Well-Known Member
Early religions worshipped the Goddess, probably because the woman gives life. Do you think this will come to be again? I have noticed a trend toward Goddess worship is some religions. Assuming this would happen, how do you think this would change religion as we know it?
I think this has led to two things in Paganism/Wicca:
1) Paganism becoming more popular with woman (feminism); most of what I see about Paganism on the internet seems to point out that women more common than men in terms of number of adherents
2) Some people will refute this idea, saying that god/the godhead does not have genders, the god/goddess just represent their aspects
I don't think it would have much affect on non-Pagan religions (like Christianity), since they use doctrine/dogma to make men more favorable and also they claim that god has no gender.
I hope that makes SOME sense.