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God existance paradox?

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Omnipotent? Omniscient?

Remember, human beings are who explained God's nature. God from our point of view may look omnipotent or omniscient, because his power and knowledge transcends our own.

It may just as well be an expression.


Active Member
Personally, the answer is simple.
If we didn't have evil, we wouldn't have choice, if we didn't have choice we would just be robots programmed to do whatever God wants.

God didn't create evil, Evil is just an absence of God :shrug:

I'm sure you'll look for holes to poke in that, But I don't mind.

If you'd rather think yourself all knowing about the concept of God, Then that's between you and your beliefs/morals/concience.

So, did Jesus have free will? Was he (a) just a robot programmed by God, or did he (b) have free will and ability to sin, but just chose to live a sin-free life?

Does God himself have free will? Is God a (a) robot without free will, or does he (b) have the ability to do evil things but just chooses not to?

Is there going to be sin and evil in Heaven (or whatever afterlife you believe in)? If not, will everyone who gets to heaven (a) be stripped of their free will and live in a zombie prison, or will they (b) have free will but no desire to do evil things?

If the answer is (b) to any of these questions, then it IS conceptually possible to combine free will with a world without evil, in which case the problem of why there is evil is back on the table again. Free will is therefore not a good explanation for why there is evil.
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Active Member
I think the trouble we come across with this is that any concept of God is always going to beyond human comprehension. We are all guilty of judging any concept of God with human traits and human understanding.
If someone believes in God, as I do, he or she is going to believe that God is greater than we are.
What we see are not contradictions, but instead our lack of understanding of any God concept.
Welcome, Emp-naval, to the RF and thanks for the intriguing post. :)

But in most interpretations of the Abrahamic religions, God is said to be our moral compass - the one who defined the entire concept of morality, and who has a desire that we live morally acceptable lives. We are created in his image, and he has given us our sense of morality.

So how can God's concept of morality be so different and incomprehensible to us? Of course God should have human traits morally speaking.


Active Member
Omnipotent? Omniscient?

Remember, human beings are who explained God's nature. God from our point of view may look omnipotent or omniscient, because his power and knowledge transcends our own.

It may just as well be an expression.

If God is not truly omnipotent and omniscient, can it then be called God, or is it just a mighty alien species?


If God is not truly omnipotent and omniscient, can it then be called God, or is it just a mighty alien species?

Why would we assume there is a difference to begin with? Omnipotent and omniscient God doesn't seem to be a very old concept. What were the God concepts of old?


If the answer is (b) to any of these questions, then it IS conceptually possible to combine free will with a world without evil, in which case the problem of why there is evil is back on the table again. Free will is therefore not a good explanation for why there is evil.

Yes, There is a possibility of free will in a 'perfect world'.
I believe Adam and Eve had that, Or very similar to that.
And then they ate from the tree and here we are :shrug:

Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, And guess what?
They got knowledge.

Would you say evil can also be included in knowledge?
If so, then there is your answer.


This might work for the Christian god, but not exactly for Judaism or Islam. One of the problems I have with the Christian explanation to the problem of evil is that it assumes free will even exists. Our actions seem to me to be more deterministic, rather than based entirely on some concept of free will.


Rogue Theologian
Seems to me....
If God created His own Spirit in a manner to be in more than one place at one time.....a common notion.....
His only conversation would then be with His own reflection.

No disagreement.....no denial....and who could talk to himself for all of eternity and be happy about it?

The sound of your echo would be sufficient?

Creating another spirit would be a bit of a trick.....and not recreate yourself on each occasion.

So the imperfect would be the answer.
Billions of us.
How entertaining!


Active Member
Yes, There is a possibility of free will in a 'perfect world'.
I believe Adam and Eve had that, Or very similar to that.
And then they ate from the tree and here we are :shrug:

Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, And guess what?
They got knowledge.

Would you say evil can also be included in knowledge?
If so, then there is your answer.

If Eve knew it was wrong to eat that fruit, and therefore did an evil act, then the world must of course not have been a "perfect world" without sin or evil even back then. If they had everything they needed and had free will and no intentions of committing any sin or evil act, the fruit trees would have been untouched to this day.

But of course, how could they know right from wrong before they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge that gave them knowledge about right and wrong?

In other words, why did God plant the trees there in the first place, when humans at that time didn't even have the knowledge from the tree of knowledge, and were forbidden to acquire that knowledge?

If God planted those trees and the talking snake in the garden just to set up a trap for humans to walk into so that they would be tossed out of the garden and live sinful, evil lives with their free will, then God is evil by any useful definition of the word evil.

I guess that answers the question of why there is evil in the world - because God made it so. Why would a good God place those trees in the garden in the first place? Did the trees have any function at all besides luring Adam and Eve into a trap? Obviously nobody needed the trees to eat the fruit, so they could not have had any other function than temptation.


If Eve knew it was wrong to eat that fruit, and therefore did an evil act, then the world must of course not have been a "perfect world" without sin or evil even back then. If they had everything they needed and had free will and no intentions of committing any sin or evil act, the fruit trees would have been untouched to this day.

But of course, how could they know right from wrong before they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge that gave them knowledge about right and wrong?

In other words, why did God plant the trees there in the first place, when humans at that time didn't even have the knowledge from the tree of knowledge, and were forbidden to acquire that knowledge?

If God planted those trees and the talking snake in the garden just to set up a trap for humans to walk into so that they would be tossed out of the garden and live sinful, evil lives with their free will, then God is evil by any useful definition of the word evil.

I guess that answers the question of why there is evil in the world - because God made it so. Why would a good God place those trees in the garden in the first place? Did the trees have any function at all besides luring Adam and Eve into a trap? Obviously nobody needed the trees to eat the fruit, so they could not have had any other function than temptation.

I've been through this before, But I'll give you the cliff notes.

The tree wasn't a trap.
If you had diabetes, And you come over to my house and I've got chocolate in the fridge, And you eat it and go into diabetic shock, Was it a trap?

It's the same with the tree.

Eve had the choice, Even though she didn't know good or bad, She knew to obey or disobey (Since God told them not to eat from the tree) so she knew not to disobey.

This site might help you see with a different perspective towards your 'God created evil' belief -

Did God create evil?

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
Actually I have no sodding idea why, what ultimate purpose will it serve to torture billions of souls for eternity, when eveything is settled?

For his glory? If we don't know why, that isn't necessarily a reason to not believe. if God is real and has provided a way to spend eternity with him, I'm all for it. I can't be God and change things.


Active Member
I've been through this before, But I'll give you the cliff notes.

The tree wasn't a trap.
If you had diabetes, And you come over to my house and I've got chocolate in the fridge, And you eat it and go into diabetic shock, Was it a trap?

It's the same with the tree.

Eve had the choice, Even though she didn't know good or bad, She knew to obey or disobey (Since God told them not to eat from the tree) so she knew not to disobey.

This site might help you see with a different perspective towards your 'God created evil' belief -

Did God create evil?

Yes, if you had diabetes, and I knew that but you didn't, and I never told you that you had diabetes, and designed the entire house for you to live in, and then put chocolate in the fridge, and THEN when you ate it I didn't help you but condemned you and threw you out of the house, then the analogy is correct.

It points to a major design flaw that already the second human being failed miserably at what God wished humans would do and not do. And then the omniscient God acted surprised and angry.
Personally, the answer is simple.
If we didn't have evil, we wouldn't have choice, if we didn't have choice we would just be robots programmed to do whatever God wants.

God didn't create evil, Evil is just an absence of God :shrug:

I'm sure you'll look for holes to poke in that, But I don't mind.

If you'd rather think yourself all knowing about the concept of God, Then that's between you and your beliefs/morals/concience.

We'd still have plenty of choice. Being unable to choose for example, to kill our neighbors because we want their stuff, we can choose to get a better job, sell our things to get what we want, or just get over it. On top of many other near infinite choices.

If evil is the absence of God then evil isn't based on actions or choices. People are evil because god isn't with them not because of choices they made. If God tells me to commit a horrible act of evil, like killing my child, then what I've done isn't evil in slightest. This seems completely amoral to me as there is no action I could do that is evil as long as god is with me.


Well-Known Member
Bzzzzz, wrong, at least for Islam and Christianity. I'm an ex-muslim, and I read alot about christianity.
In both, the only people who gets out of hell are the believers of the respective religion. Satan, atheists, and even the majority of other religions' followers have a permenant visa for hell, usage is mandatory.
I'm talking about mainstream religion, not what 14 out of the 3 billions followers of these religions.
As for the jews, I honestly don't have the slightest clue.

If you're interested, according to Judaism, there is no permanent place of punishment in the afterlife. There is actually a wide variance of beliefs of the specifics within Judaism about the afterlife. The general idea (stated as simply as I can) is that there are two destinations in the afterlife. Gehinnom is of temporary duration and Heaven is permanent. Almost all humans spend some time in Gehinnom. After some time (typically up to 1 year), then almost everyone goes on to Heaven.

We don't have a definitive idea of the afterlife since G-d barely mentioned it to us. No one living can truly know what the specifics are after we die. So we basically don't pretend to know. G-d attached so little importance to it, that we really don't worry about it much. We are all getting to Heaven eventually. So we spend almost all our efforts on this life, following G-d's example.

Karl R

Active Member
Bzzzzz, wrong, at least for Islam and Christianity. I'm an ex-muslim, and I read alot about christianity.
I'm a christian, and I've read a bit about islam. There are muslim parables where allah lets people out of hell (sometimes after they've been there for years/centuries), because they have learned from the experience.

None of those parables (of the ones I've seen) have indicated that a non-believers are prevented from learning and converting after death. Can you give an example of a muslim parable that says the ability to be redeemed after death is limited to believers?

In both, the only people who gets out of hell are the believers of the respective religion. Satan, atheists, and even the majority of other religions' followers have a permenant visa for hell, usage is mandatory.
The qur'an recognizes the people of the book (jews, christians, others). Are you claiming that the people of the book are all damned to hell? That appears to be a debated topic among islamic scholars. I guess all the islamic scholars need to do to resolve the question is ask you (an ex-muslim), and you'll be able to set them straight about what their religion means.

I was able to find numerous christian sources (including protestant sources, catholic sources, the conservative evangelist Billy Graham, and the bible) which state that non-christians can go to heaven. For example, the bible explicitly states that Elijah (a jewish prophet who predated Jesus) was taken to heaven. Or look at the book of Job, which closely documents Job's life (he was another person who predated Jesus) and struggles. Job was favored by god ... and he wasn't even jewish.

I'm talking about mainstream religion, not what 14 out of the 3 billions followers of these religions.
Proof by hyperbole?

Christian universalist theologists believe that most christians were universalists up until the 6th century CE. (They may be right, or they may be biased. I'm in no position to tell.)

Currently, there are a couple hundred thousand active members of universalist churches in the U.S. That doesn't begin to cover members of mainstream denominations who have adopted universalist beliefs. (The universalists went into decline during the last century, because christian belief in universal reconciliation became sufficiently mainstream that there was nothing to distinguish them from larger, liberal denominations.)

Outside the U.S., there are large universalist populations in India and the Philippines. There's one church in the Philippines which has over 10,000 active members.

As for the jews, I honestly don't have the slightest clue.
You don't appear to have a clue about most christians either. You just have opinions which seem to be drawn exclusively from the fundamentalist minority.

I did a little research. Most jews believe in an afterlife. There's not much doctrine about it, so there are a wide variety of beliefs which are accepted (including reincarnation). In general, they're more worried about this life.

Bzzzzzz, wrong again. God can be both merciful and just at the same time, I think the sole notion that god is not both perfectly just and merciful is herecy, lol.
Now there's a potential paradox. Justice is giving someone the punishment they deserve. Mercy is sparing someone from the punishment they deserve.

How can anyone be perfectly just and perfectly merciful at the same time? (Remember, this wasn't part of your initial premises.)

Of course, this potential paradox might have a simple solution: "perfection" might not be "to the maximum degree possible." This may be one of those cases where the "perfect" amount is not too much, not too little.

Your opinion about the "perfect" amount of justice and mercy isn't automatically right.

By the way, when did christians begin relying on you for our definition of heresy?

Here is a solution I came up with in under 3 minutes, god rewards the believers with eternal pleasure. As for the guys who chose to defy his well, god snaps his fingers and goes like "Because you were naughty, you will vanish and you will not be granted eternal pleasure", pop all the others just vanish to NOWHERE, as simple as that, god surely had more time than me and could have came with a better idea than mine or hell anyway.
Again, the doctrine of annihilationism is not a new idea. It has appeared throughout the history of the christian church.

The traditional jewish belief is that the dead go to Sheol (literally translated: "the grave").

I've heard many christian ministers describe hell as "eternal separation from god." That's not exactly the torture you seem to be expecting.

The roman catholic church defines hell as "a state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed." There's no mention of eternal torment.

God has sent his fury countless times on non-believers in the bible and quran, he only lost this habbit recently, aka when people started using their heads to rationalise, instead of their toshies.
What are toshies?

You're discussing a concept of "god in the gaps." In pre-scientific cultures, god is used to explain any natural phenomenon that people can't explain. Why was there a tornado, hurricane, drought, famine, plague, earthquake, tsunami or volcano? God must have been angry. Once people understood tectonics, meteorology, bacteria and viruses, they no longer claimed god was responsible for these events.

Except for fundamentalists (people who believe the torah/bible/qur'an is literally true), members of these religions don't necessarily consider these accounts to be stories of god sending "his fury countless times on non-believers" as you claim.

Among U.S. christians, fundamentalists are a minority.

According to the bible, when Joshua led the jews into the promised land, god destroyed knocked down the walls of the city.

Would you be surprised to learn that Jericho is located in an earthquake-prone area? In 1927, that spot was hit by an earthquake which measured 6.2 on the Richter scale.

Did god unleash his fury on the city of Jericho? Or did the jews benefit from a natural disaster, which they later credited to god?

Many modern christians and jews have a different understanding of god (and science) then people who lived during the biblical period. We're quite aware of those differences. Therefore, when we hear of a natural disaster which is explained as an example of god's punishment, we assume that it's a natural disaster ... which has been transformed into a morality tale after the fact.

'We need evil to define good', what a genious piece of wisdom.
That's not what I said. That's not even what I implied.

Do you really have to stoop to misquoting me, just to support your ideas?

I was talking about pain, not evil. You're implying that pain is evil, which is something that I don't believe. I'm not aware of any doctrine which suggests that pain is evil. Your suggestion that pain is evil strikes me as being ignorant in the extreme.

Pain is often necessary for us to grow and improve. (Train for a marathon. You'll see what I mean.) Pain is an effective teaching tool.

Consider this, do you want to KNOW your kids are healthy, or do you prefer for polio to be non existent. [...]
Consider this, do you want your children to grow up to be productive, independent, self-sufficient adults, or do you prefer to provide their every need (and want), even when they are in their thirties or forties? (At the age of 20-21, when I was first on my own, I lived well below the poverty line, including not having enough to eat. But I learned a lot of lessons about managing my resources which have served me well in the decades that followed.)

Do you prefer that your children grow up to be law-abiding, ethical individuals, or do you prefer to avoid punishing them, even when they do things that are obviously wrong, hurtful or illegal?

Would you accept a world where war was unknown, if it meant surrendering to a totalitarian government that forbade most freedoms? Or would you rather fight against that type of government even if it meant a bloody war?

Pain (and other unpleasant circumstances) aren't evil. Your "logic" is completely without basis.

Both judaism and christianity see god as a father who disciplines his children and allows his children to endure hardship when necessary. (I realize islam may be different in that regard.) My parents disciplined me (and my siblings); they allowed us to endure a significant amount of hardship. They took no pleasure in disciplining us. They didn't enjoy seeing us struggle. But they recognized the necessity of both. It was necessary because of our human nature.

God could have created us with a different nature, but then we'd no longer be human.

Your "paradox" only works for certain conservative/fundamentalist followers of those religions.

If you want to use your paradox against people who believe that god/allah is going to condemn all non-believers to eternal torment, go ahead. But you come across as really silly when you (a non-beliver/ex-believer) tries to tell believers that they're being heretics because they hold beliefs that are outside the pigeon-hole you've created for them.

But to go back to my earlier post, you're going to need to tighten up your premises in order to make this into a paradox (even for the fundamentalists). You left a lot of alternate explanations open.

Enai de a lukal

Well-Known Member
Personally, the answer is simple.
If we didn't have evil, we wouldn't have choice
Yeah, that's not true. We just wouldn't have choice between good and evil. However, most of our choices do not involve good and evil. When we choose what to wear, what to eat, where to go to school, what job to take, who to marry, where to go on vacation- most of the choices we make- our options are value-neutral (i.e. neither good nor evil).

This is obviously the most common/popular response to the problem of evil- but it is absolutely inadequate.

God didn't create evil, Evil is just an absence of God
Then God is not omnipotent.


I do stuff
I use this whenever someone tries to talk me into an abrahamic relegion.
Sure it can use more organization, but what about the core concept.

A- God by definetion is neither an idiot, sadist, nor is he a masochist. God is also omniscient.
B- God is the most merciful being in the universe, loves all his creatures, wants for them to enter heaven, and gets angry when he is disobeyd.
C- God created everyone, including Satan , sinners, and nonbelievers.
D- Since god is omniscient he knew their nature and their end.
E- Based on C and D, God is either:
1) An idiot who doesn't know what he is doing.
2) A sadist that likes torturing humans in hell.
3) A masochist who despite being hurt that his loved creatures chose to doom themselves -which is what he is supposed to feel, refer to B-, enjoys his own pain.
4) Lastly he has no idea what was going to happen in the future.
F- E contradicts A and B. Hence God is non existant.
So what do you think?
You forgot to add free will to your equation.


Well-Known Member
I use this whenever someone tries to talk me into an abrahamic relegion.
Sure it can use more organization, but what about the core concept.

A- God by definetion is neither an idiot, sadist, nor is he a masochist. God is also omniscient.
B- God is the most merciful being in the universe, loves all his creatures, wants for them to enter heaven, and gets angry when he is disobeyd.
C- God created everyone, including Satan , sinners, and nonbelievers.
D- Since god is omniscient he knew their nature and their end.
E- Based on C and D, God is either:
1) An idiot who doesn't know what he is doing.
2) A sadist that likes torturing humans in hell.
3) A masochist who despite being hurt that his loved creatures chose to doom themselves -which is what he is supposed to feel, refer to B-, enjoys his own pain.
4) Lastly he has no idea what was going to happen in the future.
F- E contradicts A and B. Hence God is non existant.
So what do you think?

I think when God says "MY WAYS are not your ways, and MY THOUGHTS are not your thoughts," he means it!

For man to question God's "ways" or God's existence based on man's level of reason and fairness, is insulting to God. IMO. God has given man all he needs to know, all he needs revealed. If one chooses to reject that which has been revealed and stand firm against God because of other paradoxes or mysteries or disturbing realities, well... don't say you have not been warned.

It's like an ant thinking there is nothing in the whole world greater than what makes sense to the ant's way of thinking or code of ethics.

You can stand on your own reason for rejecting God, but you (IMO) cannot rationally dismiss the signs or evidence of the supernatural in other measures. Yes, He exists.