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God created the sun on both the 1st day and the 4th day! ???


I bet most Bible readers never caught that! How can one truly believe if you can't even get past Genesis. Very disgusting, actually. And the first PAGE of Genesis, at that. Read it and see for yourself.

Also, it starts out with the Earth being here before anything, which would go against any kind of modern scientific wisdom. But not a wisdom from ancient days, if they thought the Earth was the center of the Universe.


I bet most Bible readers never caught that! How can one truly believe if you can't even get past Genesis. Very disgusting, actually. And the first PAGE of Genesis, at that. Read it and see for yourself.

Also, it starts out with the Earth being here before anything, which would go against any kind of modern scientific wisdom. But not a wisdom from ancient days, if they thought the Earth was the center of the Universe.

we let them know about that almost daily lol

its on of the many classic blunders of the OT

thats what happens with folklore and things they did not know

in my opinion


Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
.... thats what happens with folklore and things they did not know

in my opinion

That, and the fact that the Tanakh wasn't written by a single person.
It's a collection of writings that was compiled over time and then canonized. And the editors often chose to leave entire sections that covered the same material intact even if it caused conflicting tales or opposing views.

Having two explanations of a single event with glaring differences is not uncommon; but it also isn't a major issue provided that one doesn't hold it to be the literal word of God.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Funny thing, it took me around thirty years to suddenly realize the absurdity of it all.


it also isn't a major issue provided that one doesn't hold it to be the literal word of God

Excellent reply

and there in lies the problem, personal interpetation has caused creationism to take a hold on ground it had no buisiness walking on.


Not your average Mormon
Ecman, why don't you just change your religion to Atheist? I mean why say you're a Lutheran when you clearly don't even believe in God?


New Member
Makes me sad to hear al these cheap comments. Please visit torahstudies dot com and find your way to Old Testament studies and then Genesis. I hope you will find some enlightment there. You sure could use some LIGHT in this DARKNESS.


Superabacus Mystic


Active Member
Makes me sad to hear al these cheap comments. Please visit torahstudies dot com and find your way to Old Testament studies and then Genesis. I hope you will find some enlightment there. You sure could use some LIGHT in this DARKNESS.

Why do Christians always have this rebuttal? Howabout you explain what the OP posted?


Jehovah our God is One
I bet most Bible readers never caught that! How can one truly believe if you can't even get past Genesis. Very disgusting, actually. And the first PAGE of Genesis, at that. Read it and see for yourself.

Also, it starts out with the Earth being here before anything, which would go against any kind of modern scientific wisdom. But not a wisdom from ancient days, if they thought the Earth was the center of the Universe.

on the first day he used the word 'ohr' which is 'light' in the general sense. But on the 4th day the word changes to 'ma`ohr' which is the 'source' of the light
So day 1 light came to the earth through the atmospher (such as the light that makes its way through the clouds on an overcast day)
On day 4 the 'source' of light was made to be visible in the expanse of the sky... so the atmosphere cleared enough for the sun to be seen. Also, Moses doesnt say God 'created' the sun on day 4...rather, he uses a word that means he put the sun to a purpose ie he made it 'appear' by clearing the atmosphere.

look a little deeper into the hebrew language and you'll have a better idea of what Moses actually wrote.

Oh and to add, Vs 1 of genesis says in the beginning God 'created the HEAVENS and the EARTH' ... so the earth was created along with the rest of the universe a long time before he began preparing the earth for habitation. A lot of people think genesis account is about the 'creation' of the earth but its not. The earth was already existing along with the sun and moon and stars, it being created 'in the beginning' of Gods physical creation.
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Well-Known Member
Correction: those are the greatly reduced equations taken from Maxwell's original 30 something equations by uhh... what's his name. The guy that history forgot. Hugebody or something fat sounding like that.

Heaviside. I heard there was twenty. :p


There is nothing that suggests that when he said "let light come to be", he then created the sun. If you look at the account and the way it's worded (and also other Scripures in Genesis), it's suggeted that the sun (actually both luminaries) were already created before he began forming the earth. Looking at verse two it says "the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep.” It is to my understanding that what was causing the darkness was a band of cloud layers enveloping the earth preventing light from reaching its surface. When he later said "Let there be light", he removed it allowing light to shine through.

Another thing is that on Day 4, it doesn't say he made the sun. What's suggested is the location and the description of the role each luminary would have for the earth with the Sun being the dominant one and the Moon being the lesser.


Well-Known Member
I bet most Bible readers never caught that! How can one truly believe if you can't even get past Genesis. Very disgusting, actually. And the first PAGE of Genesis, at that. Read it and see for yourself.

Also, it starts out with the Earth being here before anything, which would go against any kind of modern scientific wisdom. But not a wisdom from ancient days, if they thought the Earth was the center of the Universe.

God never created light, He is light. If you are talking about the sun, yes he created the sun, but light (God) already existed.