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Gideons Christians


The cake is a lie
And you think this "naive little kids" are going to just go "Holy crap I love Jayzus!" as soon as they touch a Bible?

Seriously, penguino, how many of your classmates have converted and started professing their love for Jesus?


The cake is a lie
I completely agree with you. I think you're just seriously over-exaggerating things.

The fact none of your peers have turned uber-Christian shows they don't automatically suck up everything that's told to them and accept it as true. Or that they're just too lazy to read something that thick and dry, take your pick.


Jesus loves you
I remember that happening at my school but most of the bibles ended up ripped up or thrown in the bin, I kept mine and followed two years worth of daily readings every night that little bible was a real treasure to me.


I walk around with a free copy of the book of mormon if by chance i find anyone who wants to read it. I have met people and talked religion with them, they expressed an interest in reading it and never had a copy to give them. now i'm prepared! HA!


Liebe ist für alle da
It can never be a textbook. Its for christians, or maybe somone who wants to read it, NOT a textbook.

text·book (t
)n. A book used in schools or colleges for the formal study of a subject.

adj. Being a characteristic example of its kind; classic: a textbook case of schizophrenia.

If one reads it to study it to understand the history of Christianity or to understand they way Christians think about religion(at lest some), It can technically be call a textbook. But now were just getting of type.

But I do know about Gideons, they were handing out Psalms by the Graveyard a block down from my high school, this was like 7 year ago when I was a freshman. I took it and read it(this is when I was still trying to figure out what I believe). A lot of people just though them over the fence into the grave yard. If you didn't want it don't take it. I don't know how things in the UK work, but here you don't have to take it of you don't want.

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
At school we got a New Testament, each. They were given to us for free by Gideons, which is a christian association, to pread the word of Christ.

That made me a little upset. The people at my school are thick. They know that. They exploting their stupidity to make them Christians.

Should they be allowed to do this, its like a missionary...

If this happened in a public school, then this is a point-blank violation of the separation of church and state.


Lord of the Badgers
If this happened in a public school, then this is a point-blank violation of the separation of church and state.
Penguino says he lives in London, so assuming that's the English London then its ok for people to hand out NT's in schools, in fact i had one handed to me - you don't need to accept it mind.

There is no separation of Church and State here, the Church of England is the state religion - the Queen is the head of the Church and Bishops sit in the House of Lords.

People are free to practice whichever religion they like though, the State religion isn't forced on people.


Well-Known Member
I'd have to say no there is no harm in just handing it out BUT if they told you that you HAD to study & read it then that would create a problem. Here in the U.S I think it's wrong to hand them out period just because out Schools suck they should be worried about that more.