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Gods You'd Never Worship


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Human cultures have come up with all sorts of god-concepts throughout history that represent (or are) aspects of reality. For a moment, entertain the idea that all of these god-concepts of the world's culture and religions are true (in an ideological sense if nothing else). Of these god-concepts, which top the list of ones you would never consider paying respect to? Put another way, what are the aspects of reality that you dislike or disdain? Does the idea of honoring war make your pacifistic heart wrench in your chest? What about paying homage to a personification of chaos and disorder? Perhaps the hearth and home is too boring for your adventurous soul?

Bob Dixon

I'd never worship any gods but God!

But, for the sake of this thread... any god which exhibits human-like qualities is, to me, unworthy of worship. For example.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Satan and equivalents of the demon of christian cosmology.

I just dont trust the energy associated with them, and believe it is more "for dummies" and direct worship to worship deities that are not so strongly related to so damaging stuff and scenarios, even though I am sur e alot of people venering them may extract goodness from them.

I just don´t think there is only one spirit that harneshes the worship of "satan", and it may depend on who worships, to which spirit gains the power.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I'd never worship any gods but God!

But, for the sake of this thread... any god which exhibits human-like qualities is, to me, unworthy of worship. For example.

That is interesting. I've heard this a few times recently and it's prompting me to make a thread on it. I find it curious because a distinction can be made between gods actually exhibiting human-like qualities and humans attributing that TO the gods in order to better understand and relate to them. Certainly the Abrahamic god-concepts have been understood in human-like ways, yes? Creates something of a paradox, doesn't it? I relish paradox, but were I to incorporate this rule, it would just be way too hard for me to manage. :areyoucra


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I find the idea of deity worship to be unwholesome and somewhat unseemly, therefore worship of any god concept is absurd, in my humble opinion. In essence, people are only flattering their own ego's by pretending they are so special that the supposed creator of all has taken a shine to them.

Bob Dixon

That is interesting. I've heard this a few times recently and it's prompting me to make a thread on it. I find it curious because a distinction can be made between gods actually exhibiting human-like qualities and humans attributing that TO the gods in order to better understand and relate to them. Certainly the Abrahamic god-concepts have been understood in human-like ways, yes? Creates something of a paradox, doesn't it? I relish paradox, but were I to incorporate this rule, it would just be way too hard for me to manage. :areyoucra

You know what? You're right, yes.
I should've said, it is acceptable to worship God as long as you don't attribute human qualities to him.
As to "gods", I'm a bit averse to polytheism, myself, because I'm somewhat of a monist.


I don't go in for war gods, or gods that revolve around "obey me or perish". I also don't normally gravitate towards agriculture deities.


Well-Known Member
Human cultures have come up with all sorts of god-concepts throughout history that represent (or are) aspects of reality. For a moment, entertain the idea that all of these god-concepts of the world's culture and religions are true (in an ideological sense if nothing else). Of these god-concepts, which top the list of ones you would never consider paying respect to? Put another way, what are the aspects of reality that you dislike or disdain? Does the idea of honoring war make your pacifistic heart wrench in your chest? What about paying homage to a personification of chaos and disorder? Perhaps the hearth and home is too boring for your adventurous soul?

GOD that prescribes damnation for me, just for my beliefs or disbelief. Not worthy of my time.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Human cultures have come up with all sorts of god-concepts throughout history that represent (or are) aspects of reality. For a moment, entertain the idea that all of these god-concepts of the world's culture and religions are true (in an ideological sense if nothing else). Of these god-concepts, which top the list of ones you would never consider paying respect to? Put another way, what are the aspects of reality that you dislike or disdain? Does the idea of honoring war make your pacifistic heart wrench in your chest? What about paying homage to a personification of chaos and disorder? Perhaps the hearth and home is too boring for your adventurous soul?

I would never worship any God, but for the sake of this thread I am going to pick the Christian God. In fact, if I believed Christian mythology true I would be Theistic Luciferian.


Of course he did.
But I don't believe he is God (seeing as to how everything is "God" in non-dualism), so I don't worship him.
Revere, yes. Worship, no.

In the eyes of mainstream Christianity you're not a Real Christian.

No matter though,
so long as you're a Real Boy.;)

Bob Dixon

So how do Jesus and the Abrahamic god not exhibit human-like qualities?

I don't worship Jesus, and I don't think that God has any human-like qualities. My religious designation is "Christian", but it's a bit misleading, actually.
I don't believe in a personal God.

In the eyes of mainstream Christianity you're not a Real Christian.

No matter though,
so long as you're a Real Boy.;)


Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I don't worship Jesus, and I don't think that God has any human-like qualities. My religious designation is "Christian", but it's a bit misleading, actually.
I don't believe in a personal God.


The bible paints a very human god, with petty anger and jealousy, fragile ego, irrational, etc.

Road Warrior

Seeking the middle path..
I don't worship Jesus, and I don't think that God has any human-like qualities. My religious designation is "Christian", but it's a bit misleading, actually.
I don't believe in a personal God.

You can be a Christian and not believe in a personal God such as Nontrinitarian Christians or Deists believe.

Nontrinitarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nontrinitarianism (or antitrinitarianism) refers to monotheistic belief systems, primarily within Christianity, which reject the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, namely, the teaching that God is three distinct hypostases or persons and yet co-eternal, co-equal, and indivisibly united in one essence or ousia.
According to churches that consider ecumenical council decisions final, trinitarianism was infallibly defined at the First Ecumenical Council (the Council of Nicaea) in 325 A.D. Nontrinitarians disagree with the findings of the Council for various reasons, including the belief that the Bible as they understand it takes precedence over creeds, or that there was a Great Apostasy prior to the Council. Church and state in Europe suppressed nontrinitarian belief as heresy from the 4th to 18th century. Today nontrinitarians represent a small minority of professed Christians.

Just because a bunch of guys in 325 AD say Christians should believe "this way, not that way" doesn't mean they are right. Martin Luther disagreed with many of the same concepts and helped start the Reformation. Disagreeing in a personal God or the Trinity is simply a step further.