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God's opposition to homosexuality. Why?


Well-Known Member
After all, it isn't like they choose to fall in love with one another any more than heterosexuals do. It's like banning left handed people from heaven. Or should we just accept the fact that god is an irrational being?

We should accept that some people imagine an irrational God... yep.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
What I want to know is, if homosexual love "brings pain to God," why did He make us this way? Why did He leave us trapped between that and living a lie? Doesn't THAT bring Him pain?


New Member
Well there are practical reasons why this may be so. Lets not forget that the bible was written by people not God.. First, the Jewish people were always a small nation, surrounded by various nations constantly at war with them. It was imperative that a constant supply of sons were born to protect the homeland, homosexulaity would clearly have prevented this from happening.

Second its just anti-life, anti-nature. Nature, who is always naive and truthful shows us the male and female consummation even in the plant and insect life forms.. it is the natural order of life. Obviously if everyone one day decided to become homosexual human civilization would cease to exist, which is definitely against the Hebrew Gods commandment to procreate and fill the earth. I wouldn't say homosexuality is evil in and of itself, rather it is the consequences that would be deemed bad or evil..


Premium Member
What I want to know is, if homosexual love "brings pain to God," why did He make us this way? Why did He leave us trapped between that and living a lie? Doesn't THAT bring Him pain?
Maybe god just didn't want us to spread disease, as lepracy and I'm sure other diseases were prominent and mentioned in Leviticus. I don't know why they thought the behind or a woman on her period would be impure somehow.:shrug:


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Maybe god just didn't want us to spread disease, as lepracy and I'm sure other diseases were prominent and mentioned in Leviticus. I don't know why they thought the behind or a woman on her period would be impure somehow.:shrug:
What's that got to do with it?


Veteran Member
What I want to know is, if homosexual love "brings pain to God," why did He make us this way? Why did He leave us trapped between that and living a lie? Doesn't THAT bring Him pain?

apparently to some, pain and misery is a gift from god....


Active Member
Well there are practical reasons why this may be so. Lets not forget that the bible was written by people not God.. First, the Jewish people were always a small nation, surrounded by various nations constantly at war with them. It was imperative that a constant supply of sons were born to protect the homeland, homosexulaity would clearly have prevented this from happening

How's that then, are you suggesting that exponential population explosion is a myth?

Second its just anti-life, anti-nature. Nature, who is always naive and truthful shows us the male and female consummation even in the plant and insect life forms.. it is the natural order of life.

This is just not true. And if it's in your bible then it ain't true either.

Obviously if everyone one day decided to become homosexual human civilization would cease to exist, which is definitely against the Hebrew Gods commandment to procreate and fill the earth.

Are you having a laugh? As a bonefide homophobe I find this idea offensive

I wouldn't say homosexuality is evil in and of itself, rather it is the consequences that would be deemed bad or evil

So you would say homosexuality is evil in and of itself really, wouldn't you. Or, at least, I cant tell the difference.


Well-Known Member
i don't know about that.
consider segregation...if that line of thinking wasn't challenged where would we be today?
or maybe that isn't what you meant...

Awhile ago, I thought I knew what I meant, but now I'm not so sure.

How does challenging segregation tie in with an irrational God? Maybe you could say it another way for me.


Veteran Member
Awhile ago, I thought I knew what I meant, but now I'm not so sure.

How does challenging segregation tie in with an irrational God? Maybe you could say it another way for me.

sure...i'll put it like this.

if we accept a certain behavior then we condone it.
if we challenge the concept of god then there is a chance that the other side of the coin is heard, acknowledged and respected...

there is a segregation of sorts in regards to theism and atheism
the minority gets to sit out on the side lines while the majority gets to play.
will an atheist become president?
doesn't atheism carry a negative stigma?

did i do better? :)


Well-Known Member
Ah, now I see where we went off the rails a bit. I wasn't suggesting that we should condone belief in irrational gods, but rather that we should accept the fact that many gods are irrational. Sorry for the ambiguous wording (but what else can you expect from a guy with my screen name? :))

if we accept a certain behavior then we condone it.

Generally, yes. But I can accept that evil exists in the world without condoning evil. Language has its slippery bits. I tend to love those, even though they can interfere with clear communication sometimes. They're better suited for poetry or preaching.

if we challenge the concept of god then there is a chance that the other side of the coin is heard, acknowledged and respected...

Indeed. My only hesitation would be that I don't see it as a two-sided coin. I don't believe in God. Instead, I believe in as many gods as there are humans to conceive them. In my conception, God isn't an exterior Object or Being.

If that's still a little vague for you, think of justice. I don't challenge the concept of justice, but I often challenge individual concepts of justice.

But that's all probably just a niggle. I broadly agree with your statement.

there is a segregation of sorts in regards to theism and atheism
the minority gets to sit out on the side lines while the majority gets to play.
will an atheist become president?
doesn't atheism carry a negative stigma?

Atheism definitely carries a negative stigma, so much so that I've stopped calling myself an atheist, since it interferes with dialogue so badly. Plus, I don't believe in atheists. Or I could say that I believe everyone is an atheist, rejecting all gods except the one of their own personal conception.


Active Member
I didn't know that God opposed homosexuality. The first post on this thread quotes words written by man and not by God. God does not write words on paper, and never will. Show me the words written by God on paper, and I'll show you a forgery.


Veteran Member
I didn't know that God opposed homosexuality. The first post on this thread quotes words written by man and not by God. God does not write words on paper, and never will. Show me the words written by God on paper, and I'll show you a forgery.
I hope reading isn't your best skill. To quote the OP.
"If one accepts the passages cited as those inspired of god, and their interpretation in accordance with conservative Christian understanding, can anyone explain why the Christian god finds homosexuality "detestable" and worthy of "punishment of eternal fire"? "
In other words, if you don't accept the passages cited as those inspired of god, and their interpretation in accordance with conservative Christian understanding, there's no need to think I was courting your input. :D


New Member
Response to Crocusj -

How's that then, are you suggesting that exponential population explosion is a myth?

First of all, exponential population growth is a modern phenomena born out of the industrial revolution via cheap and widespread access to food and medical care. I truly think you missed my main point.

This is just not true. And if it's in your bible then it ain't true either.

Why do you say it is not true? Explain yourself. I'm not quoting this from the bible either, I'm observing this in nature herself. Do you see homosexual couples in nature?

Are you having a laugh? As a bonefide homophobe I find this idea offensive

Why are you so afraid of homosexuals? As a heterosexual I do not harbor any animosity towards them, and I certainly do not fear them. Maybe you have some deeper issues than you think..

So you would say homosexuality is evil in and of itself really, wouldn't you. Or, at least, I cant tell the difference.

Exactly.. your intellect is not capable of seeing the difference.
What I want to know is, if homosexual love "brings pain to God," why did He make us this way? Why did He leave us trapped between that and living a lie? Doesn't THAT bring Him pain?

Every person is created by God and is a child of God, but I don't think that means that God created homosexuality. It is possible that some people are born with a tendency to want to express love in a homosexual way, although I do think one's formative experiences in childhood may have a big impact for many. But say someone does have an inborn homosexual tendency. Does that mean that God made it that way? I don't think so necessarily. I believe at birth we inherit a package of physical and spiritual characteristics which are linked to the circumstances and actions of all those who went before us in our lineage. If we inherit a tendency to violence, it may mean that this was something that some of our ancestors were not able to overcome successfully. If you're a man who despite being married, can't keep his eyes, hands and thoughts off of other women, these are probably weak points of some of your ancestors as well. The question though is how we respond to the feeling and influences we experience in our lives. God would never just leave us stuck in a no-win situation. If I am overly violent, there is some course God has prepared to overcome that tendency, although it won't be easy. It's through searching our own conscience that we have to know if something is positive or negative, a force for goodness or not, although God is also able sometimes to speak to us through others or revelatory experiences (such as in prayer, or in studying the words of the Bible or other scripture).

Warren Clark

Every person is created by God and is a child of God, but I don't think that means that God created homosexuality. It is possible that some people are born with a tendency to want to express love in a homosexual way, although I do think one's formative experiences in childhood may have a big impact for many. But say someone does have an inborn homosexual tendency. Does that mean that God made it that way? I don't think so necessarily. I believe at birth we inherit a package of physical and spiritual characteristics which are linked to the circumstances and actions of all those who went before us in our lineage. If we inherit a tendency to violence, it may mean that this was something that some of our ancestors were not able to overcome successfully. If you're a man who despite being married, can't keep his eyes, hands and thoughts off of other women, these are probably weak points of some of your ancestors as well. The question though is how we respond to the feeling and influences we experience in our lives. God would never just leave us stuck in a no-win situation. If I am overly violent, there is some course God has prepared to overcome that tendency, although it won't be easy. It's through searching our own conscience that we have to know if something is positive or negative, a force for goodness or not, although God is also able sometimes to speak to us through others or revelatory experiences (such as in prayer, or in studying the words of the Bible or other scripture).

Then is "morality" or free will/behavior beyond God?