Ok. Before I sign off, contrasting religions are not, cannot be from God.
Let's forget all the religions. Let's look at what God does with knowledge in all fields. God does not give knowledge. With this in mind, God does not give any knowledge to religions or the people of the world. Instead God places knowledge all around us. Knowledge must be Discovered. Wisdom is acquired through the struggles to attain knowledge.
God will never serve knowledge up like religion serves up those beliefs. God wants His children to Know rather than merely believe. God wants His children to Discover it all for themselves. That is where the Wisdom is acquired.
Isn't it evil to try to convince people to stop the journey to true knowledge at mere beliefs?? Isn't that what religion is doing?
Religion is mankind's attempt to understand God.
I have found no religion that really understands God at all. Religion reflects more of mankind than anything else. After all, mankind is the creator of religions.
Religion is merely a catalyst that brings so many of the world's problems to the surface so they can be dealt with. After all, when one thinks they have God's blessing, they can justify anything.
All the secrets of the universe stare us all in the face. How long did mankind watch birds fly before they figured out how? God places knowledge all around us waiting for us to Discover it.
In this time-based causal universe, God's actions can be seen. These actions can not be altered by mankind. True knowledge about God and everything else surrounds us all.
The first thing God pointed out to me is that mankind carries such a narrow view. Perhaps, that is all that keeps so many from Discovering the Real Truth. I work on mine every day.
That's what I see. It's very clear!!