Man cannot measure up to God. To think so is error and one of the chief errors of man, especially in all false religions. In fact, to think one can measure up to God is the curse that all men are under, because he disobeyed God and heeded the voice of the devil. The devil wanted to usurp the authority of God and tempted man with this same evil motive and he fell. Man is most like the devil when he attempts to measure up to God. It cannot happen. Do you not realize that God is the Creator of the entire universe? How can sinful man be as God? God is ruling over all. He is Just. He is pure. He is Holy, separate from sinners. He alone is Holy. Jesus Christ is everything God is. Jesus Christ is Eternal Holy God. But God's people are worms crawling in the dirt. Maggots is the word the Bible uses. Also, God doesn't abandon His people. He says to His people, "I will never leave you. I will never forsake you." He repeats it for emphasis.