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God’s philosophy.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I think you just need another word that one doesn't really fit your description......I don't agree with you, but I do understand your logic and your reasoning but I think you need another word besides loser.......;)

I'm open to suggestions.

If you understand the logic then then I do not understand how you can not agree.

Please explain in more detail.



Let's go racing boys !
I'm open to suggestions.

If you understand the logic then then I do not understand how you can not agree.

Please explain in more detail.

My personal experience led me to the beliefs that I have now.....But I can see where some people might come to the conclusions that you have reached. Since my walk with God is based on faith, I feel that I am open to a knowledge of God that you do not have. God's ways are not our ways. I don't say this in any way to try to change your view. I try to understand where someone else is coming from and I don't know how much you studied the Bible or how you arrived at your decision, but I can see that you feel that you have the evidence that you need in order to make the assumption that you do. Depending on my circumstances I could have as easily rejected any ideas of God myself. I have done a lot of soul searching, prayer and study to verify the conclusion I came to and it along with the personal expeience leaves me the only option and that is to believe completely in God.
I hope we can have a mutual respect for each other even though we view it through very different eyes.....No one can be a loser until the game is over, and we're still playing so God can't be a loser. If all these things are the way you perceive them to be then why call Him anything at all, Just say He doesn't exist at all. But are you absolutely sure either way?


God’s philosophy.
I have a problem with how my fellow Christians view God.
Scripture states that God failed to convince a full third of the angels in heaven of the truth of His words before creating us.
He gave us Satan and evil to learn from but it also appears that He has failed to convince most humans.
Where did He go wrong?
Why was He forced to create a hell for all this opposition to His philosophy?
It seems strange to me that at the end of time God would have to stand and admit that He somehow lost more than a third of His perfect creations.
Why could He not convince 100% of all His created beings?
Where does His philosophy fail.
Could it be because woman is not equal to man in God’s view and should walk behind man instead of beside him?
Could it be because He only tells us how to deal with slaves instead of abolishing the practice all together?
Could it be because He discriminates and denigrates Gays and names them abominations?
Could it be because He is shown as breaking His own laws of killing humans, including innocent children and babies?
How can we help God reclaim all His lost souls and angels?
God gave all human and angelic creations free will. Would you want to marry a spouse or spend time with some one who wanted to spend time with you or did it because you made them do it. No matter how great an idea or way of life is people or going to disagree and feel they can do it better.

It is not a matter of God getting it wrong it is the simple fact that living in opposition to God has lead to disaster since our first human parents.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
My personal experience led me to the beliefs that I have now.....But I can see where some people might come to the conclusions that you have reached. Since my walk with God is based on faith, I feel that I am open to a knowledge of God that you do not have. God's ways are not our ways. I don't say this in any way to try to change your view. I try to understand where someone else is coming from and I don't know how much you studied the Bible or how you arrived at your decision, but I can see that you feel that you have the evidence that you need in order to make the assumption that you do. Depending on my circumstances I could have as easily rejected any ideas of God myself. I have done a lot of soul searching, prayer and study to verify the conclusion I came to and it along with the personal expeience leaves me the only option and that is to believe completely in God.
I hope we can have a mutual respect for each other even though we view it through very different eyes.....No one can be a loser until the game is over, and we're still playing so God can't be a loser. If all these things are the way you perceive them to be then why call Him anything at all, Just say He doesn't exist at all. But are you absolutely sure either way?

Yes I am.

In my life I have had two telepathic experiences. One my wife will testify to. The other, I believe I touched the mind of the Godhead. I would not likely speak of the later if the first had not confirmed for me the reality of telepathy.
I think that the old prophets of scripture who were -in the spirit-, were in a telepathic communication the same way.

They were venerated and wrote scripture but any mention of such today only brings scorn and accusations of insanity or dilusion. Oh well.

The main message, if you will, appart from the knowledge that a God really exists was to think more demographically. This was given in a chastizing tone. I guwss I was too self centred. I may not be completely cured.

I believe that God was a man befire He became God. Scripture indicates that we are in god's image and or we in His and this reinforces my view.

In the natural word, any species has one of their own to set the standards. Only with men do some think that some other species sets our standards. They are wrong.

Man must be the God of men. Only a human can understand humans fully.

When you say that God's ways are not our way's you are wrong. All oth God's ways can be understood because it is men that havs given God his attributes.

Who else could?

Till that time I had been a happy non believer.

I was given no other advise and assume that the logic I had used till then to bebate religion had been correct and this same logic is what I use today to discuss the untruths that I find in scripture.

God is not the loser described in scripture but much of it has to be ignored, especially theparts thast show our loving God hueting His children.

Sodom or the flood never happened. There is no hell. We all get to heaven.

Can you imagine a God deciding to fight humans. It would be like you or I deciding to fight ants. Neither would be a fair fight and God is fair.
After all the Godhead is composed of dead humans who quickly learn the whole truth when entering heaven.

A small glimpse at my belief.

You indicate that you may know something I do not. This would not surprise me for I learn something new daily.

Please tell.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
God gave all human and angelic creations free will. Would you want to marry a spouse or spend time with some one who wanted to spend time with you or did it because you made them do it. No matter how great an idea or way of life is people or going to disagree and feel they can do it better.

It is not a matter of God getting it wrong it is the simple fact that living in opposition to God has lead to disaster since our first human parents.

Yes, many believe that Adam and Eve created all our woes. Concider that all churches and religions try to teach moral sense.
Moral sense comes from the knowledge of good and evil.

Eve did the right thing and exactly what God wanted.

Did Eve get it right or would you give up this knowledge and become ignorant of morals and ethic?



Let's go racing boys !
Yes I am.

In my life I have had two telepathic experiences. One my wife will testify to. The other, I believe I touched the mind of the Godhead. I would not likely speak of the later if the first had not confirmed for me the reality of telepathy.
I think that the old prophets of scripture who were -in the spirit-, were in a telepathic communication the same way.

They were venerated and wrote scripture but any mention of such today only brings scorn and accusations of insanity or dilusion. Oh well.

The main message, if you will, appart from the knowledge that a God really exists was to think more demographically. This was given in a chastizing tone. I guwss I was too self centred. I may not be completely cured.

I believe that God was a man befire He became God. Scripture indicates that we are in god's image and or we in His and this reinforces my view.

In the natural word, any species has one of their own to set the standards. Only with men do some think that some other species sets our standards. They are wrong.

Man must be the God of men. Only a human can understand humans fully.

When you say that God's ways are not our way's you are wrong. All oth God's ways can be understood because it is men that havs given God his attributes.

Who else could?

Till that time I had been a happy non believer.

I was given no other advise and assume that the logic I had used till then to bebate religion had been correct and this same logic is what I use today to discuss the untruths that I find in scripture.

God is not the loser described in scripture but much of it has to be ignored, especially theparts thast show our loving God hueting His children.

Sodom or the flood never happened. There is no hell. We all get to heaven.

Can you imagine a God deciding to fight humans. It would be like you or I deciding to fight ants. Neither would be a fair fight and God is fair.
After all the Godhead is composed of dead humans who quickly learn the whole truth when entering heaven.

A small glimpse at my belief.

You indicate that you may know something I do not. This would not surprise me for I learn something new daily.

Please tell.

Thank you for your reply to my post. I do not mean to imply that I have some supernatural knowledge beyond anyone's comprehension. I just mean that I have a close spiritual walk with God. I do feel that I am blessed to have several spiritual gifts, and I try to use these along with common sense as to what to say and how to say it. What I meant is the closer my walk with God, the more I understand the answers to some questions. Things are revealed unto those who seek to know. God has been one constant, unchanging anchor in my life. But for the grace of God in my life I would probably be skeptical too.
I really appreciate this chance to discuss this with you, and hopefully still retain respect for each other.
I appreciate you sharing your experience and belief with me, thank you.



Yes, many believe that Adam and Eve created all our woes. Concider that all churches and religions try to teach moral sense.
Moral sense comes from the knowledge of good and evil.

Eve did the right thing and exactly what God wanted.

Did Eve get it right or would you give up this knowledge and become ignorant of morals and ethic?

If that is the case God is a mean, hateful, vindictive, individual and there is no need to have religion in our lives because hr wants us to suffer....so "Let there be eating and drinking, for tomorrow we shall die" Isaiah 22:12

The fact of the matter is the devil doesn't care what you beleive as long as you don't belive the right thing, there or only two roads.... Matthew 7:13

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
If that is the case God is a mean, hateful, vindictive, individual and there is no need to have religion in our lives because hr wants us to suffer....so "Let there be eating and drinking, for tomorrow we shall die" Isaiah 22:12

The fact of the matter is the devil doesn't care what you beleive as long as you don't belive the right thing, there or only two roads.... Matthew 7:13

What is evil about wanting your children to have moral sense?


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Nothing is wrong with that. What are you basing your morals on?

Tradition says that the only sourse is the knowledge of good and evil.

This is supported by Genesis. To be as God, knowing good and evil.

If not here then I would be hard pressed to think of where else it would come from.



Miss Independent
Tradition says that the only sourse is the knowledge of good and evil.

This is supported by Genesis. To be as God, knowing good and evil.

If not here then I would be hard pressed to think of where else it would come from.


But wasnt god rather upset because adam and eve ate from the tree?


Miss Independent
No, its was inevitable

Hi Herushura! God created adam and eve perfect...they did not have to eat from the tree. Eating from the tree meant they brought into their lives that which god did not wish for them to have. Death.



Active Member
Hi Herushura! God created adam and eve perfect...they did not have to eat from the tree. Eating from the tree meant they brought into their lives that which god did not wish for them to have. Death.


It wasnt Death it was Sexual knowing

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
But wasnt god rather upset because adam and eve ate from the tree?

If the tree of knowledge is the only sourse for our moral sense, and the only way to know His thinking, why would He be angry?

Read Genesis where the seperation occurs.

Most read it as if God were speaking in a harsh voice and yes it has a sound like a chastizement.
Read it again in a Jesus like voice and you will get a whole different image. One of God just giving the facts of the reality that Eve had earned with her sacrifice.

If you couple this with the fact that if God were disapointed with them, it would have been kinder to kill them off inthe beginning instead of waiting to kill all thei ofspring in a genocidal flood that killed millions including innocent children and babies.

You might also wonder why God allowed the snake, a powerfull supernatural entity to have access to Eve. No mortal can stand up to a supernatural force.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Hi Herushura! God created adam and eve perfect...they did not have to eat from the tree. Eating from the tree meant they brought into their lives that which god did not wish for them to have. Death.


I would remind that Adam and Eve were destined to die before thy ate of the tree of knowledge. They had not eaten of the tree of life at that point and would die without it.



Miss Independent
It wasnt Death it was Sexual knowing

Yes, i have heard that version of it...and if you want to cause a riot you should post it here somewhere..but i think it is the best version of the forbidden fruit eating drama i have encountered so far. And it makes an aweful lot of sense.

PS: I hope we are talking about the same thing though:D



Miss Independent
I would remind that Adam and Eve were destined to die before thy ate of the tree of knowledge. They had not eaten of the tree of life at that point and would die without it.


Good point. They had access to the tree of life in order to continue living. But why would god cut them of from the tree the moment they ate of the other tree?

Because they didnt obey god...and that means seperation from god.

What do you think?


Active Member
The Serpant told Eve to eat the Apple in which was againts gods words.

But in the hebrew, Serpant = NHSH, Nhsh= nahash that means "To Find Out" or "Wisdom"
Nahash means to Recieve knowledge.

on my Point of View the Apple Does not Exist. its just a metaphor for knowledge that eve recieved from nahash