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God’s Omniscience

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The God which transcends spacetime writes the general structure for the story of your life. You are able to author details, but the general structure for your life is written. When you make a stand, identify with a higher version of self, and die to a reality check, then you force God to re-write and level up the general structure of your story.

In this way, the transcendent God both knows and doesn’t know the future. He doesn’t know who will make a stand and force him to level up their story. Will it be you?

The highest version of God wants you to make him level you up and re-write your story.
Then **** your god so making abuse and trauma a central part to the lives of so many. This means he made many of us just to suffer, which means this must be a wicked, cruel and sadistic entity.

Treasure Hunter

Well-Known Member
So no, you don't know.
“Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does.”

In other words, my will is my God’s will, just like your will is your God’s will. If you know your own will, then it’s impossible to not know what God wants at least in part.

Did you create “your” own will? You are not the owner of your will. Your wants and desires are your God’s wants and desires.

The enemy is the one who wants you to believe you are sovereign while he hides in the shadows pulling your strings. My God reveals to me the truth because I do his will. My father shows me what he does and what he wants.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Man I'm glad I don't think I know well enough to know your God.

That would make me almost seem... Arrogant and not like I actually spoke for God.

Hi Shadow Wolf.
I would love to answer all your questions and I think I can. However, I need to know a few things and I need to ask you some questions.
Are you familiar with the Christian bible?
The God which transcends spacetime writes the general structure for the story of your life. You are able to author details, but the general structure for your life is written. When you make a stand, identify with a higher version of self, and die to a reality check, then you force God to re-write and level up the general structure of your story.

In this way, the transcendent God both knows and doesn’t know the future. He doesn’t know who will make a stand and force him to level up their story. Will it be you?

The highest version of God wants you to make him level you up and re-write your story.

Hi Treasure Hunter. Before I comment on your comment, we need to discuss who or what God is and what's it all about.
What's it all about?
Matt 11: 27 All things are delivered unto me by my Father, and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, except the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him.
God the Father has god-like qualities such as being everywhere at once, knows what everyone is thinking and feeling, can do anything, knows everything including past, present, and future, has always existed, and can create realities in His mind. That is how He has all those qualities. Our reality is in the mind of the Father. All existence is in the mind of the Father who creates different realities. Our mind is housed in our bodies, but the Father's mind is everywhere.
The mind and power of God is so far beyond what we can possibly imagine and yet, He reveals Himself to us. The complexity of life as well as the splendor and order of the universe to sustain life, alone, should be enough to make one realize that there is a creator God.
The beginning of our reality started when the Father placed a living being in it, with his own mind, heart, and soul, and through which he would be able to interact. The vehicle for this interaction is His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit of the Father is a portal through which the Father can interact with the realities that He creates.The Father fills this living being with His Holy Spirit so that this living being is filled with His presence and together they create our reality. Our reality was created by the Father through this being. That is what is meant by the expression "sitting on the right hand of the Father". This being was the first and only being formed from the Father and he is the temple of the Father in our reality. That is why this being is the offspring of the Father and is referred to as the only begotten Son of God, and the visible image of the invisible God, because the Father's presence (His Holy Spirit) resides in His Son. The Father loves His Son and the Son loves the Father and obeys Him. The Son's will might differ from the Father, but the Son subjugates His will to the Father's. The Father created all things in our reality through His Son and for His Son. All things created are placed by the Father under the Son's feet. I believe that makes the Son Lord of all creation as well as the God of all creation, but the Father is the one God of all, including His Son.
Col 1: 15-16 Who is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation; For by him were all things created, that are in heaven , and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers--all things were created by him and for him; and he is before all things, and by him all things consist. Our reality is in the mind of the Father. That is why He knows all things, is everywhere, is all powerful, and can do all things. The Father interacts with our reality through Christ, who is a Spirit with His own mind but is also filled with the Spirit of the Father who formed Him. Just like Christ is the temple of the invisible Father, we are the temple of both the Father and the Son because they both reside in us who are saved.
Heb 1: 4 Being made so much better than the angels, as He hath by inheritance obtained a more excellant name than they. In Hebrew history, the first born son was the one who inherited the Father's blessings and goods. The reason he was made so much better than the angels is because Christ is the first and only being actually formed by the Father. All other beings are formed by the Father, but through Christ because Christ is the temple of the Father and Christ obeys the Father. Christ is not forced to obey the will of the Father. He has a perfect heart and willingly obeys out of Love. He has a different will than the Father, but he subjugates his will to that of the Father. Because of this, he holds a special place in the heart of the Father.
Heb 1 :5-7 For unto which of the angels said He at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again , I will be to him a Father, and He shall be to Me a Son? And again, when He bringeth in the first-begotteen into the world, He saith, " And let all the angels of God worship Him. And of the angels He saith , Who maketh His angels spirits, and His ministers a flame of fire.
Christ's existence emanated from the Father's (mind) from which all things exist. Christ is the first and only living spiritual being that came from the Father. That is why He is the Father's Son. Just like the Father, Christ has His own mind, heart, and soul. Because the Father's essence (Holy Spirit) completely fills Christ's being, Christ, with His free will, chooses to love and obey Him. That is why He sits at the Father's right hand (to do the Father's will). The Father communicates His will to the Son through His essence (Holy Spirit). The Son is One with the Father because the Father communicates and empowers through His Holy Spirit. The Son's will might differ from the Father, but the Son gladly acquiesces to the will of the Father. When Christ became a man, the essence of God the Father, through which Mary's seed was fertilized, again resulted in Christ being born but this time as a human. The Father and Son relationship occurs a second time.
Isaiah 43: 10 ... before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
This verse clearly states that the speaker is the only God formed. This verse is spoken by Christ because the Father has no beginning but apparently, the God (Christ) in Isaiah 43: 10 had a time that existed before Him which means that He didn't always exist in the past. Actually, the beginning started when Christ was formed out of the Father's mind. Alpha and Omega means the first and the last.