The Jesus movement people were in fact eye witnesses. The opening verses in the Gospel of John say that they seen Him, touched Him, and are a living witness to verify that Jesus was/is the Son of God. And in another verse Jesus explains himself, that no one has seen the Father, but in fact when you see Jesus, you have seen the Father. And if you truly repent of your sins you will become a child of God and the Holy Spirit will live within you to help you live a Christian life.I propose God to be a duality. In heaven, the two eternal Gods are in a sphere surrounded by twelve angels. They have never and will never be separated, they are equal in power, glory, and holiness. Before the two Gods created angels, they were companions. The two Gods came into the world as Jesus; there is no son of God. Instead of accepting two Gods, followers of Jesus interpreted them as father and son. As evidence, there are no references to the son of God in prior gospels, the ones preceding the four NT gospels. Son of God and crucifixion stories were added 30 to 40 years later by Jesus movement people. The Trinity is illogical.You cannot propose the Trinity to be eternal when the son of God had a beginning. As for the Holy Spirit, it is found with the two Gods and Angels in heaven, not in our material world.
The Trinity is not really mentioned in the Bible as the Trinity, but it is referenced many times.