Steven Kowalski
New Member
I want to introduce to you a theory. It's big, and it uses symbols. Symbols of notions that extend to the infinite. And it's both polytheistic and monotheistic in nature. All it is, is one big analogy. Atheism 245 to a kid. You look at what you see, and you see what you get. And if all extreme notions fall in line, your conclusions are correct. And if they happen to connect... It's a sign of the state of things. The upper hand of all properties extends. How could something so physical be inconceivable in the end. All of math is based on notions that are undefined. Many times they can be defined, but take a look and see how high you can go. To use the word, you just have to know - and the more you look into it, the closer you will come to the understanding of its essence. That is, unless, your mind just wishes to meditate on the simpler things. Too big, and you become lost in the stars. Either come back to where you started, or go out and take a higher, more organized view. There's still more though, and if that brings you fear, just drink a beer. Plenty of things happening here. No matter what you think, you're not stuck. Go somewhere if you feel you just need to get out. Everything is normal. Catch up with the people you know. The ones you've heard about and wouldn't feel ashamed to speak to. Everything is a mess at home. Nothing good. Something to ease the mind. It's no crime to feel the blues in a smoky bar together. Everyone hurts together, and it's comforting, no matter how selfish it is. Comfortable is selfish in nature.