That is a beautiful belief, UV. Thank you for sharing. I do consider that to be a god concept (not that you needed my approval, but just to clarify my own beliefs.)I do not worship anything in the exoteric sense.
I do not live in servitude to any 'other'.
I do sometimes "WerShape"
(shape/re'cast mySelf to forms of Personal Worth)
but that would be for another thread.
For me, divinity is everywhere,
waiting to speak. To Me.
Waiting for me, to divine.
Revealing itSelf in this or that.
gOd is the fabric,
the tapestry,
and the weaver.
The UniVerse is Divine.
I Am Divine.
We reflect that in each other
as thread and design
become I'm'age.
I am engaged in a mysterious relationship
with my surroundings.
I Am-- The I'm-age of gOd, Self Realized.
Video's are not so much evidence that the UniVerse is gOd,
as they are evidence that...
One more question, for my curiosity's sake. How do you define "divinity"?