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God is Evil - Now What?


Servant of Yahweh God Almighty
Most would say Shabbat Shalom or Good Shabbos, but those are folks for whom the phrase comes naturally.

True, and there are few servants (like myself) that would render Shabbath Shalom (or Shabbath Shaluum) from a Paleo-Hebrew perspective. It is like most people would take Yahweh's name in vain and call him HaShem, Adonai, or The LORD; however, there are few of us that honor his name by calling it out as it is written: Yahweh.
HalleluYah for free speech!


Servant of Yahweh God Almighty
It's a sophomoric pretense that utterly fails to impress, but if you feel the need go for it. :D

I thank Yahweh Almighty God for the wisdom and knowledge that he has bless me with in knowing Paleo Hebrew; all praises to Him. I will let Him and his holy people take pleasure in this truth.


Veteran Member
If god is evil, then it would be time to get him the sack, and take over the job that he could never do right, which is what I have done.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Fight of course. You're going to hell anyway. make sure you deserve it. :D


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Come on be realistic, there is no bloody hell, its just a childish belief, and you know it !.

If there is a God and 'it' is evil, do you really think he gave us free will for anything other than his own amusement?


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
If this is case, then what do you plan to do about it?
Most gods ascribed by men are evil; luckily they're not the creator of reality.... So people can follow their evil made up gods, it doesn't mean anything, other than they're not going the right way. :innocent:


Sounds like God has a case of Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD for short so here's my plan, someone has to tell him, no wait a minute, someone has to tell them.

Father son holy ghost and now Satan, What Are You All Doing To This Poor Man.

When God drinks he drinks wine for the father mineral drink for the son (sugar free of course) and spirits for the holy ghost and then he sits there as Satan with that wicket grim and those dark piecing eyes scaring right into your soul and then you hear those famous words "Here's Johnny"

Okay im looking for volunteers and don't worry we'll send you in on a Sunday, i would do this myself but according to religious beliefs he'll only talk to the believers and don't worry if we don't hear from you we'll send in another believer.

Okay any volunteers, where have you all gone.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
I've considered starting a religion whose goal is to assassinate god and free man kind...but im not a believer so there is no point.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Thousands of people has claimed that their god is evil or someone else's god is evil.
If this is case, then what do you plan to do about it?
If the threat is real, then do you:
1. Have a plan to destroy him\them?
2. Survive him\them?
3. Exploit or appease him\them?
4. Flee from him\them?
5. Does your plan includes only yourself, your family, or the world?
6. Would you battle these evil beings spiritually, physically, or both?
7. Would you sacrifice others to achieve your conquest?
Note: These questions do not apply to those who consider themselves evil gods or enjoy the prosperous fruits of being under such gods.

Allow me to setup the scenario: Suppose that this\these god(s) is\are evil and that he\she\they are still in control? And when I say "god", you can take your pick from any or all of the following:
1. The spiritual world: God of the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, angels, demons, etc.
2. The physical world (Earth): kings, dictators, tyrants, czars, government, mobs, etc.
3. The extra-terrestial worlds: Aliens, engineers, predators, etc.

Hollywood movies has given us many ideas on how to deal with evil gods in these three world scenarios. Here are three examples:

1. SPIRITUAL: Constantine (2005)
"John Constantine: [voiceover] I guess there's a plan for all of us. I had to die - twice - just to figure that out. Like the book says, He works His work in mysterious ways.

Some people like it. Some people don't. "

2. PHYSICAL: 300 (2006)
"Spartans! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty, for tonight we dine in Hell!" -- Spartan King Leonidas
"Xerxes: There will be no glory in your sacrifice. I will erase even the memory of Sparta from the histories! Every piece of Greek parchment shall be burned. Every Greek historian, and every scribe shall have their eyes pulled out, and their tongues cut from their mouths. Why, uttering the very name of Sparta, or Leonidas, will be punishable by death! The world will never know you existed at all!
King Leonidas: The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, even a god-king can bleed."

3. Extra-Terrestial: Predators:
A. "We're gonna need a new plan." - Royce

B. "Royce: How do we kill them?
Noland: However you can.
Isabelle: They must have a weakness.
Noland: Not many. "

C. "Edwin: Excuse me. Just what the hell is going on here?
Royce: We're being hunted. The cages. The soldier. All of us. All brought here for the same purpose. This planet is a game preserve. And we're the game. In case you didn't

notice, we just got flushed out. They sent the dogs in, just like you if you were stalking boar or shooting quail. They split us apart and they watched. Testing us.
Isabelle: How do you know this?
Royce: Because, that's what I would do."

D. "Royce: [to Noland who is wearing a Predator mask] What the <bleep> are you?
Noland: [Removes mask] I'm alive. You talk too loud. Smelled you since you got here. If I can smell you, if I can hear you, they can, too. Storm coming soon. This way.
Isabelle: Wait. Who are you?
Noland: [in sing-song voice] Noland, run away, live to fight another day.
Noland: I'm the one that got away. The one you don't <bleep> with. "

Here are other movies with interesting ways of dealing with their enemies who were at first powerful than they were:
1. Clash of the Titans, Poltergeist, Insidious, It, Them, They, Others, Cabin in the Woods, The Exorcist, Gothika, Devil's Advocate, Noah's Ark, Ten Commandments, etc.
2. Stalingrad (1993), United 93, Enemy at the Gate, Gladiator, Spartacus, The Hunger Games, Glory, Zombieland, Selma, World War Z, Ronin 47, etc.
3. Oblivion, Prometheus, Battlefield Earth, The Mist, Star Trek: The Undiscovered World, Battleship, etc.

Share your plans and thoughts. If you get the chance, use your favorite book or movie to quote your favorite strategy. Or use your own life experience from being a prisoner of war, slave, hostile work environment, whistle blower, refugee, etc. Was\Is your evil god an inside job, external, or both like Pearl Harbour, JFK, Sept. 11, etc.

Shabbath Shalom.
In my experience, when someone argues that a person's god is evil, they usually aren't addressing the possibility that an evil god exists; they're addressing the morality of the believer behaving the way they do... e.g. "not only is there no reason to think that your god exists, but believing in him is making you a bad person."

Paranoid Android

Active Member
Sounds like God has a case of Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD for short so here's my plan, someone has to tell him, no wait a minute, someone has to tell them.

Father son holy ghost and now Satan, What Are You All Doing To This Poor Man.

When God drinks he drinks wine for the father mineral drink for the son (sugar free of course) and spirits for the holy ghost and then he sits there as Satan with that wicket grim and those dark piecing eyes scaring right into your soul and then you hear those famous words "Here's Johnny"

Okay im looking for volunteers and don't worry we'll send you in on a Sunday, i would do this myself but according to religious beliefs he'll only talk to the believers and don't worry if we don't hear from you we'll send in another believer.

Okay any volunteers, where have you all gone.

It is interesting to me that you mention the possibility that God has Multiple Personality Disorder. He does. His other personality is Satan.. Of corse, like people that suffer from M.P.D, he is unaware that he is indeed his enemy. Dementheologist ignore him when he is Satan, and pay attention to him when he is God. We ignore his temptations when he is Satan.


It is interesting to me that you mention the possibility that God has Multiple Personality Disorder. He does. His other personality is Satan.. Of corse, like people that suffer from M.P.D, he is unaware that he is indeed his enemy. Dementheologist ignore him when he is Satan, and pay attention to him when he is God. We ignore his temptations when he is Satan.

Thats interesting but how do you know when he is god and when he is satan, does something happen in the real world that you can tell which of his personality disorder he is or is it something that you just feel like "okay god is a good god today" really interesting post from you.

Paranoid Android

Active Member
Thats interesting but how do you know when he is god and when he is satan, does something happen in the real world that you can tell which of his personality disorder he is or is it something that you just feel like "okay god is a good god today" really interesting post from you.

When we have a feeling or thought that is against the Wisdom ( a code of ethics like the 10 commandments), we know it is Satan tempting us. We counter it be meditating or chanting the Holy Words. We can always get in the Now, and by focusing our mind on positive meditation. Positive thinking, positive thinking.


Servant of Yahweh God Almighty
In my experience, when someone argues that a person's god is evil, they usually aren't addressing the possibility that an evil god exists; they're addressing the morality of the believer behaving the way they do... e.g. "not only is there no reason to think that your god exists, but believing in him is making you a bad person."

True. I do believe that so-called "gods " are evil; such as dictators, kings, emporers, presidents, governments, mega corporations, oligarchies, illumanati, and angels (not all of course).

I find it interesting how people (and society in general) relate and appease their evil human rulers in comparison to the God:

  1. They kiss the feet of their evil employers & dictators; they curse God
  2. They obey the evil and contradictory orders of their evil governments and president; they ignore the laws of God
  3. They take part in pillaging, holocausts, and genocide with their evil regime and emporers; they ignore Gods laws of helping the poor and needy.

It seems that millions would survive by giving in to these evil organizations and rulers so as long as they can see them eye-to-eye. It seems kind of hypocritical to me the way mankind behaves in the world.

What do you guys and gals think about this blatant observation?


When we have a feeling or thought that is against the Wisdom ( a code of ethics like the 10 commandments), we know it is Satan tempting us. We counter it be meditating or chanting the Holy Words. We can always get in the Now, and by focusing our mind on positive meditation. Positive thinking, positive thinking.

I have always been a great believer in positive thinking but for me without a code of ethics like the 10 commandments, positive thinking for me with be better things to come which i have seen many times in my years and god and his multiple personality disorder is something that i have never really thought of, but i will say its a interesting thought alright :)

Years ago when i was younger i use to think that god and satan where just mirror image of the history of the human race with all its wars but mirror images where they both has rolls to play on all sides, so i guess now i would like to think just like those countries that fought wars against each other and are now living in peaceful times well most of them, that god and satan just like humans has a better understanding of the reason why peace has to live and be given full protection against those who are the true enemies of peace, i also believe that all religious faiths has a huge part to play in making sure that peace is encouraged and giving whatever protection it needs to live and grow so future generations will know no other way to live but in peaceful times, my positive thinking is still telling me that can become a reality.

Good to read that your religion Dementheologist and your code of ethics is giving you and other followers positive thinking and focusing your mind on positive meditation, religion to me has always been a deep conversation usually more questions than answers but i could always see the positive side to religion, now if they could all just get together and finish those books of theirs.

Thanks for explaining and still very interesting its almost like Dementheologist decode a multiple personality disorder that is within god, really good that.