and you do not like it, so you say I lie but what I attempt to do is to show you yourself. No person is quit as good as you apparently think you are just as Bush is not as evil as you say he is. I know I have many faults but do you know you have many bad qualities also? You are not much different than Bush and I. IMO we are all weak humans trying to do the best we can. I don't see any great superiority and if there is, it is Reality, he gets to take home the trophy. None of you guys are in the running for the trophy.

I can name a few: Stalin, Hitler, Théodore Sindikubwabo, Slobodan Milošević.

Not sure if the last two killed as many people as Bush.


Oh, God knows, I know it doesn't. But nothing will. True Believers are not susceptible to logic or rational persuasion. There's nothing like the trust of naive faith.

Nothing like people pretending that they are following logic.


Oh, God knows, I know it doesn't. But nothing will. True Believers are not susceptible to logic or rational persuasion. There's nothing like the trust of naive faith.
You do realize that heaps upon heaps of evidence exists that contradicts every statement you make? That is not critical reasoning, that is talking out of your ***.