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God the Programmer


Rogue Theologian
What logic would lead Him to believe that we would believe without any sign?

You believe in a singularity?
A lot of scientists do.

You believe that an object at rest will remain at rest?
An object in motion will remain constant?

Now focus on a singularity....at rest.

Still think there is no God?


Superabacus Mystic
As far as I can tell, that was entirely incoherent. You seem to be stringing sciencey-sounding words together for no purpose. Do you mean a technological singularity, or a black hole, or something entirely different?


Rogue Theologian
As far as I can tell, that was entirely incoherent. You seem to be stringing sciencey-sounding words together for no purpose. Do you mean a technological singularity, or a black hole, or something entirely different?

Try again to read Genesis.
Keep in mind the things you've read here.


Hamburgler Extraordinaire
No it doesn't.
Your perspective reduces God to an Almighty baby sitter.

From what I can tell, the people of the world are little more than unsupervised children. Its like "Lord of the Flies" down here. I swear, life is a school yard and the teachers are all out back having a smoke after leaving the bullies in charge of supervising. Sigh...so many wedgies...

You believe in a singularity?
A lot of scientists do.

You believe that an object at rest will remain at rest?
An object in motion will remain constant?

Now focus on a singularity....at rest.

Still think there is no God?

Are you saying that you think God is a black hole?...because I could totally get on board with that. Worshiping a black hole would be almost as cool as that religion that worships an undetonated nuclear warhead in that Planet of the Apes movie (at least I think it was a Planet of the Apes movie)


I think it's perfectly reasonable to make that assertion.

Any instance in which suffering could arise you just add more code to stop it.

I found your post interesting. And it does make sense.

I dont know about all, but some believers think that way too. All patterns of knowledge do somehow make us think about the programming of the world, and well its just my opinion, i know nobodys going to agree with it here but here it is.

The instances where sufferings could arise, could be avoided by incorporating these kinds of codes.

1) Code of avoiding that suffering altogether (like being prepared beforehand)

2) Code of coping, overcoming, and coming out stronger AFTER that suffering.( code of acquiring immunity)

3) Code of No pain, no sensation which isn't a good code (and nullifies all other codes) because it hinders evolution and survival of the fittest. like if i got hit by a truck and lost my limbs, i'd be fine walking around(oops how? yeah drag!) limbless, if there's no pain, but do i improve my life like that? A lion will come and eat me up, who cares! I got no pain!I wont spend money on my health, i'd just eat and do what i like if the lion spares me, or be glad i got chosen by the Lion, he doesn't really eat just about everybody you know :p

Where's the human Progress in that code? No medicine, no Vaccines, no doctors, no nurses, no steps towards human welfare, because no need or requirement for it? No love no pain. & No Love again.So what then? Why would humans want to survive and how lack of pain is going to affect their lives in a better way? health industry is closed. what is the rest of the world going to do? eat humans for fun? Do you think a painless code could maintain peace, harmony and any morality in the world? would people not kill, torture and inflict each other more owing to that code? I think the whole world will die in just ten yrs max. Is that the wonderful world we are looking for?

Believers may have a code already and they practice it , and it has amazing results for us :) I'd be really interested though in what science has to bring to the table.

We call it Patience :)

Scientific or not, it works. Maybe scientist will arrive on suffering combating codes in like a hundered of years, hopefully, But I'm glad I still Had somewhat of a code to work for me instead of waiting around for another hundered years in suffering .


Rogue Theologian
All this talk about pain and suffering...and blaming God for it.

Man has known for centuries how to escape pain.
It's called....opium.

Every piece of the 'program' has a counterpart.
If it is escape you are looking for...it's yours for the taking.
It's your fellow man getting in the way.

What God rendered He did quite well.
Your lack of acceptance doesn't mean He doesn't exist.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
I found your post interesting. And it does make sense.

Where's the human Progress in that code? No medicine, no Vaccines, no doctors, no nurses, no steps towards human welfare, because no need or requirement for it? No love no pain. & No Love again.So what then? Why would humans want to survive and how lack of pain is going to affect their lives in a better way? health industry is closed. what is the rest of the world going to do? eat humans for fun? Do you think a painless code could maintain peace, harmony and any morality in the world? would people not kill, torture and inflict each other more owing to that code? I think the whole world will die in just ten yrs max. Is that the wonderful world we are looking for?

Believers may have a code already and they practice it , and it has amazing results for us :) I'd be really interested though in what science has to bring to the table.

We call it Patience :)

Scientific or not, it works. Maybe scientist will arrive on suffering combating codes in like a hundered of years, hopefully, But I'm glad I still Had somewhat of a code to work for me instead of waiting around for another hundered years in suffering .

Doctors aren't needed in a world without suffering, but I don't agree that there would be no love. Why wouldn't there be love?

Also, don't you believe in paradise? Isn't paradise a place without suffering?


Doctors aren't needed in a world without suffering, but I don't agree that there would be no love. Why wouldn't there be love?

Also, don't you believe in paradise? Isn't paradise a place without suffering?

yes I do, but i was speaking in context of what you said earlier that God could erase suffering if the codes got changed, since He knows the programming so its just really nothing for him to change the codes for a better programme. And that we could de-code that programming too( i sincerely doubt that, having a bit of knowledge of human sciences)

To some extent, God does change the codes of suffering even now , it just goes without much noticing. Like at age of 6 months, the infant, starts loosing his fetal acquired immunity(from the mother) for combating disease, and acquires newer, stronger immunity needed for survival all the way to adulthood, with better codes continuously being incorporated in his physical combat system. Then there are vaccines( all of them come from natural resources) which help build immunity.(yes we are grateful to science for that discovery)

Then there are so many bacterial and viral diseases, by which if one does get infected Once in their life, they provide immunity against the same virus/bacteria for the rest of the life. Except the strong viruses that have been mutated( reasons still under debate).e.g

Origin of HIV Virus/ Etiology

The origin of the HIV is probably the most controversial and most debated subject in the medical community and in society in general. At the 1996 Eighth Annual Houston Conference on AIDS in America, Howard B. Urnovitz, M.D, a microbiologist, challenged medical science to prove wrong his theory that the human immunodeficiency virus Type-1 (HIV-1) is a monkey-human hybrid that was created after 300,000 Africans were injected between 1957 and 1959 with quantities of experimental live oral polio vaccines contaminated with different monkey viruses.
A similar stance was taken by journalist Edward Hooper in his book 'The River: Journey to the source of AIDS' in which he links the onset of AIDS to a mass polio vaccination in the 1950's when many Africans were injected with an experimental vaccine derived from monkey organs. In 1998 the media alerted the public to further evidence that AIDS started in Africa.

YardFlex.com: HIV/ AIDS FACTS...and yes...you need to know

(Please read the whole article, those who would). So, one can say that the naturally occurring viruses, and bacteria do find a cure mostly, except those which seem to have been engineered to combat the cure. offcorse God could stop that too, but i guess He has his ways of elevating human awareness and knowledge about somethings so that they did not take everything for granted.

And as for Love, when there will be no sensation perceptible in human mind to SENSE pain, human mind cannot sense anything else too, can there be then, Any feeling of love and happiness? I'm sure everyone knows that the nerve tracks to all sensations are called 'sensory nerve tracks' and ALL senses, ALL of them, ( of hot,cold, joyness and sadness ,vision, hearing ,touch, pleasure) travel through THESE tracks to the perception of mind. Unless humans could create parallel sensations, and incorporate them in Exactly the same highly complex pattern as they do exist AND make them work too for compensating the loss of good sensation, hardly possible to even start thinking over this one. It would require human mind to be dead, for that kind of a thing to be experimented and applied on him.

So with current knowledge that we do have, To eliminate the sensation of pain, one can ONLY just numb the tracks entirely so that no pain got felt ( why do you think drug abusers use substance abuse? it blocks all their pain sensations and their reasoning and thought process) And that numbness and freezing of 'sensation travel' permanently , is going to Block all sensations which are related to eating, drinking, romance, Love, pure joy and feelings of sadness and suffering. So is life going to be really pleasurable if all of that happened?
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Superabacus Mystic
And as for Love, when there will be no sensation perceptible in human mind to SENSE pain, human mind cannot sense anything else too
This statement is entirely unsupported, and your entire argument appears to rest on it being true. Please go back to the drawing board and try again.


Rogue Theologian
This statement is entirely unsupported, and your entire argument appears to rest on it being true. Please go back to the drawing board and try again.

And most of your discussion is misdirected.
You go on at length about what you know, and you rest assured because some of it can be repeated as an experiment.

But people of faith, though we love science, do not use science to bolster a lack of faith.
Quite the opposite.
God did it.

Dismissing someone else's discussion as unsupported is .....stubborn?
for lack of a kinder word.

Meow Mix

Chatte Féministe
And most of your discussion is misdirected.
You go on at length about what you know, and you rest assured because some of it can be repeated as an experiment.

But people of faith, though we love science, do not use science to bolster a lack of faith.
Quite the opposite.
God did it.

Dismissing someone else's discussion as unsupported is .....stubborn?
for lack of a kinder word.

If you believe in discussing without even bothering to try to support your argument please let me know so I never waste my time...


Spiritual Tour Guide
And most of your discussion is misdirected.
You go on at length about what you know, and you rest assured because some of it can be repeated as an experiment.

But people of faith, though we love science, do not use science to bolster a lack of faith.
Quite the opposite.
God did it.

Dismissing someone else's discussion as unsupported is .....stubborn?
for lack of a kinder word.

A Christian Scientist...the only problem with that being possible is...Where your religion starts, your reason ends...To be a scientist, one must be willing to let go and move on from ideas or beliefs, once they have been proven false. Now your argument will be that science hasn't disproved your religion...the problem is, you’ll never know if it is has...Blind faith remember, corner stone of all self limiting types...:cover:


Rogue Theologian
A Christian Scientist...the only problem with that being possible is...Where your religion starts, your reason ends...To be a scientist, one must be willing to let go and move on from ideas or beliefs, once they have been proven false. Now your argument will be that science hasn't disproved your religion...the problem is, you’ll never know if it is has...Blind faith remember, corner stone of all self limiting types...:cover:

None are so blind as those who will not see.

And the cornerstone is....
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

No limit.