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For clarity I should state I reject the Abrahamic god that serves the basis of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - along with their tentacled denominations and related histories of internal conflict(s) - which all contribute to the global conflict (in some capacity) that has been prevalent in the M/E for many, many centuries.
When one is pressed to provide an explanation of how god could be omnipotent and omnipresent yet allow evil to exist, a diligent conscience will be careful to understand and/or at least consider what "evil" actually is. That is to say, what object(s) or states of mind would constitute "evil"? A perceived problem then arises: the problem of "good" and (vs?) "evil", and whence the latter(?) if god really only be the former? And here is where our Abrahamic friends shout: Satan! Such imaginations and subsequent fear of them is the basis for control under these institutions: fear, fear and more fear. (This notion of fear I will address separately in the future.)
However, one could consider this notion: by stripping it of its dogmatically instilled polarizations which constitute the "good" and "evil" and re-framing it as a solution rather than a problem, conflicts are resolved rather than created in a traditional "good" vs. "evil" mindset/framework as adopted by the Abrahamic followers. In other words: that evil exists is not (therefor should not be treated as) a problem, but a necessary solution in order for the good to exist. This draws attention to the yang and yin - one feeding from (and into) the other but working as one Whole: where will to bestow by one is perfectly equal (mutual) to the will to receive by the other, two as One.
There is a third to these two, too, however, that third is the will: one object (either) shared (or unshared) by the two. When the two fix upon this object and equally embrace it among them, then even the three are One - this is (the majesty of) creation. These two polarities being of will to bestow and of will to receive then find physical expression in the image and likeness of (what the Hebrew books of Moses calls) Elohim - which has an image and likeness (phallus and ovum) that is both masculine and feminine being the embodiment of bestow (phallus) and reception (ovum). Therefor what one refers to as "light" and or the phenomena of electromagnetism (in secular terms) inherently contains this characteristic and/or principle within itself: hence even imaginative inventors such as Tesla is said to have stated that everything is the light. This statement is more or less true: everything is light. This is why, in order to create a universe, one must start with the principle of light itself (even if not physically manifest): that is, truth which has no defined form and is only something ever "known" - can the same, then, not be said of what one refers to as god?
However this notion is easily perverted by those who then resolve themselves to consciously playing the role of all evil and "accepting" that only good could later come from it. This is, I argue, a state of mind shared in very high (and powerful) places on the planet: especially regarding different Masonic and/or idol-based cults that convince people of such things to be true - that playing the "bad guy" is just a part of the drama because, fundamentally to these people, there is no god (which may indeed be true, therefor exploited). This is what I call demonology, and I argue plays a great role in the entire god of Abraham pantheon (ultimately: M/E conflict), including Islam as the crown of "belief"-based stupidity and yielding to sexual perversions involving young women. This sexual degeneracy is but a subtle hint of the Edenic mystery of Eve giving the fruit to Adam: that is to say, the instincts of the lower animal nature overcomes the wisdom of the higher human nature. This "fall" is thus perfectly embodied in the life story of the prophet of Islam. The correlations are all too clear, but only to those who do not adopt/adhere to his idol: that of waging war and overcoming the "unbelievers" in jihad - a passion no doubt bred in (from) Judaism with their similarly nomadic lifestyle constantly growing ever unwelcome in the eyes of those who actually had established successful states: something Israel failed to do given the various destructions of its temples.
To put this global conflict into a rhetorical framework would involve essentially a group of people (who began as Canaanites) wandered the desert as nomads envious of surrounding 'states' and their... statelyhood. It is the same kind of envy an unmanly man might have for a manly man (these of course being generally subjective). So the nomads infiltrate and undermine other states from within and essentially take it over as their own. This is essentially how Judaism spread, with Islam being a rather perverted child of it which carries in it all of the same fundamental problems that Judaism has.
These two polarities (of bestowal and reception; male and female) are present within each being despite their outward (or projected inward) physical (psychological) gender: hence how gender dysphoria occurs and is increasingly rampant (it is part of the war being waged against certain nations).
So the problem, if it can be portrayed in that way, is not only a problem, but also a solution: understanding how these two polarities (are meant to) unite as one is the solution. The "problem" is when they are not, and one only need to look at the prophet of Islam to see what happens to a man when he is overcome by sexual perversion in which he sexually objectifies women even upon first sight (hence the hijab: the hallmark symbol of the oppressive nature of Islam regarding women).
And so (this) one can only imagine an existence wherein the 'state' is always headed by a co-regency between a Matriarch (female) and Patriarch (male) who rule as one. What is interesting about this is, this is precisely what the Egyptian Akhunatun attempted to install in Egypt: this king being the historical basis for the mythical Moses. The Jews essentially used the life story of Akhunatun as a precursory model for what we now know as Moses. As such, the "construction of idols" actually begins with the Jews and hasn't stopped ever since. What Moses was/is to the Jews is what Jesus is to the Christians is what Muhammad is to the Muslims.
As one who rejects all of these faiths, owing to their all being inherently idolatrous and based in projections of vicarious messianic interventionalist deliverance out of their own self-inflicted states of oppression: such states the defacto religion 'state' exploits and takes advantage of among its adherents. This is how religion works: make people suffer themselves and adopt a "belief" under which they suffer while telling them it is the solution to their suffering. It is like being sold sugary water as bug spray to keep the bugs away - a problem is being sold as the solution to create a perpetual bind. This is exactly the fundamental deficiency of the Abrahamic faith system(s): authority is the truth in such institutions, rather than truth itself honored as the authority (as is even consisted with the fiat lux: separation of light (truth) from darkness (untruth)). This is captured in the first day of creation for a reason: the light of truth comprehends the darkness of untruth, but the darkness of untruth comprehends not the light of truth. This is another way of stating what was already stated in the gospels which, while much therein contains things which are technically 'true', the claims surrounding the texts and figures involved is highly questionable.
This is the kind of discernment lacking in the herd-mentality "belief"-based way(s) of thinking, for "belief" is the very faculty which is preyed upon by the religious institutions. And herein we circle back to the problem-solution of good and evil: "belief" can never be intrinsically good, because if "belief" is exploited by another who uses this as a form of power *for* evil, how so then can this "belief" be good? If "belief" were removed, so too would those who exploit it. And this is the problem I see humanity is going to fight WW3 over: "belief". These religious institutions are still killing people who do not "believe" as they do: in books like the Torah, the Bible, the Qur'an; in idols such as Moses, Jesus, Muhammad; and in stories like splitting a sea in two, splitting bread in two, or splitting the moon in two. There is a great deal of division sowed by these religious figures: but as with the sugary water, the adherents still "believe" there is only one god (whom they uniquely worship/serve) and they are on the side of "good" while... whoever their enemy is is on the side of "evil". When two sides oppose each other in such a way: it comes to a battle between "us believers" and "those disbelievers" - hence my allusion to the upcoming global conflict.
Let me be the first to say, then: "belief" is not a virtue. It is the very thing being suffered by the adherents of the various religions - and each idolatrous 'state' is designed to function in this way from the start. In other words: the only power these religious institutions *actually* have on this planet is proportional to the degree to which "believing" adherents continue to "believe" the lies that are the bedrock of such institutions.
How far do the Jews/Christians/Muslims or any follower of the god of Abraham really take the problem of good and evil that does not fundamentally collapse into "believer" vs. "unbeliever" - "us" vs. "them"? That is the entire basis of the god of Abraham: division. This division (as manifest in the form of "believer" vs. "unbeliever") has already costed the lives of hundreds of millions and is trending toward it happening again. Why?
Because there is no god of Abraham and humanity is quite capable on its own accord of being this stupid and pathetic - worshiping books and idols instead of evolving and overcoming problems of the past that continue to plague humanity at present. Only a degenerate could imagine war as a means of peace - likewise only such a person could only mistake peace for something on the outside: peace begins from within, and where there is understand and seeing the reality for what it is, there is a peace in mind that conquers (the sum of all) fears, including the models and versions sold by these pathetic religious institutions that exploit others as a business model.
When one is pressed to provide an explanation of how god could be omnipotent and omnipresent yet allow evil to exist, a diligent conscience will be careful to understand and/or at least consider what "evil" actually is. That is to say, what object(s) or states of mind would constitute "evil"? A perceived problem then arises: the problem of "good" and (vs?) "evil", and whence the latter(?) if god really only be the former? And here is where our Abrahamic friends shout: Satan! Such imaginations and subsequent fear of them is the basis for control under these institutions: fear, fear and more fear. (This notion of fear I will address separately in the future.)
However, one could consider this notion: by stripping it of its dogmatically instilled polarizations which constitute the "good" and "evil" and re-framing it as a solution rather than a problem, conflicts are resolved rather than created in a traditional "good" vs. "evil" mindset/framework as adopted by the Abrahamic followers. In other words: that evil exists is not (therefor should not be treated as) a problem, but a necessary solution in order for the good to exist. This draws attention to the yang and yin - one feeding from (and into) the other but working as one Whole: where will to bestow by one is perfectly equal (mutual) to the will to receive by the other, two as One.
There is a third to these two, too, however, that third is the will: one object (either) shared (or unshared) by the two. When the two fix upon this object and equally embrace it among them, then even the three are One - this is (the majesty of) creation. These two polarities being of will to bestow and of will to receive then find physical expression in the image and likeness of (what the Hebrew books of Moses calls) Elohim - which has an image and likeness (phallus and ovum) that is both masculine and feminine being the embodiment of bestow (phallus) and reception (ovum). Therefor what one refers to as "light" and or the phenomena of electromagnetism (in secular terms) inherently contains this characteristic and/or principle within itself: hence even imaginative inventors such as Tesla is said to have stated that everything is the light. This statement is more or less true: everything is light. This is why, in order to create a universe, one must start with the principle of light itself (even if not physically manifest): that is, truth which has no defined form and is only something ever "known" - can the same, then, not be said of what one refers to as god?
However this notion is easily perverted by those who then resolve themselves to consciously playing the role of all evil and "accepting" that only good could later come from it. This is, I argue, a state of mind shared in very high (and powerful) places on the planet: especially regarding different Masonic and/or idol-based cults that convince people of such things to be true - that playing the "bad guy" is just a part of the drama because, fundamentally to these people, there is no god (which may indeed be true, therefor exploited). This is what I call demonology, and I argue plays a great role in the entire god of Abraham pantheon (ultimately: M/E conflict), including Islam as the crown of "belief"-based stupidity and yielding to sexual perversions involving young women. This sexual degeneracy is but a subtle hint of the Edenic mystery of Eve giving the fruit to Adam: that is to say, the instincts of the lower animal nature overcomes the wisdom of the higher human nature. This "fall" is thus perfectly embodied in the life story of the prophet of Islam. The correlations are all too clear, but only to those who do not adopt/adhere to his idol: that of waging war and overcoming the "unbelievers" in jihad - a passion no doubt bred in (from) Judaism with their similarly nomadic lifestyle constantly growing ever unwelcome in the eyes of those who actually had established successful states: something Israel failed to do given the various destructions of its temples.
To put this global conflict into a rhetorical framework would involve essentially a group of people (who began as Canaanites) wandered the desert as nomads envious of surrounding 'states' and their... statelyhood. It is the same kind of envy an unmanly man might have for a manly man (these of course being generally subjective). So the nomads infiltrate and undermine other states from within and essentially take it over as their own. This is essentially how Judaism spread, with Islam being a rather perverted child of it which carries in it all of the same fundamental problems that Judaism has.
These two polarities (of bestowal and reception; male and female) are present within each being despite their outward (or projected inward) physical (psychological) gender: hence how gender dysphoria occurs and is increasingly rampant (it is part of the war being waged against certain nations).
So the problem, if it can be portrayed in that way, is not only a problem, but also a solution: understanding how these two polarities (are meant to) unite as one is the solution. The "problem" is when they are not, and one only need to look at the prophet of Islam to see what happens to a man when he is overcome by sexual perversion in which he sexually objectifies women even upon first sight (hence the hijab: the hallmark symbol of the oppressive nature of Islam regarding women).
And so (this) one can only imagine an existence wherein the 'state' is always headed by a co-regency between a Matriarch (female) and Patriarch (male) who rule as one. What is interesting about this is, this is precisely what the Egyptian Akhunatun attempted to install in Egypt: this king being the historical basis for the mythical Moses. The Jews essentially used the life story of Akhunatun as a precursory model for what we now know as Moses. As such, the "construction of idols" actually begins with the Jews and hasn't stopped ever since. What Moses was/is to the Jews is what Jesus is to the Christians is what Muhammad is to the Muslims.
As one who rejects all of these faiths, owing to their all being inherently idolatrous and based in projections of vicarious messianic interventionalist deliverance out of their own self-inflicted states of oppression: such states the defacto religion 'state' exploits and takes advantage of among its adherents. This is how religion works: make people suffer themselves and adopt a "belief" under which they suffer while telling them it is the solution to their suffering. It is like being sold sugary water as bug spray to keep the bugs away - a problem is being sold as the solution to create a perpetual bind. This is exactly the fundamental deficiency of the Abrahamic faith system(s): authority is the truth in such institutions, rather than truth itself honored as the authority (as is even consisted with the fiat lux: separation of light (truth) from darkness (untruth)). This is captured in the first day of creation for a reason: the light of truth comprehends the darkness of untruth, but the darkness of untruth comprehends not the light of truth. This is another way of stating what was already stated in the gospels which, while much therein contains things which are technically 'true', the claims surrounding the texts and figures involved is highly questionable.
This is the kind of discernment lacking in the herd-mentality "belief"-based way(s) of thinking, for "belief" is the very faculty which is preyed upon by the religious institutions. And herein we circle back to the problem-solution of good and evil: "belief" can never be intrinsically good, because if "belief" is exploited by another who uses this as a form of power *for* evil, how so then can this "belief" be good? If "belief" were removed, so too would those who exploit it. And this is the problem I see humanity is going to fight WW3 over: "belief". These religious institutions are still killing people who do not "believe" as they do: in books like the Torah, the Bible, the Qur'an; in idols such as Moses, Jesus, Muhammad; and in stories like splitting a sea in two, splitting bread in two, or splitting the moon in two. There is a great deal of division sowed by these religious figures: but as with the sugary water, the adherents still "believe" there is only one god (whom they uniquely worship/serve) and they are on the side of "good" while... whoever their enemy is is on the side of "evil". When two sides oppose each other in such a way: it comes to a battle between "us believers" and "those disbelievers" - hence my allusion to the upcoming global conflict.
Let me be the first to say, then: "belief" is not a virtue. It is the very thing being suffered by the adherents of the various religions - and each idolatrous 'state' is designed to function in this way from the start. In other words: the only power these religious institutions *actually* have on this planet is proportional to the degree to which "believing" adherents continue to "believe" the lies that are the bedrock of such institutions.
How far do the Jews/Christians/Muslims or any follower of the god of Abraham really take the problem of good and evil that does not fundamentally collapse into "believer" vs. "unbeliever" - "us" vs. "them"? That is the entire basis of the god of Abraham: division. This division (as manifest in the form of "believer" vs. "unbeliever") has already costed the lives of hundreds of millions and is trending toward it happening again. Why?
Because there is no god of Abraham and humanity is quite capable on its own accord of being this stupid and pathetic - worshiping books and idols instead of evolving and overcoming problems of the past that continue to plague humanity at present. Only a degenerate could imagine war as a means of peace - likewise only such a person could only mistake peace for something on the outside: peace begins from within, and where there is understand and seeing the reality for what it is, there is a peace in mind that conquers (the sum of all) fears, including the models and versions sold by these pathetic religious institutions that exploit others as a business model.
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